Health & Safety & Equality Flashcards
What laws are associated with Health and Safety
Health & Safety at work Act 1974
Police Health & Safety Act 1997
Police Health & Safety Regulations 1999
Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999
What the specific duties of WYP
Provide as far as is reasonably practicable safe:
- Safe plan and systems of work
- Arrangements for use, handling, storage and transportation of substances
- The provision of information, instruction, training and supervision
- Safe workplace and safe access and egress
- Safe working environment with adequate facilities.
What are the 9 Protected characteristics
- Disability
- Sex
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion and belief
- Sexual orientation
- Age
What is Article 2
Article 2 – Right to life
We have to protect life
Exemptions when we are contravene, we shoot to stop. Defending ourselves from unlawful violence, anything unlawfully. To stop a riot.
The force used can’t be more than necessary and should be appropriate.
What is Article 3
Article 3 – Prohibition of torture
Continue to apply force could be deemed torture, degrading treatment in a nursing home.
What is Article 4
prohibition of slavery and forced labour
What is Article 5
right to liberty and security
What is Article 6
right to fair trial
What is Article 7
no punishment without law
What is Article 8
right to respect for private and family life
What is Article 9
Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
What is Article 10
Freedom of expression
What is Article 11
Freedom of assembly and association
What is Article 12
Right to marry
What is Article 14
prohibition of discrimination
What is Article 1
universal declaration of human rights
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights
What are absolute rights
Can never be taken away or withheld
What are limited rights
Only under explicit circumstances
What are Qualified (Articles 8-11)
The balance between individuals, wider community or state interest.