STRIKE Flashcards
What does ECO stand for?
Engagement Control Officer
What is ECO in charge of?
Overall in charge of Strike ops
What does AECO stand for?
Assistant Engagement Control officer
What does AECO do?
Assists ECO and manages Comms
What does EM stand for?
Engagement manager
What does EM do?
Builds and process OTW flight paths and all mission data
Who stands EM?
What does MM stand for?
Missile Manager
What does MM do?
Manages operation of VLS , missiles, and launch operations
Who stands MM?
What does DBM stand for?
Database manger
What does DBM do?
Manages operating area track picture in GCCS-M and passes data to EM.
What watch station builds and processes OTW flight paths and all mission data?
EM(Engagement Manager)
What watch station Manages operation of VLS , missiles, and launch operations
MM(Missile Manager)
What watch station Manages operating area track picture in GCCS-M and passes data to EM.
DBM(Database Manager)
What is the First Pre planned way point(FFPWP)!
Start of pre planned mission and separates over the water and over the land flight paths
What is the start of the pre planned mission and separates over the water and the over the land flights
What is OTW?
Over the water
From ship to FPPWP
What is OTL?
Over the land
From FPPWP to target
What is PLP stand for?
Pre -Planned launch position.
What does PLP do?
Predetermined position for a Ship to fire tomahawks from
What is a pre determined position for a ship to fire tomahawks from?
PLP Pre planned Launch position
What is max amount of waypoints for a tomahawk missile during OTW planning?
What does TOL stand for?
Time Missile leaves ship