Study Questions Chap 1-9 Flashcards
Upright, Pyramidal and weeping are examples of tree ___ ___ that are important in selection
Growth habits
Some trees acclimate to shade conditions by:
1) Developing larger leaves
2) Developing thinner leaves
3) Variegated foliage losing variegation or foliage color tending to be greener
It is desirable to use ___-____ ____ because they release nutrients usually nitrogen over an extended period of time
Slow-release fertilizers
Characteristics used to identify trees (9 possible)
1) Form/growth habit
2) bark texture
3) leaves
4) flowers
5) Fruit
6) seeds
7) buds
8) leaf scars
9) scent
______ tend to be Air filled
_____ tend to be water filled
Species are often subdivided into ____ or ____ that have distinct differences from the general species
Micro organisms tend to congregate in the rhizosphere in part because
Sugar exudates from root tips and is a source of food
5 benefits of mulching around trees
1) Moderate temperature extremes
2) Reduce competition from weeds and grasses
3) Keeps mowers away
4) Maintain soil moisture
5) aesthetically pleasing
Driving vehicles across wet soil will _____ the soil and destroy soil ____ ____
Compact/pore space
If the soil is to ____, iron and magnesium may be in a chemical form that is unavailable to trees
A ____ ____ is a landscape feature specifically designed to collect and hold stormwater runoff
rain garden
Studies show that nitrogen fertilization can trigger a tree’s energy allocation toward growth sometimes at the expense of _____
3 limitations to trunk implants and micro injections
1) Limited to trees over 4” in diameter
2) Not suited for addressing micro nutrient deficiencies
3) Resulting wounds limit ability to repeat applications
_____ transports water and minerals.
_____ transports carbohydrates.
2 of the most important levels measured in a soil analysis are the ____ and the salt levels (especially in arid regions)
Foliar application of fertilizer is sometimes used to correct _____ deficiencies
6 tree health problems associated with flooding
1) root suffocation or death
2) soil organisms killed
3) Predisposition to other stress factors
4) root collar rot
5) tree prone to topling
6) Mineral toxicities
Wilting, marginal burning and dieback maybe symptoms of excess ____ ____ in the root zone
Fertilizer salts
Fertilization recommendations should be based on _____ _____
Element requirements
2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of drip irrigation
1) reduce water waste
2) Reduce soil compaction
1) Must be moved outward as root system expands
2) May become clogged
Disadvantages to sprinkler irrigation are high application rates and surface _____ created by water hitting the soil surface
When transplanting a tree the root ball should be ___ to ___ inches diameter for every inch of tree caliper. In general a root depth of ___to ___ feet should be sufficient
10 to 12 inches
2.5 to 3 feet
Transplant shock is mainly due to ____ stress from the greatly reduced root system.
Warm soil temperatures and adequate soil ____ are the optimal conditions for new root growth
Planting holes should be dug ____ to ____ times the width of the root ball at the surface with the sides sloping down to the diameter at the base of the root ball
2 to 3 times
In temperate climates the 2 best times to transplant most trees are _____ _____ and _____
Early Spring and fall
In areas where the soil is heavy clay plant trees with the root ball ____ to ____ inches higher than original grade
2 to 3 inches
3 adverse effects of topping include:
1) Excessive water sprout development
2) Weak branch attachment
3) Unnatural growth form
True/False–Trees that tend to “bleed” should never be pruned in the early Spring because doing so is likely to cause a major decline in vigor
When pruning palms, if older live fronds must be removed avoid removing fronds that initiate above _________.
The horizontal
3 adverse effects of lion tailing are:
1) uneven foliage distribute
2) Sunburned bark tissue
3) weakened branch structure
True/False–In the absence of included bark, the relative size of a branch in relation to the trunk is more important for strength of branch attachment then is the angle of attachment
When practical, temporary lower branches should be left on a young tree to help develop trunk _____
True/False–Codominant stems can represent a structurally unstable branch configuration especially if there is included bark in the Junction
Name 2 ways plant growth regulators are used by arborists
1) Reduce growth
2) restrict sucker growth
To maximize flowering, plants that Bloom on current season’s wood should be pruned prior to _____ _____ or in the summer after Bloom has occurred. Plants that Bloom on last season’s wood should be pruned just after _____
Leaf emergence
Because pruning removes leaves and reduces the overall photosynthetic capacity of a tree it also reduces _____
Name 8 common reasons for removing limbs from trees
1) Dead
2) diseased
3) hazardous
4) crossing
5) thinning for light or air penetration
6) weight reduction
7) Size reduction
8) obstructing signs, views, Clearance etc
Name 3 instances in which cabling might be called for in a tree.
a) support a weak crotch
b) support for a mulit-stemmed tree
c) weak-wooded tree
As a general, rule cables should be installed _____-_____ the distance from the weak branch union to the top of the tree, as long as the wood is solid and large enough to install the hardware.
Dead-end hardware such as _____ _____or _____ _____ can be used as anchors in smaller branches that are not decayed.
Lag hooks or lag eyes
In decayed wood or limbs greater than 8 inches in diameter _____ _____ or _____ _____ with _____-_____ _____ must be used to attach cables.
eye bolts or threaded rods with amon-eye nuts
If a tree has a crown radius smaller than ____ feet only one conductor is required.
Name 3 circumstances in which lightning protection for trees might be recommended.
a) Historic tree
b) valuable tree
c) trees that are prone to strikes within golf course, parks, etc
Name and describe the 5 soil layers from top to bottom:
O–the organic player
A–has the absorbing roots and is biologically active
E–(when it exists) lacks A’s organic matter
B–accumulates matter leached from the above layers and includes parent material
C–just above the bedrock and is weathered parent material