Stuart Britain - 1640 - 42 Crisis to Civil War Flashcards
Crown and Parliment: Long Parliment, Triennial Act and Impeachments
Nov 1640 - Long parl meets, impeachment proceedings begin against ‘evil councillers’ Laud and Strafford
Feb 1641 Triennial Act - Parl had to be called every 3 years - C1 agreed reluctantly, concerning MP’s he would reverse the act
Crown and Parliment: The end of the Earl of Strafford
May 1641 - Impeachment lead to trial Apr 1641 - unsuccesful as Strafford was shown to only be following the orders of C1
Therefore Act of Attainder required - 204 - 59 HofC
To get it through HofL Pym’s Army Plot - allegedly group of catholic officers and C1 involved in plot to release Strafford
C1 forced to accept Act Against Forcible Dissolution (parl can’t be dissolved without its consent) May 10 to show he disapproved of plot
Mobs in Westminster threaten any against execution of Strafford - C1 signs - execution 12th May in front of a cheering 100,000
Religous Policy: Root and Branch 1, and bishops gone
Dec 1640 - Root and Branch signed by 15,000 asking for reversla of Laud’s reforms and abolition of episcopacy - parl reluctant to go so far, and other issues close of debate - unsuccesful
Jan 1641 - C1 agrees to remove bishops from PC
Religous Policy: Bishops gone again?, Puritan Root and Branch
May 1641 - Puritan Bill to exclude Bishops from the HofL is defeated in HofL due to Bishop and C1 influence
June 1641 - Root and Branch Bill to abolish episcopacy to presbyterianism - lack of support and many believe in church structure
Religous Policy: Division
Many angry at Laud but unwilling to be so radical as puritans and prebyterianism - though 1640-41 acts of decorated churches
Foreign Policy: Scottish Peace??
C1 to Scotland to arrange treaties and end rebellion
Parl against - didn’t want C1 to be independent of parl, and get Scottish help
10 propositions put foward - ie Parl to choose King’s advisors, and King to delay Scottish visit until props were agreed to
Concern over this as an attack on C1 authority and C1 unlikely to agree
Financial Policy: T&P and Ship Money gone
June 1641 - T&P gone
Impositions only with parl consent
Aug 1641 - Ship money gone in return for 6 subsidies and poll tax - removed financial independence of C1
Crown and Parliment: Prerogative Courts Gone
June 1641 - Important element of personal rule gone - abolition of the prerogative courts of Star Chamber and High Commission
Foreign Policy: Rebellion in Ireland
Oct 1641 - Irish murdered 200,000 protestant settlers?? (a lie) and had support of C1 (a lie)
2nd Army Plot by Pym - Catholic officers against parl with distrusted king - major panic in England and C1 fails to react
Crown and Parliment: Control of army
Parl divided - needed to take action, deal with rebellion and save fellow protestants in Ireland, but didn’t want to provide an army for C1 as they feared he would use it against parl
On the other hand - they had to respect the King’s Prerogative -MP’s Hyde and Culpepper felt oppo was going to far
Crown and Parliment: Militia Bill
7th Dec - bill provides army to C1 but parl gets choice of Commander - huge opposition to the bill encourages C1 as he sees a growing level of support
Crown and Parliment: Grand Remonstrance
Nov 1641 - Pym introduces Grand Remonstrance review of events of year, and reassertion of 10 props, including a demand that C1 only appoint ministers approved by parl - passed and presented to C1 1st Dec
15th Dec - HofC published the bill without C1 even responded - division as this was a huge disregard for royal prerogative
Succesful immeadiate impact - election to London council produces large majority for parlimentarians, and demonstrations to out bishops from HofL
Crown and Parliment: Tower of London
Dec 1641 - Lusford appointed as new Warden to the Tower of London - oppo as he was extremely brutal and dealt with demonstrations harshly
Crown and Parliment: ARREST!!!
Divisions in HofC clear and C1 had support - but was overconfident, angered by Reomnstrance and driven by rumours Pym was planning to impeach HM
3rd Jan - C1 ordered impeachment of Pym, Hampden, Holles, Haselrig, Strode MP’s
4th Jan - C1 with 300 guards attempts to arrest at HofC
Undermined growing support, and anger in HofC and London meant C1 had to flee
Foreign Policy: French Support
Feb 1642 - HM to France to seek forces and C1 to York
Crown and Parliment: Removal of Bishops
Feb 1642 - removal of Bishops from HofL amid petitions and demonstrations
Crown and Parliment: Military prep
Mar 1642 - Militia Ordinance - gives authority to Lords and Deputy Lieutenants in counties to raise local militias for parl
June 1642 - Commission of Array - local gentlemen arrange militias for C1
Crown and Parliment: 19 propositions
Extreme so aimed just to raise support rather than to be negotiated
Parl could approve appointment of all PC, could control foreign policy, religion, and lives of King’s children, could be reformed to the wants of parl and parl could have permenant control of the army
The start of a war
Aug 1642 C1 raises standard at Nottingham