Studys Flashcards
Sam Stone study
A form of self report. (Structured Interview.
Sam Stine came and visited a daycare, then left and never returned. The researchers asked the kids to tell them everything from his visit. There were 4 groups of kids
Control group: The kids were not told about Sam in advance
Stereotype: Some children were given a stereotype of Sam
Suggestion: Some kids were given leading questions (did Sam do this?)
Stereotype and suggestion: Some kids were given leading questions and a stereotype of Sam.
2/3 of kids gave a dramatic testimony
Nursing rats study
Studying EpigenesisHigh arched-back nursing mothers tend to be responsive to their offspring
The offspring tend to have lower stress responses and they also tend to be high licking and grooming mothers
Low arched back nursing mother provide for their offspring but they arent overly affectionate
They tend to be much more responsive to environmental factors, higher stress. Their offspring become low licking and grooming mothers
Cross fostering studies
It dosnt matter who the mother it is, its who they are raised by. They took some babies and gave them to the high licking and grooming mom, they became like that, they gave some to the low licking and grooming mom and they become the same
Love Canal Study
Studys environmental effect on biology and developmentLate 1890s: project to further connect the niagara river to Lake ONtario
Was never finished
1940s-1953: Chemical dump site
After they covered it up and planted grass there
1954: Property purchased by the Niagara Falls City School District
They built two schools, and low income housing unaware they were sitting on toxic waste
1970s: Discovery of the long-term effects of toxic waste exposure
Living here was causing birth defects
The children who had been born to mothers living here had an increased rayte of defects and abnormalities
Low birth weight infants
High white blood cell count
Toxic chemicals in milk of nursing mothers
All the houses were destroyed in this neighborhood because the chemical waste will be seeping through the ground for decades to come
Repacholi and Gopnik (1997), study of desire
At 14 months old, gave the adult the cracker because the child likes crackers
-At 18 months old, they gave the adult broccoli because they said they liked broccoli
What is Keeneys et als study on stategy use?
Grade 1 children shown pictures of 7 items
Told them to remember three items during a break
Some children didn’t engage in a strategy at all
Some kids did engage in a rehearsal
Rehearsal improved memory
COuld train children with a strategy; however, they often returned to their old, less effective waysLimited use of attention strategies
Children were shown two pictures of houses side by side
Children had to indicate if they were the exact same or if there was something different about them
They look at random, they don’t use any strategy at all. (5 year olds)
When repeated with 8 year olds, they used more strategy, looked more systematically
What is wellmans study on strategy?
Looked at a group of 3-5 year olds
Shown three upsidown cups and a dog was hidden under one
Half of the children were told to remember where the dog is
Did use a strategy
Some kids would put their hand on the cup
Point yess no no
Stare at the cup that had the dog in it
Half of them were told to wait here with the dog
Didn’t use a spontaneous strategy because didnt know it was a memory task
Kept track of the strategies and rank them
What is DeLoache et als study on strategy
Measured strategies in home vs. novel environment
Tested 18- 24 month olds with big birds hiding spot
Find hidden toy on own
Find hidden toy with experimenter
Find toy when toy is visible
Strategies: Verbalizing, looking, peeking, pointing
Strategies were 3x more likely to occur in the lab
Bc its unfamiliar, they will produce more advanced behaviours
Strategy use is more likely when had to find the toy on their own
What is Miller et als study on utilization deficency
Children shown a number of boxes
Half had a pic of a house, half had circus car on it
The circus cars had animals in them
They had to remember the location of only the animals
The youngest children tended to open all of the doors
Middle aged children ignored the house doors, but they showed no benefit
The older children benefited from the strategy
What are three factors that influence wether children use startegies in a given task?
- Mental capacity
They use all their energyu on the strategy and dont have enough to remember - Knowledge base
Rich representation of individual items
Automatic retrieval
The more knowledge you have on it the more spontaneous you can use the strategies - Metacognition
The ability to think about thought
Kids who are more aware are more likely to use strategies
You have to be able to record your progress so you can update strategies
What is Hymovitch study (1952) on intelligence
This study with rats examined the impact of early experience on intelligence by comparing the performance of rats raised in different environments in a maze. Rats raised in stimulating, enriched environments made fewer errors in the maze, demonstrating that early experiences can significantly impact cognitive development4 groups of rats
1. Free environment followed by stovepipe
Lower number of errors
2. Stovepipe followed by free environment
Way more errors
3. Free environment whole time
4. Normal cage entire time (most deprived)
They were then put in a 12 point maze
What is the strange situation study?
This paradigm is used to assess attachment styles in young children. The child is observed in a series of separations and reunions with their caregiver, and their responses are used to classify their attachment style (secure, insecure-avoidant, insecure-resistant, or disorganized)
What is the potato washing study
Observations of Japanese macaques washing potatoes before eating them initially sparked debate about whether this behavior represented cultural transmission. However, subsequent research suggested that monkeys may learn this behavior individually, raising questions about the extent of cultural learning in nonhuman primates
What is the door study?
This study investigated whether young children would emulate even seemingly arbitrary actions when mimicking. Toddlers observed an adult opening a door with their foot, either with their hands free or occupied. Children in both conditions imitated the foot action, even when it was unnecessary, indicating a tendency toward goal emulation rather than precise imitation
what is the National geographic study?
This study compared the imitative learning abilities of chimpanzees and young children. They were shown a treat box that could only be opened by following a specific sequence of actions, some of which were redundant. Children faithfully copied the researcher’s actions, including the redundant steps, while chimpanzees skipped unnecessary actions. This highlighted the unique human tendency to assume that adults are intentionally teaching them something
What is Banduara Bobo Doll experiment?
This classic experiment demonstrated the power of observational learning on children’s aggressive behavior. Children who watched an adult model aggressive behavior toward a Bobo doll were more likely to imitate those aggressive actions, highlighting the influence of social models on learning and behavior
What is the Candy test
: This study investigated children’s lying behaviors by creating a situation where they could lie to avoid admitting a transgression. Children were left alone with a temptation (candy under a funnel). When the candy spilled, they were questioned about what happened. The level of sophistication in their lies increased with age, revealing the development of deceptive skills
What is the good vs. bad puppet study?
: This study investigated children’s lying behaviors by creating a situation where they could lie to avoid admitting a transgression. Children were left alone with a temptation (candy under a funnel). When the candy spilled, they were questioned about what happened. The level of sophistication in their lies increased with age, revealing the development of deceptive skills
What is the cultural difference in lying study?
This study investigated children’s lying behaviors by creating a situation where they could lie to avoid admitting a transgression. Children were left alone with a temptation (candy under a funnel). When the candy spilled, they were questioned about what happened. The level of sophistication in their lies increased with age, revealing the development of deceptive skills
What is Transdermal Optical Imaging?
This technique, used by Kang Lee, measures blood flow in the face to detect physiological changes associated with lying. It aims to develop a more reliable method for assessing truth-telling in children and exploring cultural variations in lying behavior
Metzoff and Moore Study (Neonatal imitation)
his study aimed to examine neonatal imitation. Researchers presented 3-day-old infants with various facial expressions (e.g., tongue protrusion, lip protrusion, mouth opening) to see if the infants would mimic these actions. The results suggested that newborns are capable of imitating facial gestures, implying an early capacity for social learning. However, the study’s findings have been difficult to replicate, and the interpretation of neonatal imitation remains controversial.
Rat Cross Fostering studys
These studies examined the impact of early maternal care on stress response in rats. Researchers focused on two types of mother rats: “high licking and grooming” (high LG) mothers, who are very attentive and nurturing, and “low licking and grooming” (low LG) mothers, who are less attentive. By cross-fostering pups (switching offspring between high LG and low LG mothers), researchers found that the type of maternal care received had a profound impact on the pups’ stress response systems, regardless of their biological mothers. Pups raised by high LG mothers developed better stress regulation, demonstrating the powerful influence of early experience on biological and behavioral development.