Stridor Flashcards
What is stridor?
musical noise heard in inspiration from partial obstruction at the larynx or large airways
Why is stridor potentially more dangerous in children
childrens airways are narrower and more readily deformed
obstruction happens faster and more dramatically
What are congenital causes of stridor?
vascular rings
What are inflammatory causes of stridor/\
laryngitis, epiglottitis, croup, anaphylaxis
What are other causes of stridor
tumours - haemangiomas or papillomas
trauma - thermal/chemical
foreign body
vocal cord paralysis
What usually causes croup?
parainfluenza virus
When is the peak incidence of croup?
6m - 3yrs
What time of year is croup moree common?
How does croup usually present>
barking cough - worse at night
coryzal sx
What causes the stridor in croup?
laryngeal oedema and secretions
What is the usual rx of croup
usually self limiting so can be treated at home
What is rx of severe croup
humidified O2
nebulised adrenaline
What causes acute epiglottitis?
haemophilus influenza type b
How does acute epiglottitis usually present?
NO cough Rapid onset Stridor Drooling of saliva Sore throat SOB
What is peak age of epiglottitis?