Policy priorities Flashcards
Flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy
1 - Innovation Union
2 - Youth on the move
3 - A Digital Agenda for Europe
4 - Resource efficient Europe
5 - An industrial policy for the globalisation era
6 - An Agenda for new skills and jobs
7 - European Platform against poverty
5 main targets of the Europe 2020 strategy
- Raise the employment rate of the population aged 20-64 to 75%
- Achieve a level of 3% of GDP invested in R&D
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% compared to 1990
- Reduce the share of early school leavers to 10%
- Help at least 20 million people out of poverty
Three main priority areas of the Europe 2020 strategy
- Smart (based on knowledge and innovation)
- Sustainable (resource efficient)
- Inclusive (high-employment)
Commission Priorities 2019-2024
1 - European Green Deal
2 - A Europe fit for the digital age
3 - An economy that works for the people
4 - A stronger Europe in the world
5 - Promoting our European way of life
6 - A new push for European democracy
Council priorities
Strategic agenda for the EU 2019-2024:
- protecting citizens and freedoms
- developing our economic base
- building a climate neutral, green, fair and social Europe
- promoting EU’s interests and values in the world
EIB priorities
- Climate and environmental sustainability
- Innovation, digital and human capital
- Sustainable energy and natural resources
- Sustainable cities and regions
- SMEs
- Cohesion
State of the work programme
More than a third of the initiatives announced as part of the 2019-24 priorities have been finally adopted, almost a further third proceeding normally through the legislative process
Number of initiatives announced as part of the 2019-24 Commission priorities
610 (out of those 420 have been submitted, out of those 221 have been adopted, out of the other half most are proceeding normally (141) or are close to adoption (26), 32 proceeding slowly or blocked)
1 in 5 Commission initiatives non-legislative (strategies, action plans, communications)
Policy prio with the highest number of planned initiatives
Green Deal (154 planned)
An Economy that works for the people (128)
Digital (105)
prio with lowest amount of initiatives announced: A new push for European democracy (60)