Stress Vocab Flashcards
What is stress?
How we perceive/respond to events. (Threat or challenge)
What are stressors?
The actual event (can or can’t control)
What is a stress reaction?
How we respond (physical, cognitive, and social)
What is eustress?
Good stress, perceived challenge, feel motivated
What is distress?
Bad stress, perceived threat, feel fear
What are conflict situations?
Choosing between two or more options
What is approach-approach conflict?
Definition= Two good options
Stress= Low; Resolve= Easy
What is avoidance-avoidance conflict?
Definition= Two bad options
Stress= High; Resolve= Hard
What is approach-avoidance conflict?
Definition= One situation with good and bad (pros and cons)
Stress= Medium (depends on importance); Resolve= Medium
What is double approach-avoidance conflict?
Definition= Two+ situations with good and bad
Stress= Medium (depends on importance); Resolve= Medium; Resolve 3 ways= Discount, Third option, Impulse
What is the General Adaptation Syndrome?
Body responds to stress in three stages.
What are the three stages of the body’s stress reaction?
- Alarm- Body goes into fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system)
- Resistance- Body releases neurotransmitters and hormones
- Exhaustion- When supplies are depleted in body
What are daily stressors?
Little daily hassles of life
What is burnout?
Physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion
What are significant changes?
Big life events