Ethics & Values; Legal Issues - Nursing Fun Ch 44 and 45 Flashcards
What is the definition of moral behavior?
Behavior that is in accordance with custom or tradition and usually reflects personal or religious beliefs
What is the definition of ethics?
A systematic study of what is right and wrong conduct in situations that involve issues of values and morals
What is the definition of bioethics?
Refers to the application of ethical principles to every area of health care
What is nursing ethics?
A subset of bioethics which refers to the ethical questions that arise from the practice of nursing
Why should nurses study ethics?
- you will encounter ethical questions frequently in work
- ethics is central to nursing and nursing care
- multidisciplinary input is important
- ethical knowledge is necessary for professional competence
- ethical reasoning is necessary for nursing to be taken seriously
- ethical proficiency is essential for providing holistic care
- nurses should advocate for patients
- studying ethics will help you to make better decisions
What is the definition of advocacy?
The communication and defense of of the rights and interests of another
What is the definition of moral agency or ethical agency?
The ability of nurses to base their practice on professional standards of ethical conduct and to participate in ethical decision making.
To have choices and responsibility for their actions
Moral distress
The stress caused by situational pressures that prevent a nurse from acting on their moral decisions
What is the definition of impaired nursing practice
When a nurses ability to perform the essential functions of nursing is diminished by chemical dependence on drugs, alcohol or mental illness
What are some Societal factors that give rise to ethical problems?
- Increased consumer awareness
- Technological advances
- Multicultural population
- Cost containment
What is the definition of a value?
A belief that you have about the worth of something
What is the definition of morals?
Private,personal, or group standards of right and wrong
What factors affect moral decisions?
Values, beliefs and beliefs
What is the definition of an attitude?
Mental dispositions or feelings toward a person, object, or idea.
What is the definition of a belief
Something that one accepts as true
What is the definition of personal value system?
Set of values that you have reflected on and chosen that will help you to lead a good life.
What is value neutrality?
An attempt to understand our own values regarding an issue and to know when to put them aside, if necessary, to become non-judge mental when providing care to clients
What factors affect moral decisions?
Values, beliefs and beliefs
What is the definition of an attitude?
Mental dispositions or feelings toward a person, object, or idea.
What is the definition of a belief
Something that one accepts as true
What is the definition of personal value system?
Set of values that you have reflected on and chosen that will help you to lead a good life.