Stroke Flashcards
What is the most common type of stroke
What type of stroke or statins recommended
Ischaemic not haemorrhagic
How can you differentiate between a haemorrhagic and a ischaemic stroke?
Brain imagine- CT scan with angiography
MRI with angiography
How would you find evidence of an atheroembolism?
carotid scanning, CT/MRI with angiography of the arch of the aorta
How would you find evidence of a cardioembolsim?
What cardiac arrythmia would you be looking for?
AF (paroxysmal)
Where does an atheroembolism infarct?
Same side as the affected carotid artery
Where does a cardioembolism infarct?
In more than one arterial territory i.e bilaterally
What should you suspect in a multiple bleed?
Maya mayo disease
cerebral amyloid angiopathy
What pathology should you think about in a young patient who suffered a haemorrhagic stroke?
What is a TIA
focal neurologcial symptoms that resolve within Ihr
MRI can show changes if symptoms last more than 1 hr
How should you manage an ischaemic stroke
consider thrombolysis
Aspirin and dipyridamide/clopidogrel
Anticoagulate if AF
contriol hypertension
What are the major modifiable risk factors for stroke?
smoking hypertension hyperlipidemia diabetes AF CHF alcohol obesity inactivity
What are the non modifiable risk factors?
Age family history gender previous stroke race