Recruitment & Selection Flashcards
41 - True Score
The average score that an individual would earn on an infinite number of administrations of the same test or parallel versions of the same test.
41 - Error Score
The hypothetical difference between an observed score and a true score.
85 - Adverse Impact
Occurs when the selection rate for a protected group is lower than that for the relevant comparison group.
112 - Job Description
A written description of what job occupants are required to do, how they are supposed to do it, and the rational for any required job procedures.
112 - Job Specifications
The knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes or competencies that are needed by a job incumbent to perform well on the job.
112- Job
A collection of positions that are similar in their significant duties.
112 - Position
A collection of duties assigned to individuals in an organization at a given time.
112 - Job Family
A set of different, but related, jobs that rely on the same set of KSAOs.
120 - Work-oriented Job Analysis
Job analysis techniques that emphasize work outcomes and descriptions of the various tasks performed to accomplish outcomes.
120 - Worker-oriented Job Analysis
Job analysis techniques that emphasize general aspects of jobs, describing perceptual, interpersonal, sensory, cognitive, and physical activities.
129 - Task Inventories
Work-oriented surveys that break down jobs into their component tasks.
133 - Worker Traits Inventories
Methods used to infer employee specifications from job analysis data; commonly included in the job analysis literature.
140 - Competencies
Groups of related behaviors that are needed for successful job performance in an organization.
140 - Competency Models
A collection of competencies that are relevant to performance in a particular job, job family, or functional area.
140 - Competency Framework
A broad framework for integrating, organizing and aligning various competency models that are based on an organization’s strategy and vision.
140 - Core Competencies
Characteristics that every member of an organization, regardless of position, function, job, or level of responsibility within the organization, is expected to possess.
140 - Functional Competencies
Characteristics shared by different positions within a organization. Only those members of an organization in these positions are expected to possess these competencies.
140 - Job-specific Competencies
Characteristics that apply only to specific positions within the organization. Only those people in the position are expected to posses these competencies.
140 - Competency Dictionary
A listing of all the competencies required by an organization to achieve its mandate, along with the proficiency level required to perform successfully in different functional groups or positions.
140 - Proficiency Level
The level at which competency must be performed to ensure success in a given functional group or position.
166 - Job Performance
Behaviour that is relevant to accomplishing the goals of an organization.
166 - Criteria
Measures of job performance that attempt to capture individual differences among employees with respect to job-related behaviours.
166 - Task Performance
Duties related to the direct production of goods and services and to the direct contribution to the efficient functioning of the organization that form part of a job. These duties are part of the worker’s formal job description.
166 - Contextual Performance
The activities or behaviours that are not part of a worker’s formal job description but that remain important for organizational effectiveness.
166 - Counterproductive Work Behaviours
Voluntary behaviours that violate significant organizational norms and in so doing threaten the well-being of an organization, its members, or both.
166 - Job Performance Domain
The set of job performance dimensions that is relevant to the goals of the organization, or unit, in which a person works.
166 - Performance Dimensions
Sets of related behaviours that are derived from an organization’s goals and linked to successful job performance.
183 - Criterion Relevance
The degree to which the criterion measure captures behaviours or competencies that consistute job performance.
183 - Criterion Deficiency
Those job performance behaviours or competencies that are not measure by the criterion.
183 - Criterion Contamination
The degree to which the criterion measure is influenced by, or measures, that are not part of job performance.
183 - Practicality
The degree to which a criterion measure is available, plausible, and acceptable to organizational decision makers.
183 - Ultimate Criterion
The concept that a single criterion measure reflects overall job success.
189 - Objective Performance Measures
Production, sales, and personnel data used in assessing individual job performance.
189 - Subjective Performance Measures
Ratings or ranking made by supervisors, peers, or others that are used in assessing individual job performance.
189 - Relative Rating System
A subjective measurement that compares the overall performance of one employee to that of others to establish a rank order of employee performance.
189 - Absolute Rating System
Compare the performance of one worker with an absolute standard of performance; can be used to assess performance on one dimension or to provide an overall assessment.
217 - Person-job Fit
This is the case when a job candidate has the knowledge, skills, abilities, or other attributes and competencies required by the job in question.
217 - Person-organization Fit
This is the case when a job candidate fits the organization’s values and culture and has the contextual attributes desired by the organization.
227 - Systematic Discrimination
In employment, the intentional or unintentional exclusion of members of groups that are protected under human rights legislation through recruiting, selection, or other personnel practices or policies.
265 - Designated Targeted Groups
The four groups designated in the federal government’s Employment Uquity Act that receive legal “protection: in employment policies and practices because of their under representation in the workplace.
267 - False Positives
Individuals who are predicted to perform successfully in a given position, but who do not perform at satisfactory levels when placed on the job.
267 - False Negatives
Individuals who are predicted to perform unsuccessfully in a given position, but who would perform at satisfactory levels if hired.
282 - Validity Coefficient
The correlation between assessment scores and job performance measures.
320 - Abilities
Enduring, general traits or characteristics on which people differ and which they bring to a work situation.
320 - Skill
An individual’s degree of proficiency or competency on a given task, which develops through performing the task.
320 - Aptitude
A specific, narrow ability or skill that may be used to predict job performance.
320 - Cognitive Abilities
Intelligence, general mental ability, or intellectual ability.
330 - Practical Intelligence
The ability to apply ideas in “real world” contexts.
330 - Tactic Knowledge
Knowledge that is derived from experience when learning is not the primary objective.
330 - Job Knowledge
Knowledgeable of issues and/or procedures deemed essential for successful job performance.
330 - Emotional Intelligence
The ability to accurately perceive and appraise emotion in oneself and others, and to appropriately regulate and express emotion.
344 - Work Samples and Simulations
Testing procedures that require job candidates to produce behaviours related to job performance under controlled conditions that approximate those found in the job.
344 - Situational Excercises
Asses aptitude or proficiency in performing important job tasks by using tasks that are abstract and less realistic than those performance on the actual job.
344 - Situational Judgement Test
Type of situational exercise designed to measure an applicant’s judgment in workplace or professional situations.
344 - Leaderless Group Discussion
A simulation exercise designed to assess leadership, organizational, and communication skills.
344 - In-basket Test
A simulation exercise designed to asses organizational and problem-solving skills.
418 - Structured Interview
An interview consisting of a standardized set of job relevant questions; a scoring guide is used.
418 - Panel Interview
An interview conducted by two or more interviewers together at one time.
418 - Serial Interviews
A series of interview where the application is interviews separately by each of two or more interviewers.
418 - Situational Interview
A highly structured interview in which important or decisive situations employees are likely to encounter on the job are described and applicants are asked what they would do in these situations.
418 - Dilemma
A choice in an interview question between two alternatives that appear equally desirable or undesirable.
418 - Behaviour Description Interview
A structured interview in which the applicant is asked to describe what he did in given situations in the past.
418 - Experience-based Interview
Experience-based interviews assess applicant qualifications such as work experience and education using job knowledge or work sample questions.
464 - Satisficing
Making an acceptable or adequate choice rather than the best or optimal choice.
464 - Organizational Fit
Applicants’ overall suitability for the organization and its culture.
464 - Implicit Theories
Personal beliefs that are held about how people or things function, without objective evidence and often without conscious awareness.
470 - Pure Judgment Approach
An approach in which judgmental data are combined in a judgmental manner.
470 - Trait Rating Approach
An approach in which judgmental data are combined statistically.
470 - Profile Interpretation
An approach in which statistical data are combined in a judgmental manner.
470 - Pure Statistical Approach
An approach in which data are combined in a judgmental manner.
470 - Pure Statistical Approach
An approach in which data are combines statistically.
470 - Judgmental Composite
An approach in which judgmental and statistical data are combined in a judgmental manner.
470 - Statistical Composite
An approach in which judgmental and statistical data are combined statistically.
475 - Incremental Validity
The value in terms of increase validity of adding a particular predictor to an existing selection system.
475 - Cut-off Score
A threshold; those scoring at or above the cut-off score pass, those scoring below fail.
487 - Banding
Grouping applicants based on a range of scores.