Studiesal Uge 1 Flashcards
Explain the main features of os coxae, and relate them to the articulated skeleton
Describe the correct orientation of the pelvis with the anterior superior iliac spine and the upper margin of the pubic symphysis in the same vertical plane
Identify/locate crista pubica
Identify/locate pecten ossis pubis
Identify/locate linea arcuata ossis illi
Identify/locate linea arcuata ossis illi
Identify/locate ala ossis illi
Identify/locate promontorium ossis sacri
Identify/locate foramen obturatum
Identify/locate insicura ischiadica major and insicura ischiadica minor
Identify/locate ligamentum sacrotuberale and ligamentum sacrospinale
What is the pelvic inlet/apertura pelvis superior?
The pelvic inlet or superior aperture of the pelvis is a planar surface which defines the boundary between the pelvic cavity and the abdominal cavity (or, according to some authors, between two parts of the pelvic cavity, called lesser pelvis and greater pelvis).
What is the pelvic outlet/apertura pelvis inferior?
Why is foramen obturatum not completely closed?
Foramen obturatum er som regel næsten fuldstændigt dækket af membrana obturatoria, en stærk bindevævsmembran, som kun har hul helt øverst i foramen obturatum. Dette hul benævnes canalis obturatorius og herigennem løber nervus-, vena- og arteria abturatoria, som alle sammen løber ned af låret.
What structures are transmittet through the greater sciatic notch?
The notch holds the piriformis, the superior gluteal vein and artery, and the superior gluteal nerve; the inferior gluteal vein and artery and the inferior gluteal nerve; the sciatic and posterior femoral cutaneous nerves; the internal pudendal artery and veins, and the nerves to the internal obturator and quadratus femoris muscles.
What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?
The sacroiliac joint is a synovial plane joint (glideled)
Are there variations in female pelvis morphology?
The shape of the pelvis often differs between males and females. A female’s pelvis is generally wider and more open than a male’s pelvis. This helps with vaginal childbirth.
Even among females, though, pelvis shape varies. Generally speaking, there are four main pelvis types. The type you have may affect the ease in which you can give birth vaginally.
- Genetics and environmental factors determine the ovarall shape of your pelvis
Name the types of pelvis shapes
The four different pelvis shapes are:
- Gynecoid: The most common type of pelvis in females and is thought to be the most favorable pelvis type for a vaginal birth
- Android: It’s narrower than the gynecoid pelvis and it can make labor difficult
- Anthropoid: The elongated shape of the anthropoid pelvis makes it roomier from front to back than the android pelvis. But it’s still narrower than the gynecoid pelvis. Some women with this pelvis type may be able to have a vaginal birth, but their labor might last longer
- Platypelloid: The shape of the platypelloid pelvis can make a vaginal birth diffucult because the baby may have trouble passing through the pelvic inlet. Many pregnant women with a platypelloid pelvis need to have a C-section
What are the major differences in the morphology of the bony pelvis in male and female?
What is the reason for differences in the morphology of the bony pelvis in male and female?
A male pelvis is designed to support a heavy body build and a stronger muscle structure while a female pelvis mainly serves for the purpose of childbearing.
Identify musculus obturatorius internus
Identify musculus piriformis
What are the actions of musculus obturatorius internus?
Abducts & laterally rotates the extended hip and abducts the flexed thigh at the hip, and stabilizes the hip during walking.
What are the actions of musculus piriformis?
he piriformis laterally rotates the femur with hip extension and abducts the femur with hip flexion.
Describe the placement and attachments of musculus obturatorius internus
Describe the placement and attachments of musculus piriformis
Where does nervus obturatorius arise?
Nervus obturatorius arises from L2-L4 spinal nerves and supplies the medial compartment of the thigh.
What foramen does nervus obturatorius pass through to reach the medial compartment of the thigh?
Nervus obturatorius pass though foramen obturatum through canalis obturatorius.
What is the pelvic diaphragm?
The pelvic diaphragm forms the muscular floor of the pelvic cavity.
What are the muscle forming the pelvic diapgrahm collectively called?
Musculus levator ani
How does musculus levator ani act during defecation?
While in quiescent state, the urethra and the rectum are mechanically closed at the levator hiatus. The muscle relaxes at the beginning of urination and defecation. By this means the levator ani muscle plays a crucial role in the preservation of urinary and bowel continence.
What is the anatomical region inferior to the pelvic diaphragm?
The perineum
Identify and locate membrana perinei
Identify and locate crus clitoridis
Identify and locate musculus ischiocavernosus
Identify and locate musculus bulbospongiosus
Identify and locate bulbus vestibuli
Identify and locate glandula vestibularis major/Bartholin’s gland
Identify the structures
Identify the structures
Identify and locate spatium profundum perinei
Identify and locate spatium superficiale perinei
Which regions are the perineum divided into?
Regio urogenitalis & Regio analis
What are the Bartholin’s glands (landulae vestibulares majores) function?
Their primary function is the production of a mucoid secretion that aids in vaginal and vulvar lubrication
What are the Skene’s glands (glandulae vestibulares minores) function?
The Skene’s glands primary function is to lubricate the urethra and vagina during sexual arousal
Hvad er fossa ischioanalis?
Fossa ischioanalis er den kileformede region, som ligger på hver side under diaphragma pelvis mellem canalis analis og bækkenvæggen.
Which motor and sensory nerves supplies the perineum?
The motor and sensory nerve supply to the perineum is derived from the
pudendal nerve (S2, S3 and S4), a branch of the sacral plexus.
What is the blood supply of the perineum?
Perineum fornynes hovedsageligt fra aa. pudendae internae, som på hver side lige bag ved diaphragma urogenitale afgiver a. perinealis til musklerne, og som desuden afgiver overfladiske grene til huden som rr. scrotales posteriores et rr. perineales. Desuden afgiver a. pudenda interna også a. rectalis inferior, som forsyner regio analis, især sphincter ani externus.
What is the venous drainage of the perineum?
Venerne følger arterierne