study guide chapter 10 Flashcards
Characteristics of a Township:
a township is 6 miles square and 36 square miles, it is further subdivided into 36 sections.
ech section is 1 square mile, or 640 acres, each acre is 43560 square feet(pg171)
Point of Beginning -POB-
Point of Beginning -POB- The primary reference point in a metes and bounds legal
description of real property. (pg 164).
Townships and Sections:
Sec on 8 is two sections West of Sec on 10
Sec on 36 will always be North of Sec on 1
How do you find the acreage for a parcel from a legal description?
To find the acreage for a parcel from a legal description, you must divide 640 acres by
the denominator of each. 1 sec on = 640 acres. If a sec on is divided by 4, then you
divide 640 by 4 to get your answer. Refer to (pg 170).
Lot and Block-
Plat Survey Method-Survey method commonly used for residential
subdivision. (pg 173)
Assessor Parcel Number (APN)-
anAssessor’s parcel number(APN) is a number that is assigned by a county property assessor to uniquely identifies that property within the jurisdiction.
Every county has their own APN system. Miami: Folio#, Broward: Property Id etc. (pg