What were the names of the first two U.S. Continental Navy ships
What country we bought them from?
The Andrew Doria
When was the United States Navy formed
27 March 1794
What were the names of the first three U.S. Navy ships commissioned?
All frigates
Who said “I have not yet begun to fight”
Captain John Paul Jones
Who was the first enlisted man appointed to the officer ranks as 1st lieutenant?
Captain John Paul Jones
What gets 21 guns salute?
Washington’s B day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, honor president and of foreign states
Who gets 19 gun salute?
Vice President of U.S.
Who gets 17 gun salute?
Secretary of the Navy and admirals, CNO, Generals
Who gets 13 gun salute?
Rear admiral(upper half)
What was significance of the attack on Pearl Harbor?
Started WW11 in the pacific
What is the importance of battle of Guadalcanal?
Navy policy that siblings can’t be stationed on same ship
The 1st destroyer named after more than 1 person
What is the 1st destroyer named after more than 1 person?
The Sullivan’s DD 537
What is the importance of Battle Of Leyte Gulf?
McCampbell set single mission aerial combat record
Where is McCampbell buried?
Arlington National Cemetery
What was Mccampbell’s rank when he retired?
What is McCampbells highest medal?
Medal of Honor
When was McCampbell born?
Jan 16, 1910
How many planes did McCampbell shoot down in Marianas turkey shoot?
5 ace in a day
Who is the CNO?
ADMIRAL Richardson
Who’s is the fleet commander?
Vice admiral Aucoin
Who’s is the ISIC?
Captain Sweeney
Who is the MCPON?
Mike Stevens
What pin does Mike Stevens have
Naval Air Crew
Who is the Fleet master chief?
Fleet master chief Susan Whitman SW/Aw