Hiatory Flashcards
What was Adler known for?
Adding in the social context of a person to the psycho analytic. Believed helping children would prevent further issues.
Ludwig gom Bertalanfgy
Developed general systems theory in the 1940s that showed parts of a system are interrelated and that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts
Influenced Haley and believed systems could make rapid change by trying something new due to the view of cybernetics
Positive or amplifying feedback loop
Attempting to change the system to a new steady state or balance
Negative feedback loops
Maine State maintain stability or homeostasis by controlling the behavior within previously defined limits. Movement towards sameness
Circular causality
Focuses on what the relationship between a and b do to mutually influence one another in a recursive relationship
Attendance to break down over time that threatens the survival of the system
Negative entropy
A systemic state that emerges when a system is balanced between openness and closedness information can enter and change can occur