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(PV) Chemistry Paper 1
> Structure & Bonding > Flashcards
Structure & Bonding Flashcards
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(PV) Chemistry Paper 1
(53 decks)
C2.1 - History Of The Periodic Table (Finished)
C2.2 - Electronic Structures And The Periodic (Finished)
C2.3 - Group 1: The Alkali Metals (FMock)
C2.4 - Group7: The Halogens (Finished)
C2.5 - Explaining Trends (Finished)
C2.6 - The Transition Elements (Finishedish)
Working Out Formulae
C3.1 - States Of Matter (Finished)
Structure & Bonding
C3.2 - Atoms Into Ions (Finished)
C3.4 - Giant Ionic Structures (Finished)
C3.6 - Structure Of Simple Molecules (Finished)
C3.7 Giant Covalent Structures (Finished)
C4.1 - Relative atomic Masses And Moles (Finished)
C4.2 - Equations And Calculations (Go back and learn calculations)
C4.3 - From Masses To Balanced Equations (Go learn calculations on kerboodle)
C4.4 - The Yield Of A Chemical Reaction (Finished)
C4.5 -Atom Economy (Finished)
C4.6 - Expressing Concentrations (Finished)
C4.7 + C4.8 - Titrations (Finished)
C5.1 - The reactivity series (Done?)
C6.1 - Introduction To Electrolysis (Finished)
C6.2 - Changes at the electrodes (needs finishing)
C6.3 - The Extaction Of Aluminium (Finished)
C6.4 - Electrolysis Of Aqueous Solutions (Kind of confused is water produced at eh)
C7.1 - Exothermic And Endothermic Reactions (Finished)
C7.3 - Reaction Profiles (Finished)
C7.2 - Using Energy Transfers From Reactions (Finished)
C7.4 - Bond Energy Calculations (Finished)
C7.5 - Chemical Cells And Batteries (Finished)
C1.1 - Atoms (Finished)
C1.2 - Chemical Equations (Finished)
C1.3 - Separating Mixtures (Finished)
C1.4 - Fractional Distillation And Paper Chromatography (Finished)
C1.5 - History Of The Atom (Finished)
C1.6 - Structure Of The Atom (Finished)
C1.7 - ions, Atoms And Isotopes (Finished)
C1.8 - Electronic Structures (Finished)
C3.3 - Ionic Bonding (Finished)
C3.5 - Covalent Bonding (Finished)
C3.8 - Fullerenes And Graphene (Finished)
C3.9 and C3.10 - Bonding In Metals and propeties(Finished)
C 3.11 - Nanoparticles (Finished)
C3.12 - Uses Of Nanoparticles (Finishedish)
C4.9 - Volumes Of Gases (Finished)
C5.2 - Displacement Reactions (Finished)
C5.3 - Extracting Metals (Finished)
C5.4 - Salts From Metals (Not Finished)
C5.5 - Salts From Insoluble Bases (Finished)
C5.6 - Making More Salts (Finished?'
C5.7 - Neutralisation And The PH Scale (Finished?)
C5.8 - Strong And Weak Acids
C7.6 - Fuel Cells (Finished)