Bladder Channel Flashcards
Crossing point with ST, SI, Yang Qiao, Yin Qiao
Expels Wind, Clears Heat, Opens the Channel, Stops Pain, Stop Itching, Stops Lacrimation, and Brightens the Eyes
Redness, Swelling and pain of the eye, itching of the canthus, lacrimation, night blindness, color blindness, blurred vision, and myopia
Subdues Wind, Clears the Nose, Brightens the Eyes, Opens the Orifices, and Stops Convulsions
Headaches, giddiness, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, and rhinorrhea
Influential point of Bones, Crossing point with SI channel
Expels Wind, Releases the Exterior, Nourishes Blood, Soothes the Sinews, and Strengthens the Bones
Headache, pain in the neck and back, pain and soreness in the scapular region, cough, fever, and neck rigidity
Expels Wind, Removes Obstruction from the Channel, Opens the orifices, Brightens the eyes, Clears the Brain, Soothes the Sinews, and invigorates the lower back
Headache, nasal obstruction, sore throat, neck rigidity, and pain in the shoulder and back
Crossing Point of Du
Expels and prevents Exterior Wind, Releases the Exterior, Stimulates the Dispersing and Descending of LU Qi, and Regulates the Nutritive and Defensive Qi
Common cold, cough, fever and headache, neck rigidity, and back pain
Back-Shu point of PC
Regulates the HT
Cough, cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, vomiting
Back-Shu point of HT
Clears Heat, Nourishes the HT, Invigorates Blood, Stimulates the Brain, and Calms the Mind
Cardiac Pain, panic, loss of memory, palpitation, cough, spitting of blood, nocturnal emission, night sweating, mania, epilepsy
Back-Shu point of the diaphragm, Influential point of Blood
Nourishes and Invigorates Blood, Opens the Chest and Removes Obstructions from the Diaphargm, Soothes ST Qi, Tonifies Qi and Blood, Clears Heat, and Calms the Mind
Vomiting, hiccup, belching, difficulty in swallowing, asthma, cough, spitting of blood, afternoon fever, night sweating and measles
Back-Shu Point of LV
Expels Wind, Resolves Damp Heat, Benefits the LV and GB, Moves Stagnant Qi and Benefits the Eyes
Jaundice, pain in the hypochondrium, redness of the eyes, blurred vision, night blindness, mental disorders, epilepsy, backache, spitting of blood, and epistaxis
Back-Shu of GB
Relaxes the diaphragm, pacifies the ST, and resolves Damp Heat in the LV and GB
Jaundice, bitter taste in the mouth, pain in the chest and hypochondrium, pulmonary tuberculosis, and afternoon fever
Back-Shu of SP
Strengthens the SP and ST, Resolves Dampness, and Nourishes Blood
Epigastric Pain, abdominal distention, jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, bloody stools, profuse menstruation, edema, anorexia, and backache
Back-Shu point of ST
Regulates and Tonifies ST Qi, Resolves Dampness, Soothes the ST, and Eliminates Food Stagnation
Pain in the chest, hypochondrium and epigastrium, anorexia, abdominal distention, borborygmus, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
Back-Shu of SJ
Opens the Water Passages, Resolves Dampness, and Regulate the Transformation of Fluids in the Lower Burner
Borborygmus, abdominal distention, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, and pain and stiffness of the lower back
Back-Shu of KD
Nourishes Blood, Strengthens the KD and nourishes the KD Essence, strengthens the lower back, benefits the Bones and Marrow, resolves Dampness the KDs to Receive Qi (aiding inhalation), brightens the eyes, and benefits the ears
Nocturnal emissions, impotence, enuresis, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, lower back pain, weakness of the knee, blurred vision, dizziness, tinnitus, deafness, edema, asthma, and diarrhea
Back-Shu LI
Promotes the function of the LI, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, and Strengthens the Lower Back
Lower back pain, borborygmus, abdominal distention, diarrhea, constipation, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities, and sciatica
Back-Shu point of UB
Clears Heat, Regulates the BL, Resolves Dampness, Eliminates Stagnation, Opens the Water Passages in the Lower Burner, Strengthens the Lower Back and Knees, and Stops Pain
Retention of Urine, enuresis, frequent urination, diarrhea, constipation, and stiffness and pain of the lower back
Strengthens the lower back and knees, nourishes the KDs, and regulates the Lower Burner
In lower back pain, hernia, irregular menstruation, leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, dysuria, muscular atrophy, and pain, numbness and motor impairment of the lower extremities
Lower-He Sea point of SJ channel
Strengthens the BL, Opens the Water Passages in the Lower Burner, and Stimulates the Transformation and Excretion of Fluids in the Lower Burner
Stiffness and pain of the lower back, distention and fullness of the lower abdomen, edema, dysuria, and cramps in the leg and foot
He-Sea point
Clears Heat and Summer Heat, Cools Blood, Resolves Dampness, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, Eliminates Blood Stasis, and Relaxes the Sinews and Muscles
Lower back pain, motor impairment of the hip joint, contracture of the tendons in the popliteal fossa, muscular atrophy, pain, numbness of the lower limbs, hemiplegia, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and erysipelas
Clears Heat, Regulates Qi, Stimulates the Descending of LU Qi, Subdues Rebellious Qi, and Stops Cough and Asthma
Pulmonary tuberculosis, hemoptysis, cough, asthma, neck rigidity, and pain in the shoulder and back
Tonifies Qi and the Deficiency, nourishes the Essence and LU Yin, invigorates the Mind, Stops Cough, and Calms Asthma
Pulmonary tuberculosis, cough, asthma, spitting of blood, night sweating, poor memory, and nocturnal emissions
Calms the Mind
Asthma, Cardiac pain, palpitation, stuffy chest, cough, and stiffness and pain of the back
Regulates LI Qi and Roots the Ethereal Soul
Pain in the chest and hypochondrium, back pain, vomiting, and diarrhea
Regulates the GB and Clears Damp-Heat, Harmonizes the Middle Jiao
Borborygmus, abdominal pain, diarrhea, pain in the hypochondrium, and jaundice
Strengthens the SP, and stimulates memory and concentration
Abdominal distention, borborygmus, vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing
Strengthens the KDs, Strengthens the Lower Back, and Reinforces the Will
Nocturnal emission, impotence, enuresis, frequency of urination, dysuria, irregular menstruation, pain in the back and knees, and edema
Clears Heat, Relaxes the Sinews and Muscles, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, Invigorates Blood, and Benefits Hemorrhoids
Lower back pain, spasm of the gastrocnemius, hemorrhoids, constipation, and beriberi
Strengthens the KDs and Removes Obstructions from the Channel
Headache, blurred vision, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, back pain, hemorrhoids, and weakness of the leg
Jing-River and Fire point
Expels Wind, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, and Strengthens the Back
Heavy Sensation of the head, headache, lower back pain, redness and swelling of the lateral malleolus, and paralysis of the lower extremities
Opening and Beginning point of Yang Qiao
Eliminates Interior Wind, Eliminates Obstructions from the CHannel, Brightens the Eyes, Relaxes the Sinews and Muscles, Opens the Yang Heel (Yang Qiao) CHannel, and Calms the Mind
Jing-Well and Metal point
Brightens the Eyes, Expels Wind, Removes Obstructions from the Channel, and Invigorates Blood
Headache, nasal obstruction, epistaxis, opthalmalgia, malposition of fetus, difficult labor, retention of placenta after birth, and feverish sensation in the soles