Structures Flashcards
Femoral Triangle is:
passage way from anterior ab wall to lower limb
transmission of:
femoral n
femoral a
femoral v
inguinal ligament
adductor longus & brevis
muscular floor
adductor longus
fascia latta
contents Lateral to Medial
femoral n (isloated)
femoral a
femoral v
contained within the femoral sheath
Femoral a
femoral v
inside the:
femoral canal
Femoral Canal:
contains lymph nodes and vessels
is a space that accommodates swelling of the femoral VEIN during venous return
IT band is:
thickening of dense fascia latta on lateral side
contributions to IT band from:
Glut Max
Proximal attachment of IT
Iliac tubercle
Distal attachment of IT
proximal anterolateral tibia
Gerdy’s Tubercle
Greater Trochanter Bursa between:
Glut Max and Greater Trochanter
GT bursa associated with:
deep pain in gluteal and lateral thigh regions
Ischial Bursa between
gluteus max and ischial tuberosity
sometimes called:
weaver’s bottom
Pes Anserin
Adductor Canal is bounded by:
covered by:
vastus medialis
Ad Long
Ad Mag
contents of Adductor Canal
Femoral a.
Femoral v.
Saphenous n.
Nerve to Vastus Medialis
Adductor Canal begins:
apex of femoral triangle
Adductor Hiatus formed by:
gap in tendon of insertion of Adductor Magnus
Adductor Hiatus provides:
passageway from Femoral A and Femoral V to pass from anterior thigh to posterior knee
once Femoral vessels pass through Adductor Hiatus they become:
popliteal vessels
anatomical axis of femur runs:
longitudinally along shaft
mechanical axis runs:
from COR of hip to COR of knee
medial rotators are muscles that attach to femur
anterior to mechanical axis
lateral rotators are attached to femur:
posterior to mechanical axis
the more the femur is internally rotated the more:
anteriorly positioned the mechanical axis becomes
this leads to:
more adductors will act as medial rotators
Pes Anserinus
Neutral Pelvis is
ASIS & pubic symphysis aligned vertically
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
ASIS coming to lie Anterior to Pubic symphysis
shifts nucleus p anteriorly
decreases diameter to IV foramen
Lumbar Lordosis is accentuated during
Anterior Pelvic Tilt
Posterior Pelvic Tilt is
ASIS coming to land Posterior to pubic symphysis
shift nucleus p posteriorly
increases diameter IV foramen
Anterior Pelvic Tilt can be caused by:
weak abs
weak hip extensors
contracture of lower back mm
hip flexion contracture
Posterior Pelvic Tilt can be caused by:
tight hamstrings
weak hip flexors
axis of rotation for Pelvic Tilt
medial-lateral direction
contents of deep Pop. Fossa
Popliteal A
Popliteal V
Tibial N
Com Fib N
contents of superficial Pop. Fossa
lesser saphenous v.
termination of posterior femoral cut. n.
lateral to medial vessels in pop fossa
common fib
tibial n
pop vein
pop a
Order to contents of Tarsal Tunnel
anterior to posterior
Tibialis Posterior FDL tendon Posterior Tibial A Tibial N. FHL tendon
Posterior Bursa of the knee are
Gastrocnemius-Semimembranosus bursa
Subpopliteal recess
Baker’s Cysts
Gastroc-Semimem bursa is between
medial femoral condyle
semimembranosus tendon of insertion
medial head of gastroc
is also called
popliteal cyst
Subpopliteal recess is between
popliteus tendon and lateral femoral condyle
Baker’s cysts are:
and can occur in:
swellings in posterior knee
posterior bursa or recess
baker’s cysts are frequent in
gastroc-semimembrane bursa
anterior bursa of the knee
subcutaneous prepatellar
subcutaneous infrapatellar
deep infra patellar
suprapatellar is between
femur and quads tendon
anterior synovial capsule
Subcutaneous prepatellar is between
sometimes called
skin and anterior patella
subcutaneous prepatellar faciliates
movement of skin over patella during flex/exten.
inflammation of this bursa is bought on by a lot of
excessive knee bending
Subcutaneous Infrapatellar bursa is between
patellar ligament and skin
inflammation bought on by a lot of
clergyman’s knee
Deep Infrapatellar bursa is between
patellar ligament and tibial tuberosity
it is separate from synovial cavity by
fat pad
plantar fascia extends_____ along plantar foot and from _____ and to ______
from medial and lateral calcaneal process
to MTP joints and bases of proximal phalanges
the proximal attachment to the calcaneal process is
specialized fibrocartilagenous tissue
fibers of plantar fas invest into ___ and limit
and limit the mobility of the skin
plantar fas stabilizes
longitudinal arches of the foot
plantar fas is under_____ during ____ &_____ particularly at _____
tension during weight bearing and locomotion
medial calcaneal process
Plantar Fasciaitis is source of pain with
inflammation to repetitive stress
microtears in fascia
collagen necrosis
angiofibroblastic hyperplasia
Plantar Aponeurosis is
deep to plantar fascia and densely packed collagen
attachments of plantar ap
from medial process of calcaneal tuberosity divides into 5 band
the 5 bands of plantar ap invest ___ and attach to ____
into skin and attach to superficial transverse metatarsal ligaments
proximal phalanges
joint caps
flexor sheaths
plantar ap is strongest and thickest
plantar ap supports:
longitudinal arches
heel fat pad is
specialized soft tissue designed for shock absorption
the area of the heel fat pad is
23 cm2
12-21 mm
internal arrangement of the fat pad is
fat filled columns oriented vertically
septae in reinforced with
elastic fibers
transverse and diagonally
appearance of the fat pad is
Extensor Retinaculum has two parts
superior and inferior
extensor ret maintains and prevents
long extensors close to the bone and prevents bowstringing