Stress & Health Flashcards
Perceived control over stressful events
-more stressful when there is no way to deal with challenge
Stress reactions
- fight or flight: activates ACTH to release cortisol
- general adaptation syndrome
General adaptation syndrome
- 3 stage psychological process that appears regardless of the stressor
- nonspecific
1) alarm phase-flight or flight response
2) resistance phase-body adapts to arousal
3) exhaustion phase-resistance collapses
Stress interpretation
- primary appraisal: interpretation of a stressful stimulus
- secondary appraisal: determining whether you can handle the stress or not
-chronic trauma
Physical exhaustion
Stress management
Manage mind -repressive coping -rational coping -reframing -stress inoculation training Manage body -relaxation -biofeedback -exercise Manage situation -social support -humor
Repressive coping
- avoiding situations
- retaining artificially positive viewpoint
- ie when people are going to suffer a heart attack, they are less likely to complain about heart pain
Rational coping
- facing stressor ad working to overcome it
- 3 steps:
1) acceptance
2) exposure
3) understanding
- finding a new or creative way to think about stressor that reduces threat
Stress inoculation training
-develop positive ways to think about situation
-external monitoring device to get info about bodily function and gain control over that function
Somatoform disorders
Opposite of denial; excessive sensitivity to illness
- psychosomatic illness: interaction btwn mind and body that produces illness
- disorder: symptoms not fully explained by medical condition
Somatization disorder
-combo of multiple physical complaints that have no medical explanation
Conversion disorder
- apparently debilitating physical symptoms that appear to be voluntary
- person experiences them as involuntary
- ie seizure, blindness, deafness, paralysis; no neural basis for diagnosis
Self regulation
-exercise voluntary control over the self to bring self in line with preferred standards