Stop Bleeding - Rx details pt 2 Flashcards
Bai Ye Tang
Dx: bleeding due to SP deficiency cold
Sx: vomiting, spitting of blood, nosebleeds - wan complexion
TONGUE: pale, thin coat PULSE: rapid and forceless (maybe deficiency in SP position and wiry in LV)
“SP Yang def with LV yang rising” so blood is pushed upwards. “cold coughing of blood formula”
Ce Bai Ye, Ai Ye, Gan Jiang - even though CBY is cold, the other two are warming enough that the Rx is still warm
Jiao Ai Tang
Dx: Flooding + spotting (beng luo) due to chong and ren deficiency and damage. aka excessive menstruation.
Sx: abdo pain w uterine bleeding
excessive menstruation
menstruation w constant spotting
post partum bleeding or bleeding during pregnancy
blood is PALE W O CLOTS
weakness/soreness of lower back and dull complexion
TONGUE: pale, thin white coat PULSE: thin, frail
Chief: E Jiao - Asini Corii Colla - Ton Bld - stops bleeding, tonifies blood, “helps hold what is precious”
Ai Ye - artemisiae argyi folium - stop bleeding - warms womb, calms fetus, stops bleeding, “alleviates pain”
the chief ingredients are treating the branch
Deputies: Sheng Di Huang - Rhemanniae Rx - CH - Cl Bld
Dang Gui - Angelicae Sinensis Rx - Ton Bld
Chaun Xiong - Chuanxiong Rhz - Invg Bld
Bai Shao - Paeoniae Rx Alba - Ton Bld
together the deputies (Si Wu Tang) treat the root - by tonifying blood while gently invigorating to return correct circulation
Assistant - Gan Cao - Glycyrrhizae Rx - Ton Qi - w Bai Shao, Alleviates pain; w E Jaio, assists to stop bleeding
Envoy - Huang Jiu - Rice Wine - reinforces the moving action to ensure no stagnation occurs
clinical usage: patients who are blood deficient before pregnancy
or the pregnancy is consuming the blood and causing spotting. This Rx can stop miscarriages rooted in deficiency of mother
Huang Tu Tuang
Dx: bleeding due to SP deficiency cold.
Sx: blood in the stool, vomiting or spitting up blood, nosebleeds, abdo uterine bleeding.
TONGUE: pale w white coat PULSE: submerged, thin, forceless
Zao Xin Tu aka Fu Long Gan aka Zao Xin Tu - Terra Flava usta
Bai Zhu, Bao Fu Zi, Shneg Di, E Jiao , Huang Qin, Gan Cao
classic uterine bleeding Rx
“cold bloody diarrhea Rx”