Managing Human Resources Flashcards
9-box grid
A comparative diagram that includes appraisal and assessment data to allow managers to easily see an employee’s actual and potential performance.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
A term applied to different types of employee complain or dispute resolution procedures
Arbitration Award
Final and binding award issued by an arbitrator in a labour-management dispute.
A natural departure of employees from organizations through quits, retirements, and deaths.
Augmented Skills
Skills helpful in facilitating the efforts of expatriate managers.
Authorization Card
A statement signed by an employee authorizing a union to act as his or her representative for the purposes of collecting bargaining.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
A measurement framework that helps managers translate strategic goals into operational objectives.
Balance sheet Approach
A compensation system designed to match the purchasing power in a person?s home country.
Bargaining Power
The power of labour and management to achieve their goals through economic, social, or political influence.
Bargaining Unit
Group of two or more employees who share common employment interests and conditions and may reasonable be grouped together for purposes of collective bargaining.
Bargaining Zone
Area within which the union and the employer are willing to concede when bargaining.
Behaviour Modelling
An approach that demonstrates desired behaviour and gives trainees the chance to practice and role-play those behaviours and receive feedback.
Behaviour Modification
A technique that operates on the principle that behaviour that is rewarded, or positively reinforced, will be exhibited more frequently in the future, whereas behaviour that is penalized or unrewarded will decrease in frequency.
Behaviour Observation Scale (BOS)
A behavioural approach to performance rating that measures the frequency of observed behaviour.
Behavioural Description Interview (BDI)
An interview in which an applicant is asked about what he or she did in a given situation.
Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)
A behavioural approach to performance rating that consists of a series of vertical scales, one for each important dimension of job performance.
The process of measuring one?s own services and practice against the recognized leaders in order to identify areas for improvement.
Blend Learning
The use of multiple training methods to achieve optimal learning on the part of trainees.
Bona fide occupational qualifications (BFOQ)
A justifiable reason for discrimination based on business reasons of safety or effectiveness.
An incentive payment that is supplemental to the base wage.
A company?s efforts to help existing and prospective workers understand why it is a desirable place to work.
The most sever stage of distress, manifesting itself in depression, frustration, and loss of productivity.
Business Agent
Normally paid labour official responsible for negotiating and administering the collective agreement and working to resolve union members? problems.
A process whereby managers meet to discuss the performance of individual employees to ensure that their employee evaluations are in line with one another.
Career Counselling
The process of discussing with employees their current job activities and performance, personal and career interests and goals, personal skills, and suitable career development objectives.
Career Networking
The process of establishing mutually beneficial relationships with other business people, including potential clients and customers.
Career Plateau
A situation in which, for either organizational or personal reasons, the probability of moving up the career ladder is low.
Change Management
A systematic way of bringing about and managing both organizational changes and changes on the individual level.
Chief Ethics Officer
A high-ranking manager directly responsible for fostering the ethical climate within the firm.
Chief Learning Officer
A high-ranking manager directly responsible for fostering employee learning and development within the organization.
Representation of labour on the board of directors of a company.
Collaborative Software
Software that allows workers to interface and share information with one another electronically.
Collective Agreement
An employment contract between an employer and a union that sets out the terms of employment of a group of the employer?s employees represented by the union.
Collective Bargaining Process
Process of negotiating a collective agreement, including the use of economic pressures by both parties.
Combined Salary and Commission Plan
A compensation plan that includes a straight salary and a commission.
Common Lay of Employment
The body of case law in which courts interpret employment contracts and the legal principles taken from those cases that guide the interpretation of employment contracts.
Compensatory Model
A selection decision model in which a high score in one area can make up for a low score in another area.
Competency Assessment
Analysis of the sets of skills and knowledge needed for decision-oriented and knowledge-intensive jobs.
Competency-based Pay
Pay based on an employee?s skill level, variety of skills possessed, or increased job knowledge.
Compulsory Binding Arbitration
Binding method of resolving collective bargaining deadlocks by a neutral third party.
Term applied to designated groups whose numbers in a particular occupation or level are high relative to their numbers in the labour market.
Concurrent Validity
The extent to which test scores (or other predictor information) match criterion obtained at about the same time from current employees.
Construct Validity
The extent to which a selection tool measures a theoretical construct or train page.
Constructive Dismissal
When an employer commits a fundamental breach of the contract, such as by unilaterally changing a key term of the contract, the employee can treat the breach as a termination.
Consumer Price Index
A measure of the average change in prices over time in a fixed ?Market Basket? of goods and services.
Content Validity
The extent to which a selection instrument, such as a test, adequately samples the knowledge and skills needed to perform a particular job.
Contrast Error
A performance rating error in which an employee?s evaluation is biased either upward or downward because of comparison with another employee just previously evaluated.
Contributory Plan
A pension plan in which contributions are made jointly by employees and employers.
Cooperative Training
A training program that combines practical on-the-job experience with formal educational classes.
Core Capabilities
Integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers.
Core Skills
Skills considered critical to an employee?s success abroad.
Core Values
The strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The responsibility of the firm to act in the best interests of the people and communities affected by its activities.
Craft Unions
Unions that represent skilled craft workers.
Criterion-related Validity
The extent to which a selection tool predicts, or significantly correlates with, important elements of work behaviour.
Critical Incident
An unusual event that denotes superior or inferior employee performance in some part of the job.
Critical Incident Method
A job analysis method by which important job tasks are identified for job success.
The process of training employees to do multiple jobs within an organization.
Verifying the results obtained from a validation study by administering a test or test battery to a different sample (drawn from the same population).
Cultural Audits
Audits of the culture and quality of work life in an organization.
Cultural Environment
The communications, religion, values and ideologies, education, and social structure of a country.
Culture Shock
Perpetual stress experience by people who settle over seas.
Cumulative Trauma Disorders
Injuries involving tendons of the fingers, hands, and arms that become inflamed from repeated stresses and strains.
Customer Evaluation
A performance evaluation that includes evaluation from both a firm?s external and internal customers.
Defined-benefit Plan
A Pension Plan which the amount an employee is to receive on retirement is specifically set fourth.
Defined-contribution Plan
A pension plan that establishes the basis on which an employer will contribute to the pension fund.
Differential Piece Rate
A compensation rate under which employees whose production exceeds the standard amount of output receive a higher rate for all of their work than the rate paid to those who do not exceed the standard amount.
Planned elimination of jobs.
Emergency Action Plan
A plan an organization develops that contains step-by-step procedures for dealing with various emergency situations.
Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
Services provided by employers to help workers cope with a wide variety of problems that interfere with the way they perform their jobs.
Employee Associations
Labour organizations that represent various groups of professional and white-collar employees in labour-management relations.
Employee Empowerment
Granting employees power to initiate change, thereby encouraging them to take charge of what they do.
Employee Involvement Groups (EIs)
Groups of employees who meet to resolve problems or offer suggestion for organizational improvement.
Employee Leasing
The process of dismissing employees who are then hired by a leasing company (which handles all HR-related activities) and contracting with that company to lease back the employees.
Employee Profile
A profile of a worker developed by studying an organization?s top performers to recruit similar types of people.
Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs)
Stock plans in which an organization contributes shares of its stock to an established trust for the purpose of stock purchases by employee
Employee Teams
An employee contributions technique whereby work functions are structured for groups rather than for individuals and team members are given discretion in matters traditionally considered management prerogatives, such as process improvements, product or service development, and individual work assignments.
Employment Equity
The employment of individuals in a fair and nonbiased manner
Someone who starts, organizes, and manages and assumes responsibility for a business or other enterprise.
Environmental Scanning
Systematic Monitoring of the major external forces influencing the organization.
An interdisciplinary approach to designing equipment and systems that can be easily and efficiently used by human beings.
Error of Central Tendency
A performance rating error in which all employees are rated about average.
Escalator Clauses
Clauses in collective agreements that provide for quarterly cost-of-living adjustments in wages, basing the adjustments on changes in the consumer price index.
Essay Method
A trait approach to performance rating that requires the rater to compose a statement describing employee behaviour.
A set of standards of conduct and moral judgments that help determine right and wrong behaviour.
Positive stress that accompanies achievement and exhilaration.
Fast-track Program
A program that encourages new managers with high potential to remain with an organization by enabling them to advance more rapidly than those with less potential.
Final Offer Arbitration
Method of resolving collective bargaining deadlocks whereby the arbitrator has no power to compromise by must select one or another of the final offers submitted by the two parties.
Flexible Benefits Plans (cafeteria plans)
Benefits plans that enable individual employees to choose the benefits that are best suited to their particular needs.
Flexible working hours that permits employees the option of choosing daily starting and quitting times provided they work a set number of hours per day or week.
Flow Data
Data that provide a profile of the employment decisions affecting designated groups.
Forced-choice Method
A train approach to performance rating that requires the rated to choose from statements designed to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful performance.
Forced Distribution
A performance ranking system whereby raters are required to place a certain percentage of employees into various performance categories.
A situation in which an organization asks or requires employees to take time off for either no pay or reduced pay.
Gainsharing Plans
Programs under which both employees and the organization share financial gains according to a predetermined formula that reflects improved productivity and profitability.
Global Compensation Systems
A centralized pay system whereby host-country employees are offered a fill range of training programs, benefits, and pay comparable to those of a firm?s domestic employees but adjusted for local differences.
Global Corporation
A firm that has integrated worldwide operations through a centralized home office.
Global Manager
A manager equipped to run an international business.
Global Sourcing
The business practice of searching for an utilizing goods sourced from around the world.
The trend to opening up foreign markets to international trade and investment.
Graphic Rating Scale Method
A trait approach to performance rating whereby each employee is rated according to a scale of characteristics.
Grievance Procedure
Formal procedure that provides for the union to represent members and non-member in processing a grievance.
Guest Workers
Foreign workers invited to perform needed labour.
Hay Profile Method
A job evaluation technique using three factors?knowledge, mental activity, and accountability?to evaluate executive and managerial positions.
Hiring Freeze
A practice whereby new workers are not hired as planned or workers who have left the organization are not replaced.
Home-based Pay
Pay based on an expatriate?s home country?s compensation practices.
Host-based Pay
Expatriate pay comparable to that earned by employees in a host country.
Host Country
A country in which an international corporation operates.
Human Capital Readiness
The process of evaluating the availability of critical talent in a company and comparing it to the firm?s supply.
Human Resources Planning
The process of anticipating and providing the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization.
Implied Contract Terms
Terms judges read into employment contracts when the written contract does not expressly deal with the matter.
Industrial Disease
A disease resulting from exposure to a substance relating to a particular process, trade, or occupation in industry.
Industrial Unions
Unions that represent all workers?skilled, semiskilled, unskilled?employed along industry lines.
Informational Interview
An informal meeting with someone in an occupation that interests you.
Instructional Objectives
Desired outcomes of a training program.
Interest Arbitrator
Third-party neutral who resolves a labour dispute by issuing a final decision in the disagreement.
Interest-based Bargaining (IBB)
Problem-solving bargaining based on a win-win philosophy and the development of a positive long-term relationship.
Internal Labour Market
Labour market in which workers are hired into entry-level jobs and higher levels are filled from within.
International Corporation
A domestic firm that uses its existing capabilities to move into overseas markets.
Job Analysis
The process of obtaining information about jobs by determining the duties, tasks, or activities of jobs.
Job Characteristics Model
A job design theory that purports that three psychological states (experiencing meaningfulness of the work outcomes, and knowledge of the results of the work performed) of the results of the work performed) of a jobholder result in improved work performance, internal motivation, and lower absenteeism turnover.
Job Classification System
A system of job evaluation in which jobs are classified and grouped according to a series of predetermined wage grades.
Job Design
An outgrowth of job analysis that improves jobs through technological human considerations to enhance organization efficiency and employee job satisfaction.
Job Enrichment
Enhancing a job by adding more meaningful tasks and duties to make the work more rewarding or satisfying.
Job Evaluation
A systematic process of determining the relative worth of jobs to establish which jobs should be paid more than others within an organization.
Job Family
A group of individual jobs with similar characteristics.
Job Progressions
The hierarchy of jobs a new employee might experience, ranging from a starting job to jobs that successively require more knowledge and/or skill.
Job Ranking
The simplest and older system of job evaluation by which jobs are arrayed on the basis of their relative worth.
Job Shadowing
The process of observing an employee in his or her work environment to obtain a better understanding of what the employee does.
Job Sharing
The arrangement whereby two part-time employees perform a job that otherwise would be held by one full-time employee.
Job Specification
A statement of the needed knowledge, skills, and abilities of the person who is to perform the job.
Just-in-time Training
Training delivered to trainees when and where they need it to do their jobs, usually via computer or the Internet.
Knowledge Workers
Workers whose responsibilities extend beyond the physical execution of work to include planning, decision making, and problem solving.
Labout Arbitrator
A person assigned to interpret and decide disputes (?grievances?) about the meaning, interpretation, and application of a collective agreement governing employees in a unionized workplace.
Labour Relations Process
Logical sequence of four events: (1) workers desire collective representation; (2) the union begins its organizing campaign, which may lead to certification and recognition; (3) collective negotiations lead to a contract; and (4) the contract is administered.
Learning Management System (LMS)
Online system that provides a variety of assessment, communication, teaching, and learning opportunities.
Leniency or Strictness Error
A performance rating error in which the appraiser tends to give employees either unusually high or unusually low ratings.
Adapting pay and other compensation benefits to match those of a particular country.
Lump-sum Merit Program
Program under which employees receive a year-end merit payment, which is not added to their base pay.
Management By Objectives (MBO)
A philosophy of management that rates performance on the basis of employee achievement of goals set by mutual agreement of employee and manager.
Management Forecasts
The opinions (judgements) of supervisors, department managers, exports, or others knowledgeable about the organization?s future employment needs.
Management Rights
Decisions regarding organizational operations over which management claims exclusive rights.
Manager and/or Supervisor Evaluation
A performance evaluation done by an employee?s manager and often reviewed by a manager one level higher.
Markov Analysis
A method for tracking the pattern of employee movements through various jobs.
The use of an impartial neutral to reach a compromise decision in employment disputes.
A third party in an employment dispute who meets with one party and then the other to suggest compromise solutions or to recommend concessions from each side that will lead to an agreement.
Individuals who coach, advise, and encourage individuals of lessor rank.
Merit Guidelines
Guidelines for awarding merit raises that are tied to performance objectives.
Mixed-standard Scale Method
A trait approach to performance rating similar to other scale methods but based on comparison with (better then, equal to, or worse than) a standard.
Multidomestic Corporation (MDC)
A firm with independent business units operation in multiple countries.
Multiple Cutoff Model
A selection-decision model that requires an applicant to achieve some minimum level of proficiency on all selection dimensions.
Multiple Hurdle Model
A sequential strategy in which only the applicants with the highest scores at an initial test stage go on to subsequent stages.
The process of moving hobs closer to one?s home country.
A preference for hiring relatives of current employees.
Nondirect Interview
An interview in which the applicant is allowed the maximum amount of freedom in determining the course of the discussion, while the interviewer carefully refrains from influencing the applicant?s remarks.
Occupational Illness
Any abnormal condition or disorder, other than one resulting from an occupational injury, caused by exposure to environmental factors associated with employment.
Occupational Injury
Any cut, fracture, sprain, or amputation resulting from a workplace accident or from an exposure involving an accident in the work environment.
The business practice of sending jobs to other countries.
A designated individual from whom employees may seek counsel for resolution of their complaints.
The process of systematically socializing new employees to help them go ?on board? with an organization.
On-the-job Training (OJT)
A method by which employees are given hands-on experience with instructions from their supervisor or other trainer.
Open-door Policy
A policy of settling grievances that identifies various levels of management above the immediate supervisor for employee contact.
Organization Analysis
Examination of the environment, strategies, and resources of the organization to determine where training emphasis should be placed.
Organizational Capability
The capacity of the organization to act and change in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage.
The formal process of familiarizing new employees with the organization, their jobs, and their work units.
Outplacement Services
Services provided by organizations to help terminated employees find a new job.
Contracting out work that was formerly done by employees.
Panel Interview
An interview in which a board of interviewers questions and observes a single candidate.
Passive Job Seekers
People who are not looking for jobs but could be persuaded to take new ones given the right opportunity.
Pay Equity
Equal pay for work of equal value.
Pay Grades
Groups of jobs within a particular class that are paid the same rate.
Peer Evaluation
A performance evaluation done by one?s fellow employees, generally on forms that are compiled into a single profile for use in the performance interview conducted by the employee?s manager.
Peer-review System
A system for reviewing employee complaints that utilizes a group composed of equal numbers of employee representatives and management appointees, which functions as a jury because its members weigh evidence, consider arguments, and, after deliberation, vote independently to render a final decision.
Performance Evaluation
The result of an annual or biannual process in which a manager evaluates an employee?s performance relative to the requirements of his or her job and uses the information to show the person where improvements are needed and why.
Performance Management
The process of creating a work environment in which people can perform to the best of their abilities.
Special nonmonetary benefits given to executives; often referred to as perks.
Person Analysis
Determination of the specific individuals who need training.
Work paid according to the number of units produced.
Point System
A quantitative job evaluation procedure that determines the relative value of a job by the total points assigned to it.
The different duties and responsibilities performed by only one employee.
Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
A questionnaire covering 194 different tasks that, by means of a five-point scale, seeks to determine the degree to which different tasks are involved in performing a particular job
Positive, or non punitive, discipline
A system of discipline that focuses on early correction of employee misconduct, with the employee taking total responsibility for correcting the problem.
Predictive Validity
The extent to which applicants? test scores match criterion data obtained from those applicants/employees after they have been on the job for an indefinite period.
Preemployment Test
An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behaviour that is used to gauge a person?s knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics (KSAOs) relative to other individuals.
Proactive Change
Change initiated to take advantage of targeted opportunities.
Profit Sharing
Any procedure by which an employer pays, or makes available to all regular employees, in addition to base pay, special current or deferred sums based on the profits of the enterprise.
Progressive Discipline
Application of corrective measures by increasing degrees.
A change of assignment to a job at a higher level in the organization.
Quality of Fill
A metric designed to assess how well new hires are performing on the job.
Reactive Change
Change that occurs after external forces have already affected performance.
Real Wages
Wage increases larger than rises in the consumer prince index; that is the real earning power of wages.
Realistic Job Preview
Informing applicants about all aspects of the job, including both its desirable and undesirable facets.
Reasonable Accommodation
Attempt by employers to adjust the working conditions or schedules of employees with disabilities or religious preferences.
Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO)
The practice of outsourcing an organization?s recruiting function to an outside firm.
Red Circle Rates
Payment rates above the maximum of the pay range.
The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.
The degree to which interviews, tests, and other selection procedures yield comparable data over time.
Relocation Services
Services provided to an employee who is transferred to a new location, which might include, and/or learning a new language.
The process of employee transition home from an international assignment.
Replacement Charts
Listing of current jobholders and people who are potential replacement if an opening occurs.
Rights Arbitration
Arbitration over interpretation of the meaning of contract terms or employee work grievances.
An extended period of time in which an employee leaves an organization to pursue other activities and later returns to his or her job.
Salary Plus Bonus Plan
A compensation plan that pays a salary plus a bonus achieved by reaching targeted sales goals.
Selection Ratio
The number of applicants compared to the number of people to be hired.
A performance evaluation done by the employee being evaluated, generally on an evaluation form completed by the employee prior to the performance interview.
Sequential Interview
A format in which a candidate is interviewed by multiple people, on right after the other.
Severance Pay
A lump-sum payment given to terminated employees by an employer at the time of an employer-initiated termination.
Sexual Harassment
Unwelcome advances, requests for sexual favours, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature in the working environment.
Silver Handshake
An early retirement incentive in the form of increased pension benefits for several years or a cash bonus.
Similar-to-me Error
A performance rating error in which an appraiser inflates the evaluation of an employee because of a mutual connection.
Situational Interview
An interview in which an applicant is given a hypothetical incident and asked how he or she would respond to it.
Six Sigma
A set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and striving for continuous improvement.
Skill Inventories
Files of personnel education, experience, interests, and skills that allow managers to quickly match job openings with employee backgrounds.
Split Pay
A system whereby expatriates are given a portion of their pay in the local currency to cover their day-to-day expenses and a portion of their pay in their home currency to safeguard their earning from changes in inflation or foreign exchange rates.
Spot Bonus
An unplanned bonus given for employee effort unrelated to an established performance measure.
Spot Rewards
Programs that award employees on the spot when they do something particularly well during training or on the job.
Staffing Tables
Graphic representations of all organizational jobs, along with the numbers of employees currently occupying those jobs and future (monthly or early) employment requirements.
Standard Hour Plan
An incentive plan that sets rates based on the completion of a job in a predetermined standard time.
Statutory Rights
Legal entitlements that derive from government legislation.
Step-review System
A system for reviewing employee complaints and disputes by successively higher levels of management.
Stock Data
Data showing the status of designated groups in occupational categories and compensation levels.
Straight Commission Plan
A compensation plan is based on a percentage of sales.
Straight Piecework
An inventive plan under which employees receive a certain rate for each unit produced.
Straight Salary Plan
A compensation plan that permits salespeople to be paid for performing various duties that are not reflected immediately in their sales volume.
Strategic Human Resources Management
The pattern on human resources deployments and activities that enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals.
Strategic Planning
Procedures for making decisions about the organization?s long-term goals and strategies.
Strategic Vision
A statement about where the company is going and what it can become in the future; clarifies the long-term direction of the company and its strategic intent.
Structured Interview
An interview in which a set of standardized questions with an established set of answers is used.
Subordinate Evaluation
A performance evaluation of a superior by an employee, which is more appropriate for developmental than for administrative purposes.
Succession Planning
The process of identifying, developing, and tracking key individuals for executive positions.
Summary Dismissal
When a non-union member terminates an employee without notice because the employee has committed a serious breach of the contract.
SWOT Analysis
A comparison of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for strategy formulation purposes.
Systematic Discrimination
The exclusion of member of certain groups through the application of employment policies or practices based on criteria that are not job related.
Task Analysis
The process of determining what the content of a training program should be on the bases of a study of the tasks and duties involved in the job.
Task Inventory Analysis
An organization-specific list of tasks and their descriptions used as a basis to identify components of jobs.
Team Evaluation
A performance evaluation, based on total quality management concepts, that recognizes team accomplishment rather than individual performance.
Team Incentive Plan
A compensation plan in which all team member receive an incentive bonus payment when production or service standards are met or exceeded.
Use of personal computers, networks, and other communications technology to do work in the home that is traditionally done in the workplace.
Temporal (recency) Error
A performance rating error in which the evaluation is based largely on the employee?s most recent behaviour rather than on behaviour throughout the evaluation period.
Third-country Nationals
Employees who are natives of a country rather than the home country or the host country.
Time-to-fill Metric
The number of days from when a job opening is approved to the date the candidates is selected.
Placement of an individual in another job for which the duties, responsibilities, status, and remuneration are approximately equal to those of the previous job.
Transfer of Training
Effective application of principles learned to what is required on the job.
Transnational Corporation
A firm that attempts to balance local responsiveness and global scale via a network of specialised operation units.
Transnational Teams
Teams composed of members of multiple nationalities working on projects that span multiple counties.
Trend Analysis
A quantitative approach to forecasting labour demand based on an organizational index such as sales.
Term applied to designated groups that are not utilized or represented in the employer?s workforce proportional to their numbers in the labour market.
Unfair Labour Practice (ULPs)
Specific employer and union illegal practices that deny employees their rights and benefits under federal and provincial labour law.
Union Shop
Provision of the collective agreement that requires employees to join the union as a condition of their employment.
Union (shop) Steward
Employee who as a nonpaid union official represents the interests of member in their relations with management.
The degree to which a test or selection procedure measures a person?s attributes.
Value Creation
What the firm adds to a product or service by virtue of making it; the amount of benefits provided by the product or service once the costs of making it are subtracted.
Values-based Hiring
The process of outlining the behaviours that exemplify a firm?s corporate culture and then hiring people who are a fit for them.
Variable Pay
Tying pay to some measure of individual, group, or organizational performance.
A guarantee of accrued benefits to participants at retirement age, regardless of their employment status at the time.
Video Resumes
Short video clips that highlight applicants? qualifications beyond what they can communicate on their resume.
Virtual Team
A team with widely dispersed members linked together through computer and telecommunications technology.
Wage and Salary Survey
A survey of the wages paid to employees of other employers in the surveying organization?s relevant labour market.
Wage Curve
A curve in a scattergram representing the relationship between the relative worth of jobs and wage rates.
Wage-rate Compression
Compression of differentials between job classes, particularly the differential between hourly workers and their managers.
Work Permit, or Visa
A government document granting a foreign individual the right to seek employment.
Work Valuation
A job evaluation system that seeks to measure a job?s worth through its value to the organization.
Workers? Compensation Insurance
Insurance provided to workers to defray the loss of income and cost of treatment resulting from work-related injuries or illness.
Wrongful Dismissal
A lawsuit filed in a court by an employee alleging that he or she was dismissed without proper contractual or ?reasonable? notice.
Yield Ratio
The percentage of applicants from a recruitment source that make it to the next stage of the selection process.