Chapter 2 - 8th Grade Flashcards
King John 1 signs Magna Carta
Spanish Armada
Queen Elizabeth calls for a bible in every church
1497 John Cabot….
1st European to set foot on American mainland
1558-1603 Sir Marin Frobisher…..
Northwest passage
1577 Sir Framcis Drake does….
1st Englishman to sail around the world
1578 Sir Humphreh Gilbert fails twice to….
Colonize in new world
1587 John white….
Goes to Roanoke island and has first child names virginia dare
Why did Sir Walter Raleigh name the new territory Virginia
After Virgin queen Elizabeth
What India tribe live in Roanoke
What is a joint stock company
Several business men investing in A signal company to support colonizing ventures
1606 …
Charter is given to sail to new world
London company is N or S
Plymouth is N or S
London is S
Plymouth is N
Sets sail for Jamestown
Name 3 problems in Jamestown
Marlaria, common store system, and lazy colonists
1608 John smith..
Saves colonists with “no work, no eat”
1609-1510 was considered the “______” time
During starving time if starts with 100 people and ends with ?
John Rolfe?
Introduces tobacco to colonists and marries Pocahontas
What is capitalism?
(Free enterprise) government leaves individuals free to own businesses and make a living dependent on their own enterprise
1619…? (3 things)
Women come, black slaves come, house of burgesses
1624 _____ is revoked
Charter from London co
When the charger is revokes the king send a ___ governor
1676 is the _____ uprising with bacons rebellion