Stop & Search Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of Stop & Search
The primary purpose of stop and search powers are to enable officers to allay or confirm suspicions about individuals and or vehicles without exercising their power of arrest.
What is Section 1 PACE
if you have reasonable grounds to suspect you will find something on a person or vehicle (has to be in a public place). You can search for stolen property, articles for theft, offensive weapons, articles for damage or Category IV fireworks.
What is the Police and Criminal Evidence Act
A police constable may detain in order to search any person, vehicle or anything which is in or on a vehicle, in any place to which the public has access, if he or she has reasonable grounds for suspecting that stolen or prohibited articles or place or sharply pointed articles, or prohibited fireworks will be found. Any such article found during a search may be seized.
What is Section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act
A constable or other person authorised in that behalf by a general or special order of the Secretary of State shall, for the purposes of the execution of this Act, have power to enter the premises of a person carrying on business as a producer or supplier of any controlled drugs and to demand the production of, and to inspect, any books or documents relating to dealings in any such drugs and to inspect any stocks of any such drugs.
Can a police officer conduct a consensual search
No - A Police Officer must not search a person, even with their consent, where no power of search is applicable.
What is a JOG search
Outer garments, jacket, and glove
Can be done in public, Code A of practices states no more than outer jacket, coat and gloves can be removed.
What is an MTS search
More than out garments search (MTS)
Any search requiring removal of more than outer clothing. A more thorough search
Must be done in private and out of public view by the officer of the same sex.
What is a EIP search
EIP (exposure of intimate parts)
Searches involving exposure of intimate parts of the body must not be conducted as a routine extension of a less thorough search, simply because nothing is found in the course of the initial search.
Searches involving exposure of intimate parts of the body may be carried out only at a nearby police station or other nearby location which is out of the public view, but not a police vehicle.
What number do you require on the Lord Devlin Scale of Justice to raise suspicion?
What number do you require on the Lord Devlin Scale of Justice to have reasonable grounds?
What is SHACKS
Seen Heard Actions Conversation Knowledge Smell
G rounds – reason for search
O bjective – item looking for
W arrant card – if in plain clothes or requested
I dentify – who you are
S tation – where you work
E ntitled to requesting the information within 3 months
L egal power you are using
Y ou are detained for the purpose of a search
D o you understand?
Use of Force
What does section 117 PACE provide a constable
To use reasonable force, if necessary, in the exercise of your power of arrest
Use of Force
The criminal law act 1967 Section 3 states -
You may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances
To affect the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or persons unlawfully at large.
Use of Force
Section 76 Criminal Justice & Immigration Act 2008 states
This allows you to use reasonable force for the purposes of self defense and protection of property as described in common law, as long as you had an honest belief in relation to the threat you faced at the time
Use of Force
Define Common Law
The common law is that part of the law of England formulated, developed and administered by the old common law courts and unwritten. It is the common sense of the community crystallized and formulated by our forefathers.
What section can be used to search upon an arrest
Section 3 PACE 1984
- This gives you the power to search a person who has been arrested, and where certain criteria exist.
- Applies only to arrests made in a place other than a police station
- ALWAYS search a prisoner BEFORE place them in a police vehicle
Define Section 32 PACE
- A constable may search a person who has been arrested at a place other than a police station if the constable has reasonable grounds for believing the arrested person may
- Present a danger to themselves or others
- Have concealed on them any implement they might use to assist them to escape from lawful custody.
- Have concealed on them anything that might be evidence relating to an offence
What can you use Section 17 PACE 1984 for
- Warrants (not fines)
- Indictable Offences
- Specified offences eg section 4 road traffic act 1988
- The pursuit of an offender unlawfully at large
- Absconder from lawful authority
- Save life and limb —- does not need belief or suspect
When can you use Section 18 PACE (1)
Inspectors Authority
A constable may enter and search any premises
Occupied or controlled by a person under arrest for an indictable offence, provided they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that there is evidence relating to that offence
Another indictable offence, which is connected or similar to that offence.
What is Section 22 PACE
Retention of seized property
In what scenarios can property be seized
Seized property to be retained for as long as necessary –
- Use as evidence in trial
- Forensic examination
- Further investigation (unless a copy would suffice)
- Establish a lawful owner
What is Section 19 PACE
Power to seize property while lawfully on-premises
Define Section 19 PACE
A constable may seize anything, which is on-premises
If he/she
Has a reasonable ground for believing
That it has been obtained in consequence of the commission of an offence,
That it is evidence in relation to an offence, which he/she is investigating
Any other offence and that it is necessary to seize in order to prevent it being –
C - concealed
L - lost
A - altered
D - damaged
D – destroyed
What can a constable do in relation to Section 32 Premises Search
May enter and search any premises where arrested for an indictable offence
Was immediately prior to arrest for evidence relating to THAT offence
RGB evidence relating to THAT offence is on-premises
What is section 54
Section 54 of PACE 1984 covers our power to search a detainee in custody