Strategic Human Resources Planning Flashcards
1 - 20 Strategy
The formulation of organizational objectives, scopes, and action plans for gaining an advantage.
1 - 20 Emergent Strategy
The plan that changes incrementally due to environmental changes.
1 - 20 Intended Strategy
The formulated plan.
1 - 20 Realized Strategy
The implemented plan.
1 - 20 Corporate Strategy
Organizational-level decisions that focus on long-term survival.
1 - 20 Turnaround Strategy
An attempt to increase the viability of an organization.
1 - 20 Divestiture
The sale of a division or part of an organization.
1 - 20 Liquidation
The termination of a business and the sale of its assets.
1 - 20 Bankruptcy
A formal procedure in which an appointed trustee in bankruptcy takes possession of a business’s assets and disposes of them in an orderly fashion.
1 - 20 Acquisition
The purchase of one company by another.
1 - 20 Merger
Two organizations combine resouces and become one.
1 - 20 Business Strategy
Plans to build a competitve focus in one line of business.
1 - 20 Mission Statement
An articulation of the purpose of the organization and the value it creates for customers.
1 - 20 Vision Statement
The basic beliefs that govern individual and group behaviour in an organization.
1 - 20 Competitive Advantage
The characteristics of a firm that enable it to earn higher rates of profit than its competitors.
1 - 20 Capabilities
A complex combination of people and processes that represent the firm’s capacity to exploit resources that have been specially integrated to achieve the desired result.
1 - 20 Dynamic Capabilities
The ability to adapt and renew competencies in accordance with changing business environment
1 - 20 Value Proposition
A statement of the fundamental benefits of the products or services being offered in the marketplace.
1 - 20 Strategic Implementations
The process by which a strategy is put into action.
30 - 45 Strategic HRM
Interrelated philosophies, policies, and practices that facilitate the attainment of organizational strategy.
30 - 45 Human Capital
The sum of employees’ knowledge, skills, experience, and commitment invested in the organization.
55 - 70 Environment Scanning
Systematic monitoring of trends affecting the organization.
55 - 70 Competitive Intelligence
A formal approach to obtain information about competitors.
55 - 70 Demographics
The study of population statistics.
80 - 95 HR Forcasting
The heart of the HR planning process; can be defined as ascertaining the net requirement for personnel by determining the demand for and supply of human resources now and in the future.
80 - 95 Transaction-based Forecasting
Forecasting that focuses on tracking internal change institute by the organization’s managers.
80 - 95 Event-based Forecasting
Forecasting concerned with changes in the external environment.
80 - 95 Process-based Forecasting
Forecasting not focused on a specific internal organizational event but on the flow or sequencing of several work activities.
80 - 95 Human Resources Demand
The organization’s projected requirement for human resources.
80 - 95 Human Resources Supply
The source of workers to meet demand requirements, obtained either internally (current members of the organization’s workforce) or from external agencies.
80 - 95 Designated Groups
Groups deemed to require special attention due to the persistent disadvantages they face in the labour market; the four designated groups include people of Aboriginal descent, women, persons with disabilities, and member of visible minorities.
80 - 95 Contingency Plans
Plans to be implemented when severe, unanticipated changes to organizational or environmental factors completely negate the usefulness of the existing HR forecasting predictions or projections.
80 - 95 Internal Supply
Current members of the organizational workforce who can be retained, promoted, transferred, and so on to fill anticipated future HR requirements.
80 - 95 External Supply
Potential employees who are currently undergoing training, working for competitors, members of unions, or professional associations, or in a transitional stage, between jobs, or unemployed.
80 - 95 HR Shortage
When demand for HR exceeds the current personnel resources available in the organization’s workforce (HR internal supply).
80 - 95 HR Surplus
When the internal workforce supply exceeds the organization’s requirement or demand for personnel.
80 - 95 Job Sharing
That which occurs when two or more employees perform the duties of one full-time position, each sharing the work activities on a part-time basis.
80 - 95 Worksharing
A federal government program that aims to help organization mitigate temporary layoffs through a redistribution of work, earnings, and leisure time.
80 - 95 Attrition
The process of reducing an HR surplus by allowing the size of the workforce to decline naturally because of the normal pattern of losses associated with retirements, deaths, voluntary turnover, and so on.
80 - 95 Hiring Freeze
A prohibition on all external recruiting activities.
100 - 123 Trend Analysis
A forecasting method that extrapolates from historical organization indicies.
100 - 123 Ratio Analysis
A quantitative method of projecting HR demand by analyzing the relationship between an operational index and the number of employees required.
100 - 123 Regression Analysis
Presupposes that a linear relationships exists between one or more independent variables, which are predicted to affect the dependent variable.
100 - 123 Delphi Technique
A process in which the forecasts and judgments of a selected group of experts are solicited and summarized in an attempt to determine the future HR demand.
100 - 123 Nominal Group Technique
Long-run forecasting technique utilizing expert assessments.
100 - 123 HR Budgets
Quantitative, operational, or short-run demand estimates that contain the number and types of personnel required by the organization as a whole for each subunit, division, or department.
100 - 123 Staffing Table
Total HR demand requirement for operational or short-run time periods.
130 - 150 Skills Inventory
An individualized personnel record held on each employee except those currently in management or professional positions.
130 - 150 Management Inventory
An individualized personnel record for managerial, professional, or technical personnel that includes all elements in the skills inventory with the addition of information on specialize duties, responsibilities, and accountability.
130 - 150 Markov Model
A model that produces a series of matrices that detail the various patterns of movement to and from the various jobs in the organization.
130 - 150 Linear Programming
A complex, mathematical procedure commonly used for project analysis in engineering and business applications; it can determine an optimum or best-supply mix solution to minimize costs or other constraints.
130 - 150 Movement Analysis
A technique used to analyze personnel supply, specifically the chain or ripple effect that promotions or job losses have on the movements of other personnel in an organization.
130 - 150 Vacancy, Renewal, or Sequencing Model
Analyzes flows of personnel throughout the organization by examining inputs and outputs at each hierarchical or compensation level.
162 - 183 Succession Management
The systematic process of determining critical roles with the organization, identifying and evaluating possible successors, and developing them for these roles.
162 - 183 Replacement Planning
The process of identifying short-term and long-term emergency backups to fill critical positions.
195 - 211 Enterprise Portals
Knowledge communities that allow employees from a single or multiple companies to access and benefit from specialized knowledge associated with tasks.
195 - 211 Workforce Analytics
Statistical modelling and software for gathering information about employees and work in order to optimize the use of human resources in the organization.
195 - 211 Human Resources Information System
A comprehensive across-the-board software system for HRM that includes subsystems or modules.
195 - 211 Specialty Products
Software solutions for specific specialized application that may or may not interface with the main database.
195 - 211 Enterprise Resource Planning
Commercial software systems that automate and integrate many or most of a firm’s business processes.
195 - 211 Relational Database
A database that can share information across multiple tables or files, which allows the same information to exist in multiple files simultaneously.
195 - 211 Cloud Computing
Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of a computer’s hard drive.
195 - 211 Scripted Demo
An in-person demonstration of the product that follows a clear agenda that you have prepared for the vendors.
195 - 211 Business Process Re-engineering
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed.
195 - 211 Technology Acceptance
Extent to which users intend or actually use technology as a regular part of their job.
195 - 211 Knowledge Management
A systematic and organizationally specified process for acquiring, organizing, and communicating both tacit and explicit knowledge so that employees may make use of it to be more effective and productive in their work.
220 - 245 Open System
A system that receives inputs from its external inputs.
220 - 245 Single-loop Learning
The attempt to solve a problem using a single strategy, without examining the validity of the problem itself.
220 - 245 Double-loop Learning
A method of learning that involves questioning current assumptions, examining a problem from different perspectives, and questions the validity of the problem.
220 - 245 Force-field Analysis
A framework for analyzing a problem that seeks to identify all the relevant factors and stakeholders that are acting to either sustain the current state or to move away from the current state.
220 - 245 Action Research
An iterative trial-and-error process of discovery that involves diagnosing a problem, planning a solution, acting on the solution, evaluating the results of the actions, learning from the outcomes, and asking new questions.
220 - 245 Unfreezing
AS the initial stage of organizational change, unfreezing involves the development of a shared understanding among stakeholders that a particular change is necessary.
220 - 245 Moving
As the second stage of a change process, the moving stage involves the train-and-error process of taking action to move the firm through the intended change.
220 - 245 Refreezing
The third and final stage of change initiative, refreezing involves putting policies, practices, and structures in place to establish new norms around the change.
220 - 245 Chaos Theory
Complex systems are based on some form of order, but can behave in unpredictable ways. The unpredictability of these systems results from the many interactions of the system variables and the consequences of differences in the initial states of those variables.
220 - 245 Organization Learning
An approach to learning that applied double-loop learning and an attempt to understand how the entire system may be affected by change. Organizational learning allows knowledge from the organization to become incorporated into the firm’s culture and processes.
220 - 245 Team Learning
The interaction of individual ideas and efforts toward a team objective that result in outcomes that exceed the capabilities of any individual on the team.
220 - 245 Systems Thinking
Systems thinking views change issues within the framework of the entire organization. This view helps to understand the underlying causes of problems and the potential outcomes of change initiatives.
254 - 275 Downsizing Strategy
Strategy to improve an organization’s efficiency by reducing the workforce, redesigning the work, or changing the systems of the organization.
254 - 275 Workforce Reduction
A short-term strategy to cut the number of employees through attrition, early retirement or voluntary severance packages, and layoff or terminations.
254 - 275 Work Design
A medium-term strategy in which organizations focus on work processes and assess whether specific functions, products, and/or services should be eliminated.
254 - 275 Systematic Change
A long-term strategy that changes the organization’s culture and attitudes, and employees’ values, with the goals of reducing costs and enhancing quality.
254 - 275 Inplacement
Reabsorbing excess or inappropriately placed workers into a restructured organization
254 - 275 Outplacement
Providing a program of counselling and job-search assistance for workers who have been terminated.
254 - 275 Procedural Justice
Procedures or rules used to determine which employees will be downsized.
254 - 275 Interactional Justice
The interpersonal treatment employees receive during the implementation of the downsizing decision.
254 - 275 Distributive Justice
The fairness of the downsizing decision.
290 - 305 Flexibility
The ability to respond to various demands from a dynamic competitive environment.
290 - 305254 - 275 Strategic International HR Planning
Projecting global competence supply, forecasting global competency needs, and developing a blueprint to establish global competence pools within companies.
290 - 305 Fit
The degree to which the needs, demands, goals, objectives, and/or structure of one component are consistent with the need, demands, goals, objectives, and/or structure of another component.
290 - 305 Domestic Strategy
Internationalizing by exporting goods abroad as a means of seeking new markets.
290 - 305 Multidomestic Strategy
A strategy that concentrates on the development of foreign markets by selling to foreign nationals.
290 - 305 Adaptive IHRM Approach
HRM systems for foreign subsidiaries that will be consistent with the local economic, political, and legal environment.
290 - 305 Multinational Strategy
Standardizing the prodcuts and services around the world to gain efficiency.
290 - 305 Exportive IHRM Approach
Transferring home HRM systems to foreign subsidiaries without modifying or adapting to the local environment.
290 - 305 Global Strategy
Introducing culturally sensitive products in chosen countries with the least amount of cost.
290 - 305 Intergrative IHRM Approach
Combining home HR practices with local practices and selecting the most qualified people for the appropriate positions no matter where these candidates come from.
290 - 305 Home-country Nationals
Individuals from the subsidiary country who know the foreign cultural environment well.
290 - 305 Parent-country Nationals
people from HQ who are highly familiar with the firm’s products and services, as well as with its corporate culture.
290 - 305 Trainability
An individual’s ability to acquire certain skills to a desired level of performance.