General Systems and transgenerational concepts Flashcards
What two models was family therapy derived from
General systems theory and cybernetics
Who was Ludwig von Bertalanaffy
father of general systems theory
WHat are the fundamental concepts of general systems theory
System is more than a sum of its parts and self regulates with mutually dependent subsystems
Father of cybernetics
Gregory Bateson
Main parts of cybernetics
Self-correcting systems through feedback
Positive & negative feedback loops
family systems operate on the same principles as other systems
What is A thing that connects and maintains a set of interrelated elements, and which exhibits coherent behaviors
Lines of demarcation in a family that define a system as an entity. they separate subsystems from one another. They Separate system from environment
subsystems of a family examples
couple children parent-child
society in which system operates
Property of a boundary that can never completely block what’s on the outside
selectivity of boundaries
Resistant (to some extent) to the introduction of outside matter, energy, or information
open system
a system that interacts freely with the environment
A system that is more isolated and resist such interaction
closed system
system structure definition
Aspects of a system that are relatively static or enduring
Structures can be influenced by a variety of events
Structure is based in perspective of observer
Circular/Mutual Causality (Recursiveness)
The relationship between what A & B do or feel mutually influences one another in a recursive relationship
Linear Causality
an event at one time causes another to occur at a later time
System’s tendency to break down
Over time, threatens the survival of the system
Negative entropy
Systemic state that emerges when a system is balanced between openness and closedness. Info is allowed to enter the system . Change can occur when appropriate
System can reach a certain end state from a variety of different sources, conditions, and means or from different initial states
Different end states can occur from the same initial conditions
Equipotentiality/ Multifinality
Tendency of a system to resist change and maintain a steady state
Maintained by negative feedback loops
(cybernetics Don Jackson)
System’s tendency toward growth, creativity, change, & innovation. Amplifying (positive) feedback loops . Bring values of behaviors into new ranges
feedback loops
Self-correcting mechanisms by which families attempt to adjust deviations from established patterns and maintain its organizational integrity
Feedback occurs from outside system
Input occurs from within system
Negative Feedback Loops/Attenuating
Negative feedback loops stabilize
Attempts to keep system at a steady state
Provides balance by controlling the system’s behavior within previously defined limits
Ex: Thermostat
Ex: When child’s behavior exceeds a limit, parent reacts to bring behavior back to “baseline”;
Positive Feedback Loops/Attenuating
Positive feedback loops de-stabilize
Supports growth and change
Attempt to change the system from its steady state to a new steady state of balance
When 2 or more systems exhibit similar or parallel structures
Patterns can be repeated from one level of a system to another
Communication theory
Communication is verbal and non-verbal
spatial relations (body language, stance, physical distance)
streptic communication
: sounds (whistles, claps, etc)
(symbolic) communication: touch
not WHAT you say, but THE WAY you say it.”
communication: body motion
WHAT is being talked about
how conversation occurs- meta-communication, tone, body lang….How we communicate
Open system
System that is engaged in continuous in/out flow of energy/information with environment
Capacity for autonomous activity
Communication in systems
The way systems maintain themselves
what are goals of systemic therapy
To change interactional patterns to decrease problems and symptoms.
the property of allowing or having the same effect or result from different events.