Streams and Rivers Flashcards
These river scientists study rivers and their channels - form and behavior
These river scientists study precipitation, groundwater, surface flow and connections
These river scientists study how physical processes influence organisms and influence each other
Are there standard distinctions between rivers, streams, brooks and creeks?
These rivers, including the Amazon, Mississippi and Mekong, are in a class of their own
Great rivers
What shape are streams and rivers?
The smallest permanently flowing stream is called this
First order stream
When two first order streams meet, they produce this
Second order stream
1 stream + 1 stream = ?
2 stream
1 stream + 2 stream = ?
2 stream
2 stream + 2 stream = ?
3 stream
3 stream + 2 stream = ?
3 stream
3 stream + 3 stream = ?
4 stream
3 stream + 4 stream = ?
4 stream
4 stream + 4 stream = ?
5 stream
Stream order only increases when this happens
When 2 like streams come together
This part of the stream includes the source
This part of a stream is where the stream flows into a larger body of water
This part of the stream is the main stream channel
Trunk stream
This part of a stream is the area of the stream between the headwaters and the mouth
Longitudinal profile
This is a channel with flowing water at least part of the year
Stream channel
This is a variable area on the sides of the stream channel that is inundated by floodwaters at some interval
This is the portion of upland that serves as a transitional zone between the floodplain and the surrounding landscape
Transitional upland fringe
This is a section of a river with multiple pools and riffles
How long should a stream reach be in relation to a stream?
20x the width
These are deep, slow-moving sections of a stream
Pools drop this, causing riffles
These are parts of a stream where water moves turbulently over substrate
Riffles cause pools by digging out this
This is formed by piled up sediment dropped by water as velocity slows near stream pools
Point bar
This is an imaginary line tracing the deepest/fastest parts of a stream
This is an outside vertical bank of a curve in a river produced by erosion from the thalweg or water movement
Cut bank
This is the ability of a stream to curve or bend flexibly
What is the equation for sinuosity?
River distance from A to B / Straight distance from A to B
Above what level of sinuosity is a stream considered meandering?
> 1.5
A cut-off stream meander forms this
Oxbow lake
What are four characteristics of a floodplain in phase 1 of development?
- High topographic areas; 2. Downcutting and erosion; 3. Rapids & waterfalls; 4. Steep gradients
What are three characteristics of a floodplain in phase 2 of development?
- Floodplain is cut; 2. Velocity decreases; 3. Gradient decreases vertically
What are three characteristics of a floodplain in phase 3 of development?
- Wider valley; 2. Lateral migration in sediment/meanders; 3. Gradient decreases further
What characterizes a fully developed floodplain (phase 4)?
Flat valley floor cut out by stream meander
This is made up of direct precipitation falling on stream channel or channel interception and the lateral movement of water from land to channel
Streamflow or discharge
What are the two components of streamflow?
Stormflow and baseflow
This is the water that enters a stream in a short period after a precipitation event
What are two components of stormflow?
Subsurface runoff and surface runoff
This is water that percolates into the ground water moving into the stream channel at a slow rate, sustaining streamflow during periods of little or no precipitation