Structure IOs Flashcards
Structure of the League of Nations
1919: Covenant
58 members (originally 32)
- Assembly
- Council of the League
- Permanent Court of Justice
- International Labour Organisation
- Secretariat
- Special Commissions
key structure UN
24-10-1945 San Francisco conference
193 members
- UN General Assembly (plenary body)
- UN Security Council
- Economic and Social Council
- International Court of Justice
- Maribund Trusteeship Council
- Secretariat (with Secretary-General)
Structure UN GA
- subsidiary organs (committees that do the work: prepare, read)
- Councils
- Joint Inspection Unit
- UN Dispute Tribunal (administrative)
- seating arrangement: alphabetically + rotating
ICC structure
1998: Rome Statute
2002: operational
124 members
office of the prosecutor
prosecutor: lead investigation and prosecutions, are the lead diplomat and public face of the ICC
court of 18 judges elected for 9 years
- from different regions in the world, legal systems and gender
structure ICJ
1945 UN (earlier in League)
193 members
15 judges assigned for 9 year terms
- assigned by majority vote UNGA and UNSC (no veto)
- regional groups UN
2 possible ad hoc judges (if one of the parties in the dispute doesn’t have a judge of their nationality in the court)
The Registry = secretariat
organs WTO
1947: GATT
1995: WTO
164 members
Ministerial Conference
- highest decisionmaking organ with annual meetings of trade-ministers
General Council: trade officials, meet in various setting to discuss trade in goods, services, agriculture, intellectual property etc.
- meet more often than the Ministerial Conference
Small secretariat (~600 members): supports negotiations among member states
Dispute Settlement Body + Appellate Body
Structure UNHCR
main office in Geneva
Reports to the UNGA
executive committee of 79 member states (elected by the ECOSOC) meets once a year
IOM structure
council and committees with regular meetings (forum function)
Director-General responsible for supervising staff, setting the budget and overseeing operations
- elected by memberstates, always American, except now (2018 Portuguese): Trumps candidate was seen as racist and unqualified)
173 members
UN related since 2016
ILO structure
1946 in UN (earlier in League)
International Labor Conference (ILC)
Governing Body
International Labor Office (the Office)
WHO structure
194 members
- World Health Assembly (plenary body, pooled sovereignty)
- Executive Board (34 members for 3 years)
- Director General + Secretariat (daily activities)
- 6 regional offices = highly decentralized
OAS structure
35 members
!collective self-defense (1947 Rio Treaty)
complex structure with lots of different bodies constituted in different ways
General Assembly
Permanent Council of the Organization (executive body)
Inter-American Commission On Human Rights (takes individual complaints)
Inter-American Court on Human Rights (takes complaints from state parties and from the commission on human rights)
predecessor: Organization for African Unity 1963-2002
54 members
- Assembly: Annual meeting of
heads of
government - Executive Council
(ministers) - Peace
and Security
10 members
Charter since 2008
Secretary General since 90s (administrative functions)
- ASEAN Security Community
- ASEAN Economic Community
- ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community
1949: North Atlantic Treaty
29 members
predecessor: 4 march 1947 Treaty of Dunkirk (France and UK)
establishing a post-war Western European security arrangement
World Bank Structure (IBRD structure)
1944: Bretton Woods Conference
189 members
Board of Governors
- plenary organ: 189 members (each state has a representative ‘‘governor’’ and an ‘‘alter governor’’
- highest decision making body (membership, capital stock, distribution of net income)
- annual meetings
Board of Executive Directors
- meets more frequently
- decisions about lending proposals
- sets bank policies + interprets Articles of Agreement
- 25 members (6 largest stakeholders automatic seat (US, Japan, Germany, UK, France)
- operate by consensus
World Bank Group President (Ajay Banga)
- informal agreement that the head of the WB is always American (+ of the IMF is always European)
- head of the secretariat
- president of the IBRD and IDA at the same time
secretariat (large and growing)
independent evaluation group
- internal monitoring mechanisms that looks at how WB programs are designed in general
Inspection Panel:
- groups and non-state actors can submit complaints
- comparatively new (created after complaints about human rights violations)
- important monitoring mechanism that provides transparency
- other banks also implemented such mechanisms, it became the norm
IMF structure
1944: Bretton Woods
Managing Director
- traditionally always European
IMF secretariat
Executive Board: deciding on IMF loans + core body to make day-to-day decisions
- 24 members (8 permanent)
board of governors (financial ministers or central bankers from member)
- decides on the highest-level policy questions
- delegates power to the executive board
joined IMF-World Bank development committee
independent evaluation office (conditions under which lending can be implemented)
World Bank group
- IBRD: International Bank for reconstruction and development
- International Development Agency (IDA)
- International Finance Corporation
- Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
- International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
*IDA and IBRD core lending institutions to states
Council of Europe
47 members
- European Court of Human Rights
- Commissioner for Human Rights
- Secretary General
- Committee of Ministers
- Parliamentary Assembly
- Congress of Local and regional Authorities
- Conference of INGOs