Structure of the Nervous System (Cranial Nerves) Flashcards
Crevice/trench on brain surface
Ridge on brain surface
Hole to allow structures to pass through
Choroid plexus
Lines the ventricle system in the brain and produces CSF
Falx cerebri
Longitudinal crescent-shaped fold of meningeal layer of dura mater between the cerebral hemispheres
System filled with CSF in the brain
Sac/cavity in organ or tissue e.g. frontal sinus, cavity containing air
Sella Turcica
Saddle shaped depression (Turkish saddle) in sphenoid bone, housing pituitary gland
“Brain” upper most region of nervous system, containing white and grey matter
Little brain situated at the back of the brain
“Membrane” layers covering the brain consisting of the dura, arachnoid and pia layers
Bones of the skull
22 bones
- 8 forms the cranium: temporal, frontal, occipital, parietal, sphenoid, ethmoid and maxilla
- 14 form the face
- > Orbit is formed from a lot of bones
What joins bones together?
Sutures e.g. coronal and sagittal suture
Slicing in half across
Down the middle
Side slice
Where is the coronal suture?
Joining the pariental and frontal bone
Where is the sagittal suture?
Suture that is at the top of the skull joining the parietal bones together superiorly
What type of joint is a suture?
A syndesmosis joint - fibrous
What happens if sutures do not close in babies?
There are developmentally cases where this happens and the sutures do not fuse. This can cause brain damage
Five layers of the scalp
Skin Connective tissue Aponeurosis Loose connective tissue Pericranium
Where is the scalp?
Outer aspect of anything from the meninges to the bone
Inner aspect of the meningeal layers
The dura mater
The arachnoid mater
The pia mater
What is between the two hemispheres of the brain?
The thick dura mater
What is the falx cerebri?
The crescent-shaped fold of meningeal layer of dua mater that descends vertically in the longitudinal fissue between the cerebral hemispheres of the human brain
Where does the falx cerebelli attach?
It attaches directly to the frontal/nasal bones and keeps the brain intact
What is the tentorium cerebelli?
Separates the main brain from the cerebellum; forms a tent shape at the back
What happens when people hit the back of their heads?
They complain of temporary or complete blindness
Cerebral hemisphere
Two folds: posterior portion of the frontal brain - containing thalamus and hypothalamus
Corpus Callosum
Highway of the brain
Where the inferior sagittal sinus lies on top of
Contains the cerebral-spinal fluid
Midbrain - superior
Pons and cerebellum
Medulla Oblongata - most inferior
Importance of the thalamus and hypothalamus
Connection between the pituitry gland the negative feedback centre
Where do the cranial nerves originate?
The anterior portion of midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata
What does the cerebellum contain?
The motor cortex and sensory cortex
Function of the frontal lobe
Weiner’s area
Auditory area
Broca’s area
Controls speech production, important for patients who have had a stroke
Motor area
For movement
Resides in both hemispheres
Sensory area
Can be stimulated to map
The larger the gyrae, the indication of where it is
Where do the meninges reside?
Reside around the brain and continue down the spinal cord
Sinuses in the brain
- Superior sagittal sinus
- Inferior sagittal sinus
- Right and Left Transverse sinus
- Sigmoid sinus
What is the blood-brain barrier?
The blood supply through the split of the dura layer into the sinus.
Specialised interface between circulating blood and the CNS.
Which drug acts at the BBB?
What are the arachnoid granulations?
Connection between the CSF and the venous sinus
Where do the arachnoid granulations reside?
In the arachnoid space
Function of the BBB
Protect the CNS by allowing only certain types of molecules to pass protecting the CNS from toxins
What is bacterial meningitis?
Bacteria causes inflammation of the meninges. The cell structures in the BBB are inflammed allowing openings and more molecules can get through
Drainage of the brain
- Superior sagittal sinus drains straight into the sigmoid sinus then into the internal jugular vein
- Inferior sagittal sinus drains into a straight sinus then the sigmoid sinus then the internal jugular vein
Where is the sigmoid sinus located?
By the mastoid bone
What do the arachnoid granulations pierce into?
The dura mater
Where do the arachnoid granulations exist?
Only exist in the brain
What is the function of the arachnoid space?
Where all of the CSF is being passed through
Where do lumbar punctures occur?
At the top part of the iliac crest, the safe zone is at the back. This safe zone is at L1 - L2 and becomes the cordray equina.
What is different about the cordray equina?
The pia mater has dissipated along the nerves by this point
What is the importance of the ventricles?
To fight infection as they contain the CSF
Lateral ventricles
Two which span from the frontal to the occipital
Swipe the whole of the midbrain
What connects the lateral ventricles?
The third ventricle
Sits towards the medulla
In the middle of the thalamus
What is the fourth ventricle?
The last ventricle that sits towards the cerebellum
Why are arachnoid granulations important?
To allow for a larger surface area for the exchange of molecules and blood
Composition of the brain stem
Cranial Nerves
- Olfactory
- Optic
- Oculomotor
- Trochlear
- Trigeminal
- Abducens
- Facial
- Vestibuloacoustic
- Glossopharyngeal
- Vagus
- Accessory
- Hypoglossal
How to remember the cranial nerves?
On, On, On, They Travelled And Found Voldermort Guarding Very Ancient Horcruxes
Nerves to remember
Olfactory (CN1), Optic (CN2) and Vagus (CN10)
What is the function of the vagus nerve?
Longest nerve in the body, controls hunger, satiety
Facial nerve
Movement, passes through one of the smallest foramen in the skull
Olfactory bulbs
Hungry and start to increase sense of smell
Circle of Willis
Arteries that supply the face and brain containing the internal carotid arteries