Auricular Acupuncture - Tragus and Antitragus Flashcards
What are the indications and location of the Heart (A) point?
On tragus, posterior and inferior to External Ear point indicated in tachycardia, arrhythmia, and other heart disorders
What are the indications and location of the External Ear point?
In depression slightly anterior to supratragic notch, indicated in tinnitus and deafness
What are the indications and location of the Tragus Apex point?
The prominence on Superior part of tragus indicated in inflammation, fever, hypertension, pain (in general), prick point
What are the indications and location of the Adrenal point?
At the prominence on inferior of tragus ( if the ear has only one such prominence, the point is on the inferior border)
Functions to stimulate adrenalin and adrenocortical hormones
Used for inflammation, allergies, shock, rheumatism and serious poisoning symptoms resulting from bacterial infection
Affects the dilation and constriction of blood vessels, hyper and hypotension, capillary hemorrhage
regulates excitation or inhibition of respiratory function
used for fever, certain skin diseases, and chronic illnesses
What are the indications and location of the External Nose point?
At the middle of the anterior aspect of the tragus indicated in Brandy-nose
What are the indications and location of the Thirst point?
Above the External Nose point on the tragus indicated in relieving thirst, diabetes, polyuria
What are the indications and location of the Hunger point?
Below the External Nose point on tragus indicated in relieving hunger, diabetes, compulsive eating
What are the indications and location of the Clear Nose/Eyes point?
On tragus, behind Thirst point indicated in acute rhinitis, eye inflammation
What are the indications and location of the Hypertension point?
On the upper half of the medial aspect of the tragus indicated in hypertension
What are the indications and location of the Throat point?
On upper half of medial aspect of tragus indicated in acute an chronic laryngitis, hoarseness, tonsillitis, edema of the uvula
What are the indications and location of the Inner Nose point?
ON the lower half of the medial aspect of the tragus indicated in rhinitis, nosebleeds
What are the indications and location of the Thyroid #4 point?
On tragus lateral and superior to Throat point indicated in regulating functioning of the Thyroid gland and may also be used in stock to raise blood pressure (same as Thyroid #1 point)
What are the indications and location of the Forehead point?
On anterior, inferior part of the antitragus indicated in frontal headache, rhinitis
What are the indications and location of the Occiput point?
On the posterior, superior part of the antitragus used for neuropsychiatric disorders and symptoms due to meningeal irritation: convulsions, locked jaw, stiffness along nape of neck, psychosis, etc. Also useful in preventing motion or sea sickness. Used for various skin and eye diseases, inflammation, pain, shock
What are the indications and location of the Temple point?
On antitragus, between Forehead point and Occiput point. Indicated in Headache at the temple, migraine headache, vertigo, lassitude