Strategic Flashcards
Development of problems in MRI
cybernetics -difficulties are turned intp chronic problems by misguided solutions (MRI) this is the only development of problem in MRI and part of the problem in other strategic models.
Development of Problem Haley Madanes and Milan (3 areas)
Structural: Problems are a result of flaws in a family’s hierarchy or boundaries
Functional: Problems result when people try to protect one another indirectly, such that their problems come to serve a function for the system
cybernetics -difficulties are turned intp chronic problems by misguided solutions
Milton Erickson contributions Resistance
resistance to change can be used to create change
Milton Erickson contributions paradox
paradox - forbid resistant families to change in ways that are counter to their goals- promote rebellion
Haley MAdanes Strategic Theorists
Jay Haley cofounder of brieg strategic at MRI
CLoe Madanes founded family therapy institute focused on the tension between love and power in interactions
Main concept Haley MAdanes strategic
Focus on resolving the presenting problem (behavioral change), not on insight
A family must ACT DIFFERENTLY before they can THINK AND FEEL differently
Look at Hierarchy and power
Process Haley-Madanes Strategic
Ready, Aim, Fire:
▪ Assess interaction sequences; target small sequence change; motivate family
o Interrupt interaction sequences with task for small sequence change
o Evaluate response
o Interrupt again
Relational Problem in Haley Madanes
The problem is a relational (interactional) one, part of the interactional sequence of behaviors that
have emerged thru repeated exchanges with no one person to blame
existential problem Haley Madanes
All problems stem from an existential dilemma between love and violence
Behaviors in Haley Madanes
voluntary- chosen
symptoms and power Haley Madanes
symptoms can generate power
Role of symptoms/underlying problem
Metaphorical vs Literal – symptom as metaphor for other problem sequence of behavior
symptom and hierarchy ) Haley Madanes
Hierarchy vs Equality – symptom as demand for more/less hierarchy
Symptom and hostility Haley Madanes
Hostility vs Love – interactions interpreted as motivated by hostility or love
Goals of therapy Haley Madanes
General: promote a change that alters people’s subjective experiences (mood/thought/behavior)
* Ultimate: Find ways to love without dominating, intruding upon, or harming the other(s); symptomfree interaction patterns
Haley Madanes Goals intervention directive
General: promote a change that alters people’s subjective experiences (mood/thought/behavior)
* Ultimate: Find ways to love without dominating, intruding upon, or harming the other(s); symptomfree interaction patterns
directive Haley Madanes
a task or a reframe before leaving the session, to be followed up on the following
session; (“do something different”) and indirect directives (paradoxical or
metaphorical tasks).
Pretend technique (Haley Madanes)
fake it ‘til you make it
Haley Madanes theory memory aid
Mess with the fish: schools of fish cannot be shepherded but can be interrupted and allowed toregroup in a new way in response to the interruption. We do not give linear or directive psychoed to
the fish.
Milan Systemic Theorists
Mara Selvini Palazzoli, Luigi Boscolo, Gianfranco Cecchin, Guiliana Prata
circular patterns of action and reaction within the family system that maintains the problem
Hypothesizing Milan
Must be systemic- invites the family to join the therapist in exploring the family system. All hypotheses are considered equally valid as long as it brings new information about how the family
system operates
circularity Milan
Attributes of member-to-member interactions AND form of interactions between therapist and
family system- each affecting the other
circular questioning Milan
Questions based on therapist hypothesis and require responses that are relational
descriptions of family interactions
stance of therapist Milan
Neutrality (curiosity) and Irreverence: Therapist conveys an attitude of curious exploration when asking
questions or responding to family members answers.
Problem in Milan
Problems are maintained through interactional sequences that become a state of homeostasis within the
family system.
Responsibility of members of family Milan
Each family member is responsible for their part in the interactional sequence and all members of the family
system should be included in sessions
Goal of Milan
To help the family system change their circular interactional patterns to decrease/eliminate problem through increased understanding of their role in the interactional pattern.
length of milan therapy
10 sessions
Positive connotation Milan
- assigning a positive motive or value to each family member’s behavior by using
paradoxical strategies (child should continue to sacrifice himself by remaining depressed as a way to reassure his family that he will not become abusive like his grandfather)
Rituals Milan intervention
Interventions that enhance a positive connotation or require the family to either exaggerate or violate
family rules (everyone thank the symptomatic child for their sacrifice of remaining depressed)
MRI strategic theorists
: Richard Fisch and Don Jackson + John Weakland, Paul Watzlawick
MRI problem
cybernetics informed- attempted but misguided solutions maintain problem.
MRI double bind
: no matter what you do, you do something different: something that moves you in a new
: communication about the communication
○ What’s the command (nonverbal element that defines relationship)?
same as process (?)
MRI observational team
behind a mirror, the distance helps one to avoid getting sucked into family
dynamics/interactional pattern
MRI and structure
not concerned with family structure - no “normal”
Goals MRI
measurable, time limited, break interactional cycle, 1st order and 2nd order change
Main MRI interventions
Exploring previous attempts to solve problem lReframing Restraining Paradoxical intervention
Attempt to solve problem MRI Terrible Simplification
Action Is Necessary but None Is Taken
○ Denial of real problem → act
Attempt to solve problem MRI
The Utopian Syndrome
Action Is Taken When It Is Not Necessary
Attempts to solve a nonexistent problem → stop acting
Attempt to solve problem MRI
(Action Is Taken at the Wrong Level)
○ Using the wrong action for the problem → different action
using language to give new meaning to situation
What are Paradoxical Interventions
(what seem opposite to goals of treatment)
● Symptom prescription- do more of the problem!
○ compliance based - do as suggested
○ defiance based - defy the directive
Restraining techniques
type of paradoxical intervention. warns of dangers of change or telling to change slowly. Aligning with ambivalence of
family to perturb system.
Positioning intervention
therapist exaggerating family’s explanation to the point family disagrees.
What is a vicious cycle (strategic/MRI)
self-reinforcing—or circular—dynamics and, as such, are commonly called “vicious cycles” or even “vicious circles.”
Main tenet of MRI brief therapy =therapeutic….
Double bind
Which strategic theory addresses The belief that happiness, work, love, and play are important. Problems occur due to a desire to control and dominate. And incongruent hierarchies.
Haley Madanes
What is circular questioning
The technique of asking questions that focus on family connections. These questions highlight differences in perceptions about events and relationships among family members.
The goal of Milan family
To interrupt family games
After resolving the presenting problem, Haley-Madanes would most likely:
Ask if there were any other problems to follow up on
Which strategic theory saw love and happiness as appropriate goals
Haley Madanes
goal of this theory is to create alternative epistemology to behaviors.
What is a reflecting team
used when treating families through Milan Family Therapy. Observers
What is the purpose of circular questioning
brings out differences between family members
How do you break interactional pattern in MRI
Perturb the system
MRI role of therapist
Expert, creates conditions for change, directive,
What is report and command MRI
The report or content of a message conveys information, while command is a statement about the defined relationship
WHo is Mara Selvini Palazzoli
One of the founders of Milan systemic family therapy