Stress and Self Care Flashcards
the brain’s response to any deman
the body’s automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on it.
They may be recurring, short-term, or long-term and may include things daily and simple activities to annual plans and tradition.
Types of Stress
- Acute Stress
- Chronic Stress
- Eustress
- Distress
Types of Stress:
Fight or Flight
Acute Stress
Types of Stress:
The body prepares to defend itself.
Acute Stress
Types of Stress:
The cost of daily living.
Chronic Stress
Types of Stress:
Left uncontrolled this stress affects your health- your body and immune system.
Chronic Stress
Types of Stress:
Stress in daily life has positive connotations.
Types of Stress:
Stress in daily that has negative connotations.
Common Stressors
- Personal Changes
- Family Changes
- Work Changes
- School Change
- Environment Change
Common Stressor:
War, Natural Calamity, Relocation, Season Change
Environment Change
Common Stressor:
New School/Yeal level; Examination,Project, Competition
School Change
Common Stressor:
New Job/ Boss/ Department; Promotion, Unemployment
Work Changes
Common Stressor:
Marriage, Separation, having children, death, moving
Family Changes
Common Stressor:
Illness, End of Relationship, Physical Change, Financial
Personal Changes
Symptoms of Stress
- Emotional
- Behavioral
- Physical
- Cognitive
- Relationships
Symptoms of Stress:
- Irritable
- On the edge of Outburst
- Feeling Low
- Tearful
- Depression
- Anxiety
Symptoms of Stress:
- Urgency
- Overcommitted
- Self Neglect
- Inefficient
- Nightmares
Symptoms of Stress:
- Muscle Tension
- Stomach Ache
- Head Aches
- Fatigues
- Weight Loss/Gain
- Gastric Ulcer
- Raise Blood Pressure.
Symptoms of Stress:
- Trouble Concentration
- Easily Distracted
- Negative Thoughts
- Learned Helpnessness
- Feeling of Injustice
Symptoms of Stress:
- Problems at home
- Impatient
- Intolerant
- Over controlling
- Too Needy
- Wanting to be left alone
- Unable to cope up by self alone
Coping with Stress
- Physiological
- Cognition
- Emotional
- Behavioral
Coping with Stress:
- Diet and Exercise
- Relaxation
- Controlled Breathing
- Sleep Management
Coping with Stress:
- Positive Thinking
- Finding Ways
- Challenging Thinking
- Open Minded
Coping with Stress:
- Describe Feelings
- Understand Feelings
- Self Awareness
- Control Emotions
Coping with Stress:
- Time Management
- Assertiveness
- Relaxing
- Relating to others
- Open communication
Six Strategies in Stress Management
Strategy 1: Avoid Unnecessary Stress
Strategy 2: Alter the Situation
Strategy 3: Adapt to the Stressor
Strategy 4: Accept the Things you can’t Change
Strategy 5: Adopt Healthy Lifestyle
Strategy 6: Make Time for Fun and Relaxation
It is something that we do in order to keep our mental, emotional and physical self healthy.
Self Care