Psychopathalogical Disorders Flashcards
Medical model
Conceptualization of psychological disorders and diseases that, like physic diseases, have biological causes
- etiology
- prognosis
The co-occurrence of 2+ disorders in a single individual
Multiaxial classification system
I) clinic, schizo, mood, anxiety, sleep, eating
II) unchangeable; mental retardation; personality
III) mescal, cancer, obesity, epilepsy
IV) environment, stress divorce, poverty, homeless
Diathesis stress model
Person is predisposed to psychological problems but remains unexpressed until its triggered by
- diathesis: predisposing (genetics, personality, stress response)
- stress-triggering; stressful life event
Intervention causation fallacy
- if treatment is effective, it must be the cause of the problem
- result of searching for biological causes
- cure doesn’t point to cause
Danger of labels
- carry neg stereotypes
- can lead to self fulfilling prophexy
- rosenhan study
Rosenhan study
- gets admitted to mental hospital bc they report heading voices
- get diagnosed with schizo
- symptoms go away but they leave with label of schizo in remission
- hospital labels patients, label sticks
Causes of mental disorders
- family, socioeconomic
- cognitive behavior
- biological
- diathesis stress model
Anxiety disorders
Anxiety is predominantly fear
- generalized anxiety disorder
- phobic disorders
- panic disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder
- excessive Anxiety
- chronic obsessive worry
- for at least 6 months
- need 3+ of the following symptoms: restless, easily fatigued, mind goes blank, irritable, muscle tension, sleep disturbance
- more common in lower socioeconomic groups
- more common in women
Treatments for generalized anxiety disorder
- benzodiazepine: stimulates GABA
- reduce symptoms
Phobic disorders
- marked persistent and excessive fear and avoidance of specific objects, activities or situations
- specific phobia
- social phobia
Specific phobia
- irrational fear of a particular object
- animals, environments, situations, injury, illness/death
Social phobia
- irrational fear of being publicly humiliated
- public speaking, public urination being scrutinized,
- higher rates in uneducated people
Preparedness theory
People are instinctively predisposed toward certain fears
- humans and monkeys can be conditioned to have fear response
- seligman
Panic disorder
- combo of psychological and physiological factors that contribute to stark terror
- fast heart, dizziness,
- agoraphobia
- ie video of sports writer
- specific phobia
- fear of venturing into public places
- about 22% of people in US have 1 panic attack
Obsessive compulsive disorder
- obsessions: intrusive thoughts
- compulsions: ritualistic behaviors
- interfere with functioning
1. 3% will develop - less in Asian cultures
- more common in women
OCD video
-excessive hand washing and watching child
Causes of OCD
- dysfunction of caudate nucleus (part of the basal ganglia, which is involved in impulse suppression)
- anxiety is produced by obsessive behavior
Theory of how dysfunction in basal ganglia causes OCD
- impulses leak into consciousness
- prefrontal cortex is over active
OCD and strep
- strep infection affects caste nucleus
- OCD develops
-intense anxiety to avoid bad memories
Video of sports writer
- anxiety disorder
- panic with agoraphobia
- caused by anxiety and starting to avoid things
- teach coping skills
Anxiety disorders
- focus on threatening events
- interpret neutral stimuli in a stressful manner
- inhibited temperaments related to anxiety
- inc CNS activity
- ie doc measures Emma’s growth: anxiety thinks cancer, non-anxiety thinks height
Panic is biologically driven**
-higher incidence of panic attacks after inhaling CO2 Than after hyperventilating
Treatments for anxiety disorders
- specific phobias: cognitive-behavioral approaches + medication
- systematic desensitization
- virtual treatments to reduce fear response
- SSRIs-social phobia
Cognitive reconstructing
- therapeutic approach
- client questions automatic beliefs, assumptions and predictions that lead to negative thinking
- realistic and positive beliefs
Mindfulness meditation
- teaches being present in each moment
- be aware of thoughts and feelings and sensations
- detect symptoms
Cognitive theory
- cognitive restructuring
- mindfulness meditation
Cognitive behavioral therapy
- blend of cognitive and behavioral therapeutic strategies
- best for anxiety disporsrrs