Chapter 7 keywords Flashcards
The Florida legislature enacted the Florida Americans with disability accessibility, implementation act, and 1993 to incorporate the architectural accessibility requirements of the Americans with disabilities act ADA into Florida law
Americans with disabilities act ADA
The Florida building code F.S.533 was updated to ensure the Florida standards meet or exceed federal ADA standards
What is blockbusting?
Blockbusting conssist of inducing owner to list or sell on the basis that the neighborhood is deteriorating or becoming transitional due to an influx of minority persons even usually have citation for lessons in racially transitional neighborhoods may be unlawful
this pertains to the sellers
The civil rights act
The 1988 fair housing amendment expanded the civil rights act of 1968 to include handicap and familiar status including the following:
. People with physical or mental experiments that limit major life activities, blind and deaf individuals may not be charged a higher security deposit or evicted because of Guy dogs or primate helpers.
. In individuals with drug addiction problems, however current drug users are specifically excluded from protection of the act.
. Persons with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, aids, and recovering alcoholics cannot be refused housing
. Women who are pregnant and people with children under the age of 18.
Federal fair, housing act
The federal fair housing act is officially titled the civil rights act of 1968 the civil rights act of 1968 expanded on the 1866 act and made the discrimination in the showing negotiation, sale, rental or financing of a dwelling prohibited one based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin
And I feel 68 the Supreme Court and Jones V.Maher rule the discrimination based on the race is strictly prohibited. This means there can be no exemptions or exceptions with regards to race.
Familiar status exemptions
Exemptions from the 1988 fair housing amendment include the following:
. Housing occupied solely by persons who are 62 years of age or older.
. Housing with 80% or more of the units occupied by at least one person who is 55 years of age or older.
. Housing for the elderly or poor that is finance or subsidize by state or federal government agencies.
The Florida residential landlord and tenant act
The Florida residential landlord and tenant act F.S 83 is intended to reduce inequities and confusion by defining the rights of landlords and Tennis in both residential and non-residential relationships the Florida residential landlord and act as divided into three parts part one regulates none residential tendenciespart regulates, residential tendencies, part regulates, tough service storage the primary focus of this discussion is there residential section of the act
Handicap status
The 1988 Fairhaven amendment expanded the civil rights act of 1968 include handicap and familiar status
Hud poster
The civil rights act requires broker to display a HUD(housing and urban development) fair housing poster in all places of business, including model, homes, and subdivisions developers using FHA programs must undertake an affirmative marketing program to attract a cross section of the community
National origin
The civil rights act of 1968 specifically prohibits discrimination based on race color, religion, sex, or national origin
Property report
Developers of 25 or more last must provide purchasers with the disclosure, referred to as property report before signing a contract or agreement.
The proper report provides current information about the property, including the state of the title and land use physical characteristics, plant availability of services and utilities, financial, and operating information and risks associated with buying the land
Protected classes
Race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicapped, family
Public accommodation
The ADA Americans with disabilities act, mandates design specifications for multifamily dwelling units to provide accessibility and usable common areas for people with disabilities the 88 also covers employment, opportunities, telecommunications and access to public transportation, public accommodations, and commercial facilities with the goal of eliminating barriers affect and individuals with disabilities
The civil rights act of 1866 prohibited discrimination on the paces of race. It was interpreted by the US Supreme Court of prohibit, all racial discrimination in the sale or rental of real property.
Redline is refusal by a lender to approve a mortgage loan based on a property being located in a certain geographical area, the age of the property, the income level of the residence, order racial composition of the area.
this usually pertains to lenders and insurance companies
Religion is one of the protective classes, and the civil rights act
Sex is one of the protective classes and the fair housing act in 1968 title VIII of the civil rights act
Steering or channeling individual directly, or indirectly into or away from a neighborhood or location in a multi unit, building on the basis of race, color, religion, Sacks or national origin.
It usually pertains to buyers