Student Development and Learning as a Process Flashcards
What are the 5 Theoretical Approaches?
Behaviorism, Social Cognitive Theory, Information Processing Theory, Constructivism, and Sociocultural Theory
This theoretical approach focuses on learning as a process of accessing and changing association between stimuli and responses.
B.F. Skinner, Edward Thorndike, Ivan Pavlov
This theoretical approach focuses on the ways people learn from observing one another.
Albert Bandura
Social Cognitive Theory
This theoretical approach focuses on what happens inside, considering the processes of learning, memory, and performance
Information Processing Theory
This theoretical approach focuses on people constructing or creating knowledge based on their experiences and interactions
Jean Piaget, Jerome Bruner
What are the two types of Constructivism?
Individual constructivism - how one person makes meaning
Social constructivism - how people gain knowledge by working together
This theoretical approach focuses on the combination of social, cultural, and historical contexts in which a learner exists have great influence on the person’s knowledge construction
Lev Vygotsky
Sociocultural Theory
Identify the theorist who developed “Taxonomy of Learning theory”
Benjamin Bloom
Theory: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Cognitive Domain (Knowledge)
Knowledge - to recall information/data (defines, lists, locates, recites, states)
Comprehension - to understand meaning (confirms, describes, discusses, explains, matches)
Application - to use concept (applies, builds, constructs, produces, reports)
Analysis - to separate concepts into parts (analyzes, categorizes, compares, debates, investigates)
Synthesis - to build a pattern from diverse elements (composes, designs, hypothesizes, implements, revises)
Evaluation - to make judgments (assesses, concludes, critiques, solves, justifies)
Theory: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Performance or Psychomotor Domain (Skills)
Perception Set Guided Responses Mechanisms Complex Overt Responses Adaptation Origination
Theory: Bloom’s Taxonomy of Affective Domain (Attitude)
Receiving Phenomena Responding to Phenomena Valuing Organization Internalizing Values
Identify the theorist who developed “Social (or Observational) Learning Theory”
Albert Bandura
Theory: Social (or Observational) Learning Theory
Children learn by observing others
Ex: Modeling
*distributed cognition - individuals learn better with others
Identify the theorist who developed “Discovery Learning” and “Scaffolding”
Jerome Bruner
Identify the theorist who developed “Learning through Experience”
John Dewey
Who was known as “The Father of Progressive education.”
John Dewey
Theory: Learning through Experience
Dewy = father of progressive education; promotes individuality, free activity, and learning through experiences; students should be problem solvers; students active decision makers in education; teachers have right, must have more academic autonomy
Ex. Project-based learning, cooperative learning, and arts-integration
Identify the theorist who developed “Eight Stages of Human Development”
Erik Erikson
Identify the theorist who developed “Stages of Ethic Care”
Proposed a stage theory of moral development for women based on Erikson and Kohlberg’s male oriented theories.
Carol Gilligan
Identify the theorist who developed “Theory of Moral Development”
Lawrence Kohlberg
Theory: Theory of Moral Development
Lawrence Kohlberg
0-9 = Pre-conventional = Obedience/Punishment; individualism, instrumentalism, and exchange
9-20 = Conventional = Good boy/girl; Law and Order
20+ (maybe never) = Post-conventional = Social contract; Principled Conscience
Identify the theorist who developed “Hierarchy of needs”
Abraham Maslow
Theory: Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow
- Physiological Needs
- Safety Needs
- Love and Belongingness Needs
- Esteem Needs
- Self-actualization
Identify the theorist (and Italian physician) who developed “Follow the Child”
Maria Montessori
Theory: Follow the Child
Maria Montessori
Believed that childhood is divided into four stages, which are divided into 6 year intervals.
“Stages of Cognitive Development”
Jean Piaget
Theory: Stages of Cognitive Development
- Sensorimotor (0-2y) Explore through sense and motor skills
- Preoperational (2-7y) Believe others view the world as they do; can use symbols to represent objects
- Concrete Operational (7-11y) Reason logically with familiar situations; can observe and reverse operations
- Formal Operational (11+) Can reason in hypothetical situations; use abstract thought
Identify the theorist who developed “Operant Conditioning”
B.F. Skinner
This theorist is known as “The Grandfather of Behaviorism”
B.F. Skinner
Theory: Operant Conditioning
B. F. Skinner
When a stimulus-response is reinforced (rewarded), the individual becomes conditioning to respond.
Identify the theorist who developed “Zone of Proximal Development”
Lev Vygotsky
Theory: Zone of Proximal Development
Lez Vygotsky
Determining the right amount of teacher help to give a a student so that they are challenged but not overwhelmed.
What word means “responding to a new event or object that is consistent with an existing scheme”
What word means “a process of behavior modification by which a person comes to respond in the desired manner to what was once a neutral stimulus”
Classical Conditioning
What word means “a process of gathering several pieces of information together to solve a problem”
Convergent Thinking
What word means “knowledge of what is”
Declarative Knowledge
What word means “knowledge of how to”
Procedural Knowledge
What word means “knowledge of when again”
Conditional Knowledge
What word means “one’s ability to explain new events based on existing schemes, which is usually accompanied by discomfort”
What word means “a process in which two or more learners share their thinking as they work together to solve a problem”
Distributed Cognition
What word means “the process of mentally taking a single idea and expanding it in several directions”
Divergent Thinking
What word means “movement from equilibrium to disequilibrium and then back to equilibrium again”
What word means “one’s ability to explain new events based on existing schemas”
What word means “a person’s ability to think about his or her own thinking”
What word means “a concept in the mind about event, scenarios, actions, or objects have been acquired from past experience”