what are the effects of stress-related health-risk behaviors?
- Smoking
- Alcoholism
- Unprotected sex
- Insufficient exercise
- Drugs
- Poor Nutrition
What are the effects of prolonged stress?
-Has direct impacts on our immune systems, heart, etc.
What is behavioral medicine? What is the goal?
- Integration of behavioral knowledge with medical knowledge.
- GOAL = Are toward *life expectancy *Reduce suffering *Quality of life.
What is the psychological contribution to behavioral medicine?
Links behavior, cognition, and emotion to physical health.
What does health psychology contain?
- Emotion and personality
- Attitudes and behaviors
- Perceptions of situation
- Reduce and control stress
What do we know about stress?
- Occurs in any circumstance (Real or perceived) that threatens a person well being.
- Process (mobilization) by which we appreciate and cope with environmental threats and challenges.
- Can be beneficial in small does, or harmful if intense or prolonged.
When is stress most common?
when we…
- Feel uncertainty
- Have a lack of control
- Are concerned other will evaluate or treat us negatively.
What is the stress response?
- Fight or flight
- Outpouring of epinephrine and norepinephrine from inner adrenal glands.
- Increasing heart and respiration rates.
- Mobilizing sugar and fat
- Dulling pain.
What are some stressors in daily life?
- Rush hour traffic
- Long lines
- Job stress
- Burn-out
What is an allostatic load?
The sustained activation of many physiological systems in response to frequent or chronic stressors.
What are the physical consequences of stress?
- Telomeres (DNA pieces) get shorter, preventing cell replication.
- Stress-prone rats live 600 vs 700 days
- Chronic stressors –> Shrunken Hippocampus
How does stress affect the heart?
- Elevated blood pressure
- A clogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscle
- Coronary heart disease
What is a stress TYPE A?
- More competitive, hard-driving, Impatient, aggressive, angry.
- More coronary heart disease.
What is a stress TYPE B?
-Easy going, Relaxed.
How are stress and illness directly related?
- Stress can cause some illness (ex. Tension headaches)
- Stress can exacerbate many illnesses (ex. Majority of illnesses can be exacerbated by stress)
- Illness can cause stress, which in turn…