Stomach Channel Flashcards
Crossing point of the LI and Yang Qiao
Expels Wind, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, and Benefits the Sinews and Muscles
Deviation of the Mouth, Salivation, and Twitching of the Eyelids
Expels Wind, Opens the Channel, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, and Benefits the Teeth and Jaw
Facial paralysis, toothache, swelling of the cheek and face, mumps and trismus
Crossing point with GB Channel
Clears Heat, Expels Wind, Stops Pain, Brightens the Eyes, Stops Lacrimation, and Relieves Vertigo and Dizziness
Headache, blurred vision, opthalmalgia, and lacrimation
Dispels Stagnation, Regulates, ST Qi, and Regulates the Breast and Lactation
Pain in the chest, cough, asthma, mastitis, and insufficient lactation
Regulates the ST and Stops Vomitimg, Subdues Rebellious Qi, and Stops Pain
Gastric pain, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal distention, and diarrhea
Front-Mu point of LI
Regulates and Facilitates the Function of the Intestines, Regulates Qi, and Eliminates Food Stagnation
Abdominal pain and distention, borborygmus, pain around the umbilicus, constipation, diarrhea, dysentery, irregular menstruation, and edema
Opens the Water Passages and Benefits Urination, Regulates Menstruation, and Stops Pain
Lower abdominal distention, retention of urine, edema, hernia, dysmenorrhea, and infertility
Removes Blood Stagnation
Abdominal pain, hernia, ysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, leukorrhea, and uterine prolapse
Expels Dampness and Wind, Subdues Rebellious ST Qi, and Removes Obstructions from the Channel
Pain and numbness of the knee, gastric pain, mastitis, and motor impairment of the lower extremities
He-Sea and Earth Point of the Sea of Food, Command point of the Abdomen
Tonifies the ST and SP, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Dispels Cold, Brightens the Vision, Regulates the Nutritive and Defensive Qi, Regulates the Intestines, Raises the Yang, Expels Wind and Dampness, Resolves Edema, and Strengthens Weak and Deficient Conditions of the Body
Gastric pain, vomiting, hiccup, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, mastitis, enteritis pain in the knee joints and legs, beriberi, edema, cough, asthma, emaciation due to general deficiency, indigestion, apoplexy, hemiplegia, dizziness, insomnia, and mania
Lower He-Sea of LI, point of the Sea of Blood
Regulates the ST and Intestines, Clears Damp Heat, Resolves Dampness, Removes Food Retention, and Calms Asthma
Abdominal Pain, Distention, Borborygmus, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, enteritis, paralysis due to stroke, and beriberi
Removes Obstructions from the Channel
Numbness, sureness and pain of the knee and leg, weakness and motor impairment of the foot, pain and motor impairment of the shoulder, and abdominal pain
Lower He-Sea point of SI, point of the Sea of Blood
Regulates the ST and Intestines, Eliminates Damp Heat and Wind Dampness, and Stops Pain
Lower abdominal pain, backache relating to the testis, mastitis, and numbness and paralysis of the lower extremities
Resolves Dampness and Phlegm, Clears Heat, Calms Asthma, Opens the Chest, and Calms the Mind
Headache, dizziness and vertigo, cough, asthma, excessive expectoration of sputum, pain in the chest, constipation, mania, epilepsy, muscular atrophy, motor impairment, pain, swelling or paralysis of the lower extremities
Ying-Spring and Water point
Clears Heat from the ST, Regulates Qi, Eliminates Fullness, Promotes Digestion, Expels Wind from the Face, and Suppresses Pain
Toothache, pain in the face, deviation of the mouth, sore throat, epistaxis, gastric pain, acid regurgitation, abdominal distention, diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, swelling and pain of the dorsum of the foot, and febrile diseases
Jing-Well, Metal Point
Relieves Food Stagnation, Clears the HT, Brightens the Eyes, and Calms the Mind
Facial Swelling, Deviation of the mouth, epistaxis, toothache, sure throat and hoarse voice, abdominal distention, coldness, in the leg and foot, febrile diseases, dream-disturbed sleep, and insanity