Innervation/ Nerves Flashcards
Lumbar Plexus is
ventral rami of T12 L1-L4
Postganglionic Gray Rami communicates from:
sympathetic chain ganglia
they are conveyed to bodywall & lower limbs by way of :
ventral rami of the lumbar and sacral plexus
Subcostal N.
Iliohypogastric N.
Ilioinguinal N.
Genitofemoral N.
L1, L2
Lateral Cutaneous N. of thigh
L2, L3
Nerve to Iliacus
L2, L3
Femoral N.
Obturator N.
Sacral Plexus is formed by:
the union of Lumbosacral Trunk L4, L5
and Ventral Rami S1-S4
Parasympathetic Pelvic splanichs originate from
they follow the path but doesn’t contribute
Superficial Hip Nerves
Superior Gluteal
Inferior Gluteal
Superior Gluteal
gluteus medius
gluteus minimus
Inferior Gluteal
gluteus maximus
Deep Hip Nerves
Nerve to Piriformis Nerve to Quadratus Femoris Nerve to Obturator Internus Sciatic N. Posterior Femoral Cut. N.
Nerve to Piriformis
Nerve to Quadratus Femoris
Quadratus Femoris
Inferior gemellus
Nerve to Obturator Internus
Obturator Internus
superior gemellus
Sciatic Nerve
Tibial N. L4-S3
Common Fibular N. L4-S2
Posterior Femoral Cut. N.
Cutaneous Only
posterior thigh just inferior to popliteal fossa
the Post. Fem. Cut N. gives off:
Inferior Clunial nn. that gets the gluteal fold
Cutaneous Superior Clunial nn.
Cutaneous Middle Clunial nn.
cutaneous nerves come from:
ventral rami of the lumbar and sacral plexus
patellar tendon tap
calcaneal tendon tap
Innervation to the SI joint:
Dorsal Rami L5-S3
anterior hip jt capsule
femoral N L2-L4
medial hip capsule
obturator n L2-L4
posterior capsule
sacral plexus (L4-S4)
innervation to medial thigh
Obturator L2-L4
exception in medial thigh
pectineus and hamstring Ad Mag
pectinues gets:
femoral and obturator
hamstring Ad Mag gets:
Tibial portion of sciatic n.
Obturator runs along the medial margin of:
Psoas Major
branches around what muscle
Ad Brev
splits into two branches:
Anterior and Posterior branches
Anterior Branch of Obturator gets:
Ad Brev
Ad Long
Posterior Branch of Obturator gets:
Ad Brev
Obturator externus
Ad portion of Ad Mag
Saphenous Nerve is:
and innervates what?
cutaneous branch of Femoral N.
anteromedial leg and infra patellar region
terminal branch of Femoral N.
Nerve to Vastus Medialis
All Hamstrings innervated by:
Tibial Portion of Sciatic N.
Short Head of Bicep Femoris
Short Head of Bicep Femoris is innervated by:
Common Fibular N.
Cord Contributions to
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh
Posterior Cutaneous Nerve of Thigh
Tibial N. supplies these areas of
posterior leg and plantar foot
Common Fib runs along what aspect of the posterior thigh and only supplies:
Lateral aspect
short head of the bicep femoris
Com Fib supplies these areas
anterior and lateral compartments of the leg and dorsum of foot
Posterior Leg gets what innervation
Tibial N
Cutaneous innervation to posterior leg is from
Saphenous N
Sural N
Saphenous N comes from
and supplies area:
Femoral N.
Sural N comes from
and supplies area:
Tibial and Com Fib
Anterior compartment of the leg gets:
Deep Branch of Common Fibular N
Lateral compartment of leg gets
Superficial Branch of Common Fibular N
Common Fibular N runs along the:
and superficial to:
medial margin of Biceps Femoris Tendon
Common Fibular N contributes a cutaneous branch to:
posterior leg
Common Fib branches into 3 branches
Articular Branch
Deep Fib Branch
Superficial Fib Branch
Articular Branch of Com Fib is and supplies
most superior and proximal tibiofibular joint
Deep Branch of Com Fib does
Anterior Compartment
Dorsal Musculature
Cut to 1st dorsal Webspace
Superficial Branch of Com Fib does
Lateral Compartment (Fib Long & Brev)
Super Com Fib cutaneous innervation to:
lower anterolateral leg and entire dorsum of foot EXCEPT 1st webspace
Tibial Nerve is ____ and ____ in the pop fossa
lateral and Superficial
two ways Tibial N can be injured
in pop fossa or compressed in Tarsal Tunnel
Deep Com Fib N can be injured during
compression with inflammation and swelling in Anterior Compartment of leg
Superficial can be injured during
stretched from acute or chronic Inversion Ankle Sprain
Common Fib N. damage can impact:
all muscle of Anterior and Lateral Compartments
Foot Flat
Drop Foot
Common Fib N. damage can cause weak:
and numbness to:
weak eversion
along anteriolateral leg & dorsum of foot
Deep Fib N. damage ONLY
anterior compartment
numbness only in first webspace
Superficial Fib N damage ONLY
lateral compartment
loss of eversion
numbness along anterolateral leg and dorsum of foot except 1st webspace
ACL receives innervations from
branches of TIBIAL n.
Plantar fascia is innervated by
medial and lateral branches of Tibial N.
muscles innervated by Medial Plantar N
1st lumbercal
ABductor Hallucis
Flexor Digitorium Brevis
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
muscles innervated by Lateral Plantar N.
ADductor Hallucis ABductor digiti minimi Flexor digiti minmi Quadrate Plantae Interossei 2nd-4th lumbercals
intrinsic dorsum foot muscles innervated by
Deep Fib N.
Tibial N. enters the foot via
Tarsal tunnel
as it passes onto the plantar foot it first gives off
medial calcaneal branches to supply the skin of the heel
at the medial plantar calcaneus the tibial nerve then
splits between the 1st and 2nd layers of muscle
it splits into
medial and lateral plantar nerves
Medial Plantar Nerve cords
Medial Plantar Nerve innervates
ABductor hallucis
flexor Digitorium brevis
Medial Plant gives off
branches to the skin of the plantar foot
Medial Plant also supplies a proper
plantar digital nerve to the medial side of the big toe
a branch of the proper plantar digital nerve supplies
flexor hallucis brevis
the Medial Plant divides into
three common plantar ditigial nerves
the first common plantar digital nerve supplies
the 1st lumbercal
Lateral Plantar N. cords
Lateral Plant travels across
and emerges
the lateral plantar foot and emerges between the flexor digitorum and Quadratus plantae
Lateral Plant nerve supplies
Quadratus Plantae
ABductor digiti minimi brevis
Lateral Plant nerve then divides into
Superficial branch of Lateral Plant Nerve
Deep branch of Lateral Plant Nerve
Superficial branch of Lat Plant N. supplies
Flexor Digiti minimi brevis
3rd plantar/4th dorsal interossei
it also supplies cutaneous to
lateral plantar foot
it then divides into
two digital branches
these two digital branches are
a proper plantar digital nerve to the skin of lateral side of little toe
and common plantar digital nerves
Deep branch of Lateral Plant nerve travels with
plantar arterial arch across plantar foot lateral to medial along bases of metatarsals
Deep branch of lateral plant nerves sends muscular branches to
remaining interossei
lateral 3 lumbercals
and ADDuctor Hallicus
nerve to the subtalar joint
branches of Deep Fibular N.
cord contributions to Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Bicep Femoris
cord contrib to Adductor Mangus Hamstring portion