Stress Flashcards
What is stress?
A disturbance in a resins normal balanced state.
What are the differences between adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies?
- Adaptive is making healthy choices to negate effects of stress.
- Maladaptive are unhealthy choices that do not promote adaptation. Can relieve temporary anxiety but do not fix the problem. (Over-eating, over-working, over-sleeping.)
What is the difference between stressors, responses, and adaptation?
Stressors are the stimuli that one sees as a challenge and offsets equilibrium.
Responses are voluntary or involuntary actions that aim to restore equilibrium.
Adaptation is the change that takes place as a result of stress and coping.
Name and describe the first step of the General Adaptive Syndrome
- Alarm- fight or flight… Autonomic and endocrine systems effected.
Two phases of the Alarm Stage?
Shock- occurs when cerebrum receives stressor and activates endocrine and autonomic NS.
Counter shock- Changes produced in shock phase are reversed.
Stims cortisol and aldosterone production
Spares glucose for brain.
Anti-inflammatory effect.
Uses fat and protein for E.
Promotes fluid retention.
Kidneys absorb Na+.
Maintain blood volume and BP.
Increase tubule absorption.
Inches blood volume and BP.
Decreased urination.
Act like opiates to promote sense of well being and reduce pain.
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
Increases metabolism and fat conversion to energy for cell and muscle needs.
What does the Sympathetic NS do in the Alarm Stage?
Secretes adrenaline and norepinephrine from adrenal glands. This increases alertness.
Muscles contract and field of vision increases.
What is the second phase of the GAS.
Resistance– Coping with stressor.
Everything returns to normal. If that fails the third stage occurs.
What is the third stage of the GAS?
Exhaustion or Recovery.
The Local Adaptation Syndrome
Local response (tissue, body part, ect.)
What is the first part of the LAS?
Reflex pain response
Second Stage: Inflammatory Stages….
Exudate formation
What does hyperemia mean?
Increased blood flow to an area.
How does Anxiety relate to stress?
It is the feeling that anticipates danger.
A vague uneasy feeling.
How does fear relate to stress?
Feeling of dread toward identified danger threat or pain.
Fear is cognitive not emotional.
Fear is present.
How does anger relate to stress.
Strong feeling of hostility or displeasure.
When stressors are not controlled this happens.
Unconsciously avoiding an event that sparks anxiety/ aggression.
-I can’t go to the party because I’m tired.
To make up for perceived inadequacy one will put effort into or make a new trait better.
-boy wants to be famous ball player becomes great singer.
Emotional problems are changed into physical symptoms with no basis. Disappear after threat is over.
Feeling back pain because life is rough
What is DENIAL?
Unconscious act in which one transforms reality and ignores what’s really going on.
Usually first defense learned.
Alcohol states he can quit anytime he wants to.
“Kick the dog.”
Putting emotions or wishes onto a less perceived intimidating or powerful person or object.
Painful events that are dissociated from the conscious mind.
Someone who was Sexually abused as a child talks about it as if it happened to a sibling.
A person takes on other traits or personality of another person they respect or fear.
Children play mommy, fireman, or cop.
Cognitive reasoning that is used to block painful incident.
Husband dies… It’s better this was because he was in pain.
Not acknowledging ones own behavior making it less important.
It doesn’t matter how much I drink because I never drive when I’m drinking.
Blaming others
I did badly on the exam because the prof makes me nervous.
Using a logically sounding excuse to cover up or justify ones actions or ideas.
If I didn’t have to work I’d be a better wife.
Reaction formation
A person shows the exact opposite trait than what they mean.
It’s OK you missed my party. When it’s not OK
Resorting to a behavior used in an earlier stage of development, to overcome feeling of insecurity.
Unconscious forgetting about painful past event.
Having no memory of child abuse as child.
Making amends for a perceived inappropriate behavior to sway guilt.
Unacceptable drives traits or behaviors that are unconsciously diverted into socially accepted trait.
Anger expressed by aggression in sports.
Somatization - disorder
Anxiety and emotions are converted into physical symptoms
What is Crisis?
1) When an event completely changed someone’s equilibrium and perceives it as a threat
2) When coping methods are ineffective
Stages of Crisis?
Impact- when event occurs
Crisis- more anxiety, attempts to cope, denies loss of control
Adaptive- readapt to normal life
Post crisis- reflect, see positive impact.
3 Approaches to coping….
Alter stressor
Adapt to stressor
Avoid stressor
3 step physiological response to stress is… (Seyle) GAS
- Alarm - fight or flight
- Resistance/ adaptation - coping with the stressors
- Recovery or exhaustion