Pericardium Channel Flashcards
Xi-Cleft Point
Regulates and Cools Blood, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, Opens the Chest, Calms the Heart, Stops Pain, and Strengthens the Mind
Cardiac pain, palpitation, epistaxis, hematemesis, hemoptysis, chest pain, furuncle, and epilepsy
Jing-River and Metal point, Meeting Point of Hand Three Yin Channels
Clears Heat, Opens the Chest, Regulates HT Qi, Resolves Phlegm in the HT, and Regulates the ST
Cardiac, pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, mental disorders, epilepsy, swelling of the axilla, and contracture of the elbow and arm
Luo-Connecting, Opening Point of Yin Wei
Opens the Chest, Regulates Qi and HT Blood, Regulates and Clears the San Jiao, Regulates the Terminal Yin Channels (the LV and PC channels), harmonizes the ST, and calms the mind
Cardiac pain, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondrium, stomachache, nauseam vomiting, hiccup, mental disorders, epilepsy, insomnia, febrile diseases, irritability, malaria, and contracture and pain of the elbow and arm
Shu-Stream, Yuan-Source, Earth Point
Clears Heat, Calms the Mind
Cardiac pain, palpitation, stomachache, vomiting, mental disorders, epilepsy, stuffy chest, pain in the hypochondrium, convulsion, insomnia, irritability, and foul breath
Ying-Spring and Fire point
Clears Heart Fire and Calms the Mind
Cardiac pain, mental disorders, epilepsy, gastritis, foul breath, fungal infection of the hand and foot, vomiting, and nausea