Stress and Coping Flashcards
Stimulus (stressor) –> response (strain) –> process/coping (interaction between the two)
- can be physical or emotional (psychological)
- can be positive or negative
Physical Stress
direct physical threat to one’s well being
- starts from BOTTOM -> up
Psychological Stress
event that is PERCEIVED as negative
- starts from TOP -> down
- do not pose a direct physical threat
Sympathetic Adrenal Medulla axis
SAM -> activates autonomic nervous system (NE, Epi) –> activates adrenal medulla
- emergency situations
Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis
HPA -> activates anterior pituitary –> activates adrenal cortex
- CRH –> ACTH –> Cortisol (very important in maintaining normal homeostasis and efficiency)
Cortisol influence on immune system
it suppresses the immune system in a variety of ways
Walter Cannon
Homeostasis -> collective process of maintaining internal physiological stability in face of change
Allostasis -> compensation that organism engages in to achieve homestasis
Fight/Flight Response
organisms better equipped to defend themselves have better survival
- prototype stress response
- incorporates emotional, neuroendocrine, and autonomic changes to increase chances of survival
Hans Selye
General Adaptation Syndrome
- Alarm Reaction -> body detects external stimulus
- Adaptation -> body engages in defensive countermeasures against stressor
- Exhaustion -> body begins to run out of defenses (long term exposure)
* lacks psychological and social influences
Richard Lazarus
Coping -> process of managing demands that are appraised as taxing/exceeding resources of person
- relationship between stress & coping is dynamic (not a 1-time action)
Process of Coping
Event -> primary appraisal (assessment of situation) –> secondary appraisal (assessment of resources) –> coping behaviors –> coping outcome
Coping behaviors
Relaxation Cognitive strategies Stress inoculation Exercise Social Support (really important) Pharmacological interventions
Can stress be good for you?
stress response is centrally mediated process to make organism adaptive to environmental demands
- BEST at moderate/mild stress
Chronic/excessive stress could lead to development or progression of illness
Type A behavior
Time Urgency Impatience Competitiveness Hostility May not cope well with stress
Stress and sense of control
tendency to perceive stress as uncontrollable –> learned helplessness (repeated efforts to exert control fails)
Physiological Hardiness
perceiving stressful event as challenge rather than threat
believe that you have control over aversive events
“optimism” –> too much optimism can be harmful too
Endocrine system and illness
chronic activation of HPA is associated with development of CVD –> combo of cortisol and cholesterol –> atherosclerosis
Negative emotions and illness
Depression is risk factor for 1st and recurrent cardiac events
- intense anxiety, anger, and hostility contribute to increased risk for CVD
Unhealthy behaviors and illness
people engage in unhealthy behaviors under stressful circumstances
- tobacco, excessive alcohol, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle
- these become problematic when they become habitual