Peripheral Vascular Disease Flashcards
What are varicose veins a result of?
Dilated superficial veins due to transmitted deep vein pressure and incompetent valves
Name a superficial vein
What are the risk factors for varicose veins
what are some causes of varivose veins
primary- weakened walls
secondary DVT or trauma eg broken leg
What are the clinical features of varicose veins
Pain, cramps, tingling NOT pain lying in bed at rest
When is the pain worse in varicose veins
when standing
What are the possible complications of varicose veind
chronic veinous insufficiency
What is chronic venous insufficiency?
Irreversible skin damage as a result of sustained ambulatory venous hypertension
What is chronic venous ulceration
a break in the skin present for six wks due to venous disease
What are the features of chronic venous insufficiency
haemosiderin deposits
What is haemosiderin deposits
RBC leakage and breakdown
What is lipodermatosclerosis
white cells
fibrosis and hardening of the superficial fat
How are these conditions managed
compression stockings- not in arterial disease!
foam sclerotherapy
What is intermittent claudication
insufficient blood reaches the muscles during exercise resulting in pain relieved by rest ie muscle ischaemi- like angina
What investigations can be done in claudication
Ankle brachial pressure index - the lower it is the more severe (ankle pressure/brachial p)
duplex scan
MR or CT angiography