Structured Oral Flashcards
1 Min Community I am worried what the budget and staffing issues will do to traffic enforcement?
- The Dept. is facing tough budget issues, But we are using technology to assist our already low staffing. - to report traffic issues. - Focused enforcement on the highest crash intersections. - The red light running program. - Traffic’s Safe Passage Program that focuses traffic enforcement around schools. - Our Patrol RED Team (racing enforcement detail) focusing on speed contests and side shows
1 Min Community Your officers are rude.
- I apologize if you felt an officer was rude to you. - I hold my officers accountable and neither I nor the Dept. condone rude behavior. - The departments vision statement is to treat everyone with dignity and respect - All officers recently completed a mandatory professional policing class - You always have the option of reporting incidents to me, IA, IPA. Meet with me after so I can get the details and followup. - We are a very professional police the dept. but we can always improve.
1Min Community You are unfairly targeting ???????
- What you are reffering to is Biased based policing. - I can assure you that the Dept. and I do not condone that. - A recent independent demographic study was conducted that concluded that biased policing was not conducted by SJPD
1Min Community With your low staffing, how will you continue to deliver servixes
- Our primary goal is still to create a safe community for people to live and work. - Some low priority calls like property crimes may be handled by our CSO program. - Some non priority calls may be reffered to our 311 track reporting or online reporting or response by other City Departments. - But I can promise you this, we will always respond to emergency calls and with our GPS technology we will be able to send the closest unit from anywhere in the city reducing response time and increasing efficiency. - We will triage calls, taking high priority first so might see a delay in low priority complaints like music. - This has always been a Dept. priority and we will continue to make it that.
1Min Community Why do your officers continue to use Tasers?
- Tasers have been proven to Save lives and prevent injuries. - Tasers are a tool for officers to use against armed and dangerous suspects without resorting to deadly force. - Since the dept. began using tasers our workman’s comp cost to the city has decreased. - Injuries to suspects have decreased since we began using tasers. - We continue to have Command oversight and thorough investigations whenever we deploy tasers. - The taser prevents the use of the baton, less lethal impact munitions and lethal force
1Min Community Gangs are still a major problem in our area. What are you doing about it?
- We cannot arrest our way out of this problem. - We will utilize a process of prevention, intervention and suppression - We will collaborate w/ community groups, MGPTF, PRNS, VCET, GIU, Right connection, Probation, parole, faith based organizations. - We need to work together. - Starts with you the community, help us by going to reporting criminal activity, Graffiti reporting, call crime stoppers, call me. - Followup every 30/60/90 days
Structured Oral What is your role and expectations?
Role: - Be an active leader/lead by example. - Provide direction and remove roadblocks. - Educate myself and my subordinates - Open lines of communication, be a conduit between line supervisors and command staff - Facilitate and be a resource for information - Maintain a unified front Expectations: - Stay informed - Be positive - Hold yourself accountable - Act professionally and be respectful to each other and citizens - District/Division responsibility - Timely reports - Teamwork - No excessive UOF or biased policing - Work smart/do the right thing - Have fun!
Structured Oral How do we develop trust with the community?
- Come together during meetings to share concerns. - Engaging with community organizations and faith based groups - Have real transparency – provide info in compliance with SB1421 and AB748 - Train officers to be sensitive to community - Ride along program. - Partnerships w/ outside organizations (CPLE and La Raza) - IPA oversight on internal organizations - Use of force command review - Use of force dashboard - Procedural Justice/Bias Training - Deescalation Training - Continue keeping our own house clean with thorough DI investigations (lesson from rampart) - Tracking of UOF patterns and intervention. -We are a great professional organization, we just need to sell ourselves better.
Structured Oral How do you define leadership?
-Leadership is motivating and inspiring -Brining people together for a common goal -Have a strong work ethic, be fair and ethical, have integrity. -Healthy personal life -It can be broken into the 4 C’s: -Competency – Experience and knowledge to do the job (which I have with TL experience) -Character – Ability/courage to make a tough decision to do the right thing for the right reason -Compassion – Caring about the people around you (both officers and the community), provide acknowledgement. -Commitment – to job, team and dept. -No limit to what we can accomplish if we don’t care who gets the credit.
Structured Oral What Technology is available
- Infrastructure: - VOIP – voice over intranet protocol (skype) - Virtual desktops - Storage area networks (larger info storage) - Communication: - Ecom (microwave comm) transfer away from radio frequency - ECM (enterprise content mngmnt) – G-drive on steroids – shared info - Productivity: - SJPD.Org - Axon - E-Cite - Mobile ID - AFR – Rugged Laptops - GPS based CAD - Alert SCC - county wide alert system - Coplink – inter agency info sharing - Updated CAD
1 Min community Officers Continue to use excessive force downtown?
-Well let me put it in perspective According to IPA’s 2018 year end report: - approx. 338k contacts in a year - only 662 of all those contacts resulted in a resisting arrest/use of force resulting in only 46 UOF complaints. - However, any use of force is unpleasant and even those small numbers are still a concern of mine. -I will not tolerate any use of excessive force on my watch. -City and Dept have: - IA, IPA, Myself - Mayors advisory committee on UOF - BWC program - New UOF policies w/supervisor oversight and command review. - Random quality control spot checks - Early warning system - We are always striving to improve
Structured Oral BOI investigative tools?
- Virtual command center - Cell bright – cell phone forensics - Triggerfish – cell phone tracking - Crime connect online - Mobile forensics van – ICAC - IBIS – weapons/bullets - Track - MUPS - SVS - DATA systems - RMS, CIJIC, LEADS, Cadmine, Cal Gang, NCIC, Cal Photo - LPR system
Structured Oral What can command staff do to improve relationships between BFO and BOI? (Or do we feel that there is a problem with relations between BFO/BOI)
- This is more of a perceived problem, however there is always room for improvement. 2. Think more laterally – allow a sergeant in BOI to go straight to a sergeant in BFO to help with a problem without having to go all the way up the chain and back down but sufficient notifications need to be made. 3. Have BOI units take a more active role in identifying training issues and good performance, and take a more active role in patrol briefings.
Structured Oral How can we improve communications between sergeants and command staff regarding department goals, strategy, and general issues?
- Have more focus groups involving sergeants and command staff allowing sergeants to communicate information from the bottom up and then command staff being able to explain the reasons behind policy.
Structured Oral Leadership
-Leadership is motivating and inspiring -Brining people together for a common goal -Lead through example, strong work ethic, have integrity -Be a disciplinarian, hold people accountable, make sure that all discipline is swift, fair and equitable. -Healthy personal life -It can be broken into the 4 C’s: -Character – Ability to make a tough decision to do the right thing for the right reason -Competency – Experience and knowledge to do the job. (example) -Compassion – Caring about the people around you (both officers and the community), provide acknowledgement. -Commitment – To team and job -Take pride and in our accomplishments
Structured Oral Dept. Vision
SJPD is dedicated to maintaining community partnerships, treating all people with dignity, fairness and respect, and protecting their rights.
Structured Oral Dept. Values
- Integrity, - Courage, - Service, - Innovation, - Respect, - Diversity, - Excellence
1Min Internal/Structured Oral Ofc. as crime suspect?
-Notify Div. Commander - Notify IA commander -I will investigate this in the same thorough and complete manner as any other investigation. -I am not going to mix the criminal and administrative aspects of this investigation. -Purpose of thorough inves. Will be to protect the ofc. and the public interest. -Complete packet and submit to IA. -IA will not invest. Until criminal is over.
Structured Oral What have you done to develop yourself as a leader?
-Give definition of leadership -Previous occupation supervised 100 employees for 4 years, hired and organized their training. “learned don’t ask anyone to do something you have not done or not willing to do yourself” -Been a sergeant for 10 years. -Have always tried to take a leadership role on my teams and on calls. -Went to MERGE and became a team leader and Supervisor. Managed complex operations, motivated my team to perform under trying conditions, acted as direct supervisor when my sgt. was on vacation, ran operations outside the city had to coordinate with outside agencies and command staff, even city council on two occasions. -Trained and Led my eight man team in Urban Shield 50 no sleep high stress training exercise, learned teambuilding and motivating under the worst conditions. -Learned from both good and less than perfect sgts and Lts -Read and educated my self on leadership traits and historic examples of good leadership. - Never took an easy job, sought out challenges - Took on major programs - Bearcat 2 purchase - MERGE sim house design and build - Active Shooter RTF training management -Taser 7 acquisition