STS QUIZ 4 Flashcards
is an individual person that makes up the society and is responsible for the researches and innovation available today.
The human being
Arsitotle said, “_______ is a rational animal because he can think and use reason consistently.”
-He is a creature whose destiny is to live in the spiritual world and physical world.
-He is made up of a material body and a spiritual soul, with a belief on the existence and to live in the kingdom of God.
Components of Human Flourishing
E 1. Environment
C 2. Character
H 3. Habits
S 4. Stories
P 5. Parenting
B 6. Brain Development
is defined as an effort to achieve self-actualization and fulfillment within the context of a larger community of individuals, each with the right to pursue one’s efforts.
Human Flourishing
is the highest good of human endeavors.
Eudaimonia or Flousihing or Happiness
Characteristics of Humans that Evolved Over Time
W 1. Walking Upright
U 2. Use of Different Tools
D 3. Domestication of Animals
C 4. Changes in the Human Body
C 5. Complexity of the Brains
S 6. Social Life
U. Use of Language and Symbols
The early humans raised animals for _________, _________ and ___________.
C- clothing,
M- medicine and
S- shelters.
The first animals to be domesticated were the _______, followed by the ______, and then ______.
He said, “No man is an island, entire of itself, every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.”
John Donne
MARTIN E. P. SELIGMAN formulated the ___________ where human flourishing is not only focused on the happiness of individuals alone but also in psychological well-being.
formulated the Well-Being Theory
5 Pillars of the Well-Being Theory
P 1. Positive Emotion
E 2. Engagement
R 3. Relationship
M 4. Meaning
A 5. Accomplishment
-This includes pleasure, rapture, ecstasy, warmth, comfort, and other emotions that contribute to the “pleasant life.”
-These are based on the emotions that later fade away when emotions are gone.
-We may feel very happy at one point and after several hours experience sorrow and pain.
-Emotion is an effective state of consciousness in which joy, sorrow, fear, hate, or the like, is experienced, as distinguished from cognitive and volitional states of consciousness.
She said,
“Emotions make us human, denying them makes beasts.”
This is all about the flow: being one with the music, time stopping, and the loss of self-consciousness during an absorbing activity, experiences which contribute to the: engaged life.
-Being fully engaged means doing everything with enthusiasm.
The feeling of satisfaction, flourishing or well-being can be experienced when we are in a relationship or with other people.
-Other people are the best antidote to the downs of life and the single most reliable up.
-The last time you laugh out loud or have that emotional joy, or great feeling because of an accomplishment, usually shared with ‘other people’ is an example.
Circumstances that Seligman researched includes:
M 1. money,
M 2. marriage,
A 3. age,
Y 4. youth
E 5. education,
S 6. sex,
R 7. religion, and
S 8. social life.
-Human being want a “meaningful life,” like belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than you are.
-This is to prove your meaning or purpose with other people.
-A meaningful life is based on man’s value or worth.
-When one loses someone very important, that person sees life as meaningless.
-On the other hand, if one feels needed and important to someone, that person wants to live longer and value life
-is defined as something that is successful, or that is achieved after a lot of work or efforts.
-The “achieving life” is dedicated
-often pursued for its own sake, even when it brings no positive emotion, no meaning, and nothing in the way of positive relationships.