Strategies & Action Plans (VdL Commission) Flashcards
Sustainable and smart mobility strategy
December 2020
3 pillars (sustainability, smart, and safe and secure), 10 flagships and 82 actions.
Targets by 2030:
- 30mn zero emissions vehicles in operation
- 100 climate neutral cities
- 2x high speed train
- scheduled collective travel under 500km will be climate neutral
- large scale deployment of automated mibility
- zero-emissions vessels available
By 2035:
- zero-emissions aircrafts available
By 2050:
- nearly all road vehicles are zero-emissions
- 2x rail freight traffic
- 3x high speed
- comprehensive network of TEN-T is operational
EU climate law
Adopted on 30/6/2021 as Reg. 2021/1119
- climate neutrality in 2050
- 55% reduction in 2030 (compared to 1990)
- Target for 2040 to be set (upcoming in Q1 2024) - 90% reduction by 2040
Forest strategy 2030
July 2021
Objective: (I) increase coverage in respecting ecological principles and (II) improving forests’ resilience.
[among other actions]
- plant 3bn trees
- 310m ton CO2 removal target (set out in LULUC)
Biodiversity strategy 2030
May 2021
Four pillars:
- protecting nature
- restoring nature
- enable transformative change
- a global biodiversity agenda
Goals (among others):
- 30% protection of land and sea (ended up being 20% under nature restoration law)
- 20bn/year for biodiversity
- 50% reduction of pesticides
- 50% reduction in nutrients loss from fertilisers and 20% in their overall use
- 25 000 km of rivers restored to free-flow status
Zero pollution action plan
May 2021
2050 vision of zero pollution
2030 reduction targets:
- 55% of premature deaths due to air pollution
- 30% of people chronically disturbed by transport noise
- 25% of ecosystems where air pollution threatens biodiversity
- 50% pesticides (and similar)
- 50% residual municipal waste, and reduce significantly total waste generation
- 50% waste, plastic litter at sea; 30% microplastics
Beating cancer plan
February 2021
Four key action areas:
1. Prevention
2. Early detection
3. Diagnosis and treatment
4. Quality of life of patients and survivors
10 flagship initiative and multiple supporting actions
4bn funding (1.25 from EU4Health, plus Horizon)
EU strategy on adaptation to climate change
February 2021
Four objectives:
- to make adaptation (see Climate-ADAPT platform)
- to speed up adaptation
- to make adaptation more systemic
- stepping up international action
A pharmaceutical strategy for Europe
November 2020
Four pillars:
1. Access to affordable medicines and address unmet medical needs
2. Competitiveness, innovation, and sustainability
3. Crisis preparedness and response
4. strong EU voice in the world (ie, high quality level and safety standards)
Long-term vision for rural areas (LTVRA)
June 2021
- Rural action plan:
- 4 areas of action: stronger, connected, prosperous, resilient
- 9 flagship initiatives
- 15 actions
- 6 horizontal actions, such as rural observatory and rural proofing - Rural pact
- 3 objectives: amplify rural voices, networking, commitments to act
- Rural pact support office (RPSO)
Endorsed by Council in Nov 2023
Declaration on digital rights and principles for the digital decade
December 2022.
Co-signed by the 3 presidents
Builds upon EU Pillar of Social Rights
6 chapters:
- people at the centre
- freedom of choice
- safety and security
- solidarity and inclusion
- participation
- sustainability
Followed in April 2022 by the declaration for the future of internet with international partners
Builds upon 2017 Tallin declaration (eGovernment), 2020 Berlin declaration and action plan (value-based digital government) and 2021 Lisbon declaration (digital democracy with a purpose)
Path to the Digital Decade - Digital Compass
March 2021
Four cardinal points’ targets for 2030:
- Skills
- 20m IT specialists and gender convergence (8.4m in 2020)
- 80% pop has basic digital skills (56% in 2019) - Secure and sustainable digital infrastructure:
- Gigabit and 5G for everyone (respectively 59% and 14% in 2020)
- 20% of world production in value of chips (10% in 2020)
- 10 000 climate neutrale secure edge nodes
- by 2025, fiat quantum computer with acceleration - Digital transformation of business
- 75% of companies use cloud, big data, AI (respectively, 26%, 14%, and 25% in 2020)
- double the number of unicorns (222 in 2021)
- 90%+ of SMEs reach a basic level of digital intensity (60% in 2020) - Digitalisation of public service
- 100% online
- 100% access to e-records (medical)
- 80% of citizens use eID (60% in 2020)
New EU Bauhaus
SOTEU 2020, communication in Sept 2021
Bring a social and cultural dimension to the GD
It steers social transformation along the value of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion.
Action plan on Intellectual Property
November 2021
Five key areas:
1. improve IP protection
2. encourage IP use by SMEs
3. Access and sharing of IP
4. Better IP enforcement
5. Fair play at a global level
Detailed actions in the third page of this factsheet
New Pact on Migration and Asylum
September 2020
Set of (many) regulations and policies.
Deliverables to date:
- Voluntary Solidarity Mechanism agreed in June 2022
- Return coordinator appointed (a principal adviser in DG HOME - Mari Juritsch)
- EU Agency for Asylum (EAA), 2022, replaced EASO
Detailed information in this
European health Union
November 2020
- better health protection
- prevent future pandemics
- improve the resilience of health systems
Key actions:
- crisis preparedness
- beating cancer plan
- reform pharmaceutical legislation
- comprehensive approach to mental health
Side actions:
- mandates of EMA and ECDC (European centre for disease prevention and control) expanded in 2022
- health data space
- global health strategy adopted in 2022
Farm to Fork Strategy
May 2020
Aims at a sustainable food system and is central to the GD and to the SDGs.
Objectives by 2030
- Reduce by 50% the:
- use of chemical pesticides, more hazardous pesticides.
- nutrient losses in the environment.
- sales of antimicrobials for animals and acqua culture.
- food waste.
- Reduce by 20% the use of fertiliser.
- achieve 25% of total farmland under organic farming.
EU Hydrogen strategy
July 2020
20 key actions divided in four groups:
- Investment
- Boost demands and scale up productions
- Supportive framework
- international dimension
Supportive actions:
- Hydrogen accelerator (part of RepowerEU plan) : 10m tonnes of produced renewable hydrogen plus 10m imported
- European hydrogen bank (2023): unlock private investment and facilitate access to finance; innovation fund auction in Nov 2023
- hydrogen energy network: 2x year meeting of representatives from MSs’ energy ministries
- European Clean hydrogen alliance, bringing together stakeholders around 6 thematic round tables
- Clean hydrogen partnership JU
- Hydrigen public funding compass: guidelines on EU and national funding opportunities
- IPCEI Hy2Teach and Hy2Use: State aid rules for Important Projects of Common European Interest
EU strategy on energy system integration
July 2020
Objective: further integrate the energy sector by linking various carriers (electricity, heat, gas, etc.)
Three elements:
- More circular energy system
- Use of electricity produced by renewable sources
- Promote renewable and low-carbon fuels
A renovation wave for Europe
October 2020
Three focus areas:
- Tackling energy poverty and the worst performing buildings
- Renovation of public buildings
- Decarbonisation of heating and cooling
Accompanied by:
- Action plan with 23 actions in 7 sections
- SWD detailing EU funding opportunities
New Circular Economy Action Plan
March 2020
35 actions divided in 7 sections:
- A sustainable product policy framework
- Key production value chains
- Less waste more value
- Crosscutting actions
- Making the circular economy work for people, regions and cities
- Leading efforts at a global level
- Monitoring the progress
The first CEAP was adopted in 2015 and contained 54 actions, that are now implemented or in progress.
8th Environment Action Programme
May 2022 (1st EAP in 1973, 7th in 2013)
- Six priority objectives (Art 2):
- Reach 2030 GHG target and climate neutrality by 2050
- Enhance adaptive capacity and resilience
- Regenerative growth model (circular economy)
- Zero pollution
- Biodiversity
- Reduce production’s pressure on climate and nature
- Art 3 outlines the enabling framework (e.g., implementation of legislation, sustainable finance, digitalisation, etc.)
- Art 4 concerns monitoring
Next EAP for 2030
European strategy for data
February 2022
- cross-sectoral governance framework
- enablers: investment, infrastructure, interoperability
- competences
- data spaces: 9 sectoral data spaces + European open science cloud
Deliverables: Data Act, Data Governance Act (adopted in 2022), Data spaces
White paper on artificial intelligence
February 2020
Framework based on excellence and trust
Proposal for a legal framework based on risk:
- requirements for high-risk applications (e.g., critical infrastructure, health related, public services, etc.)
- voluntary requirement for no-high risk applications (e.g., chat bots)
Followed in 2021 by Coordinated Plan on AI, updating the 2018 plan
EU strategy on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds
July 2023
Four pillars:
- Empower people and reinforce skills
- Support the industrial ecosystem
- Support public services
- Set up EU standards
It includes 10 actions
Chemical strategy
October 2020
Key actions:
- ban the most harmful chemicals
- account for cocktail effects of chemical when assessing risks
- phase out PFAS
- boost innovation and investment in safe and sustainable by design chemicals
- supply resilience
- “one substance one assessment” process for risk assessments
- play a leading role globally
European economic security strategy
June 2023
Three-dimensional approach:
- promote EU competitiveness
- protect EU’s economic security through existing and new instruments
- partner up
Four area for risk assessment:
- supply chain resilience including energy
- critical infrastructure, including cyber
- technology security and leakage
- weaponisation of dependencies and economic coertion
11 next steps
Strategy for better internet for kids (BIK+)
May 2022
Three pillars:
- Safe internet
- Digital empowerment
- Active participation
Child-friendly version available
Strategy on the rights of the child
Council recommendation on European Child Guarantee
March 2021 and June 2021
Six thematic areas:
- Participation in democratic society
- Socio economic inclusion
- Combating violence
- Child-friendly justice
- Digital and information society
- Global dimension
EU child guarantee:
The objective is to support children in need. Key services:
- free early childhood education and care
- free education
- free healthcare
- healthy nutrition
- adequate housing
MS with child poverty above EU avg (23.4%) , allocate min. 5% of ESF+ to tackle child poverty
EU approach to space traffic management (STM)
February 2022
Four lines of action:
- Assess STM requirements and impact
- Enhance EU operational capabilities
- Foster regulatory aspects
- Promote EU approach at the global level
Cybersecurity strategy
December 2020
Three areas of action:
- Resilience, technological sovereignty and leadership
- Operational capacity to prevent, deter and respond
- Cooperation for a global open cyberspace
Action plan for 5G in the annex
Followed in 2022 by joint Communication COM and HR/VP on EU policy on cyber defence
Security union strategy 2020-2025
July 2020 (I.e., pre UKR)
Four strategic priorities:
- Future-proof security environment
- Tackle evolving threats
- Fight terrorism and organised crime
- Strong European security ecosystem
Space strategy for security and defence
March 2023 (stems from Strategic Compass)
Five key pillars:
- Shared understanding of space threats
- Resilience and protection of space system and services
- Responding to space treaths
- Use of space capabilities for security and defence
- Partner up (UN, USA, NATO, developing countries)