Low Extremity Muscles Flashcards
anterior compartment muscles do what?
Flex the hip and extend the knee
what are the anterior compartment muscles?
Pectineus ( also to medial compartment)
Quadriceps muscles:
Vastus Medialis lateralis intermedius rectus femoris articularis genu
muscles that insert into quad tendon into patella
vastus medialis
rectus femoris
Pectinus innervation
femoral and obturator
Pectinus action
flexes and adducts thigh
Psoas Major innervation
ventral rami L2-L4 prior to becoming Femoral N.
blood supply to the anterior compartment
Profunda Femoral a.
actions of Sartorius
Flexes Hip
Externally rotates Hip
Flexes Knee
Internally rotates Leg
Primary Hip Extensor
Gluteus Maximus
actions of Glut Max
hip extensor
lateral rotator of hip
stabilizes the hip and knee joint
insert into Greater Trochanter
Glut min
Glut Med
Primary Hip Adductors during locomotion
Glut Min
Glut Med
Actions of TFL
Internally rotates thigh
Stabilize the knee in extension through attachment of IT band
Deep Hip Muscles
5 short External Rotators
Piriformis Superior gemellus Obturator INternus Inferior gemellus Quadratus Femoris
all but Quadratus Femoris insert onto:
greater trochanter
Quad Fem. inserts into:
quadrate tubercle on the intertrochanteric crest of femur
All 5 Deep muscles do what?
externally rotate hip when Hip is extended
6 Medial thigh muscles
Pectineus Adductor long Ad brevis Ad Mag Gracilis Obturator externus
All innervated by:
Obturator N
Pectineus and Hamstring portion of Ad Mag
action of Pectineus
adducts and flexes the Thigh
assist with medial rotation
action of Ad Long and Ad brev
Adducts the thigh
assist is medial rotation and weak flexion
actions of Gracilis
adducts thigh
flexes leg
medially rotates leg when knee is flexed
actions of Ad Mag
adducts thigh
medially rotates thigh
Posterior Thigh general actions:
Extend the thigh, Flex and Rotate Leg
Hamstring Muscles:
Bicep femoris
hamstrings portion of AD Mag
All Hamstring originiate from:
Ischial Tube
Short Head of Bicep Femoris
All Hamstrings innervated by:
Tibial Portion of Sciatic
Short head of Bicep Femoris
2 Joint Muscles
Long Head of Biceps Femoris
most medial hamstring
actions of Semiten and Semimem
Extends Hip
Flexes Knee
Internally Rotates Leg
Semimembranosus insertions:
posteriomedial condyle of Tibia and
Oblique Popliteal Ligament
Oblique Pop Lig inserts into:
lateral femoral condyle
Oblique Pop Lig reinforces
posteriomedial and posteriolateral knee
Semimembranosus secondarily attaches to
medial meniscus
Short head of Bicep Femoris inserts into:
distal linea aspera and lateral supracondylar ridge of femur
the two tendons of bicep femurs attach to:
lateral side of fibular head
action of Bicep Femoris
Extends thigh at hip
Flexes Knee
Laterally rotates leg when knee is flexed
insertion of bicep femurs may be split by
Fibular Collateral Ligament at Knee
Superficial Muscles of Posterior Leg
Triceps Surae
Triceps Surae is
medial and lateral gastrocnemus heads
Deep Muscles of Posterior Leg
Tibialis Posterior
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexor Digitorium Longus
Primary Plantar Flexor is
Plantaris originates from
lateral supracondylar ridge of femur and oblique pop lig
actions of Plantaris
plantar flexion of ankle and flexion of knee
Popliteus from and to
proximal tibia and lateral femoral condyle
Popliteus secondary attachement
lateral meniscus via joint capsule
Popliteus orientation is designed for
Horizontal Plane Rotation
Popliteus can assist in
lateral rotation of the femur on a fixed tibia during knee bend weight bearing
medial rotation of tibia of fixed femur
much of the lateral rotation of femur for knee flexion during weight bearing is driven by:
Tibialis Posterior insertion
navicular tubercle
medial cuneiform
actions of TP
plantar flexes ankle
inverts the foot
supports medial long. arch of foot
origin & insertion of Flexor Hallucis Longus
inferior 2/3 fibula to to distal phalanx of big toe
action of FHL
plantar flexes ankle and flexes big toe
origin & insertion of Flexor Digitorium Longus
medial posterior tibia to distal phalanx of lateral 4 toes
Anterior Compartment muscles
Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Extensor Digitorium Longus
Fibularis Tertius
Lateral Compartment muscles
Fibularis Longus
Fibularis Brevis
Primary Dorsiflexor
Tibialis anterior
Tibialis anterior secondary action
Inverts the foot
Lateral Compartment’s main action
Evert the foot
Fibularis long insertion
plantar surface of medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
Fibularis brevis insertion
tuberosity on base of 5th metatarsal
Layer 1 of foot
Flexor Digitorium Brevis
ABductor Hallucis
ABductor Digiti Minimi
Layer 2 of foot
Lumbercals and Quadrate Plantae
Layer 3 of foot
ADductor Hallucis
Flexor Hallucis
Flexor Digiti minimi brevis
Layer 4 of foot
___ plantar interossei
_____ dorsal interossei
intrinsic muscles dorsum of foot
Extensor Digitiorum brevis
extensor hallucis brevis