PST Agenda – or RDA have 5 sectors:
N 1. National Integrated Basic Research Agenda
H 2. Health Research and Development Agenda
A 3. Agriculture, Aquatic & natural Resources
I 4. Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology
D 5. Disaster Risk Reduction & Climate Change Adaptation
Established on 2017-2022 by the DOST with the government – is in line with AmBisyon Natin 2040: matatag, maginhawa at panatag na buhay para sa lahat.
The Harmonized National R & D Agenda
The Ambisyon Natin 2040 has 3 pillars:
M 1. Malasakit (enhancing the social fabric)
P 2. Pagbabago (reducing inequality)
K 3. Kaunlaran (increasing potential growth)
Six Programs of the NIBRA (National Integrated Basic Research Agenda) to support the Phil Development Plan, National Security Plan and the Science for Change Program led by DOST:
W 1. Water Security
F 2. Food & Nutrition Security
H 3. Health Sufficiency
C 4. Clean Energy
S 5. Sustainable Community
I 6. Inclusive Nation-Building
studies on watershed, water quality, accessibility and availability.
Tubig Program
studies on food safety and biodiversity
SAPAT Program - (Saganang Pagkain Para sa Lahat)
fundamental studies on potential sources of natural products, basic veterinary studies, and social dimensions on health.
LIKAS Program - (Likas Yaman sa Kalusugan)
identifies and characterizes potential alternative sources of energy (wind,
solar, hydro, biomass) for commercial viability studies.
ALERT Program - (Alternative Energy Research Trends)
focuses on vulnerable ecosystems, data analytics on natural phenomena, environmental and anthropogenic activities
SAKLAW Program – (Saklolo sa Lawa)
Inclusive Nation-Building program
ATIN Program (Ang Tinig Natin)
The collaborating agencies for Health Research and Development agenda are the:
P 1. PCHRD under DOST (Philippine Council for Health Research and Development)
N 2. NUHRA (National Unified Health Research Agenda)
PCHRD meaning
Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
NUHRA Meaning
National Unified Health Research Agenda
Research Priorities on Health Agenda
N 4. Nutrition
F 5. Food Quality & Safety
D 6. Disaster risk reduction
C 7. Climate change adaptation
The research priorities of AGRICULTURE AQUATIC & NATURAL RESOURCES agenda are:
- Agriculture - Forestry
- Aquatic and Natural Resources - Crops, Livestock, Aquaculture
The PCIEERD-DOST is responsible for this agenda and their research priorities are on:
F 1. Food and nutrition security
C 2. Countryside development
R 6. Renewable Energy
H 8. Human security
The PHIVOLCS and the PAGASA are assigned to evaluate research priorities on the observation and monitoring networks, technology dev’t and application of monitoring, modelling and simulation for improvement of:
M 1. Monitoring and forecasting hazards
V 2. Vulnerability and risk assessment
W 3. Warning and communication of information
T 4. Technology development
known as the Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009
-aims to provide a framework and support system for the ownership, management, use and commercialization of intellectual property resulting from research and development funded by the government.
RA 10055
D- 1. DOST- Department of Science and Technology
N- 2. NRCP- National Research Council of the Philippines
P- 3. PCHRD- Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
P- 4. PCIEERD- Philippine Council for Industry, Energy & Emerging Technology Research & Development
P- 5. PHIVOLCS- Philippine Institute of Volcanology & Seismology
P- 6. PAGASA- Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
P- 7. PCAARRD- Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural resources Research & Development
known as the Science Act of 1958
-focuses on the integration, coordination and intensification of scientific and technological research and development and fostering inventions, to provide funds and for other purposes.
RA 2067
Major S & T Devt Programs in the Philippines
B 1. The Balik Scientist Program
I 2. The Irradiated Carrageenan Fertilizer
C 3. The Cara-Vita Organic Fertilizer
E 4. The Electric Train Project in 2015
P 5. The Project NOAH
D 6. The DREAM Program
is a 50-million worth program that was distributed to farmers for free in 2016 and benefited 30,000 hectares of rice lands.
The Cara-Vita Organic Fertilizer
The Irradiated Carrageenan Fertilizer Funded by PCAARRD in collaboration between nuclear scientists and agriculturists had produced the Irradiated carrageenan fertilizer that boosts the resiliency of rice plants increasing the yield by
65 %.
was created to enhance the efficiency of public mass transport systems. It was adopted by the DOTC or Dept of Transportations and Communications.
The Electric Train Project in 2015
On___________, theagency launched the country’sfirst Filipino-made Hybrid Electric Train (HET).
April 24, 2019
is the primary disaster risk reduction and management program of the Philippines.
The Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazard)
-is a P1-Billion Comprehensive mapping project in 2012 that used the LIDAR system to effectively and accurately measure critical flood elevation and depth.
-It is also called the three-dimensional (3D) mapping program.
-It is considered one of the most extensive mapping systems in Southeast Asia developed by Filipino scientists.
The DREAM Project or Disaster Risk and Exposure Assessment for Mitigation Program