Stolypin's Reforms Flashcards
What was Stolypin’s famous quote regarding the difficulties of reform?
“I am fighting on two fronts. I am fighting against revolution but for reform”
What reform did Stolypin introduce to try and bring the Duma more onto his side?
The Coup of 1907
What reform did Stolypin introduce to make the Duma more efficient and effective?
The Committee System
What evidence of success is there that the 3rd Duma worked well with Stolypin?
3rd Duma voted on 2500 bills and passed 200 pieces of legislation
For what two key reforms did Stolypin need to use Article 87, demonstrating perhaps failure to achieve a working relationship with the Duma?
Land reform and the Western Zemstvo Bill
What crisis occurred in 1909 for Stolypin instigated by the Octobrists?
The General Naval Staff Bill Crisis - Octobrists wanted the Navy Generals to report to the Ministry of War rather than the court. Stolypin attempted to enact this request but faced opposition from more loyal parties and the Tsar himself.
What did Stolypin replace hated land captains with?
Justices of the Peace
What did Stolypin introduce to bring about faster trials to help the army maintain control amongst the peasantry?
Field Court Martials in Summer 1906
How many hangings and arrests/exiles to Siberia took place under him?
15,000 hangings and 45,000 exiles
How many mutinies in the army took place between May and June 1906?
What was Stolypin’s major land reform. issued by Ukase in 1906?
Peasants were given the unconditional right to privately owned land. They were allowed to pull out of the mir and stop strip farming.
What new crops were started to be grown in some communes?
Potatoes and Sugar Beet
How much did grain production grow per annum between 1883-1914? Did this keep pace with the population?
2.1% - yes it kept pace with population growth
What was the annual rate increase in investment in agricultural machinery under Stolypin?
How many migrants went to Siberia to cultivate the land there between 1908-1913? What perks did those migrabts receive?
2.8 million left to Siberia. They obtained 16.5 hectares of land as well as state subsidies.
How many individual farms were set up out of them all?
2m / 12m
Did the Russian government actively support Stolypin’s agricultural reform?
Not particularly - the measures were introduced by Ukase and the Ministry of Agriculture essentially dissolved after Stolypin’s death
Did livestock sizes keep pace with the population size?
What proportion of peasants from communes had enclosed their lands by 1917?
Where did the highest percentage of land enclosures take place and why?
In more western areas of Russia such as Ukraine where peasants had more experience of land ownership and technology was slightly more developed
In what years did the number of land enclosures peak?
How many peasants set up otruba (consolidated land farms) in the aim of selling the land and moving to the city?
1 million
What example does Figes give to demonstrate how Stolypin’s reforms created tensions within the communes?
He cites the mistreatment of Semenev by the Commune’s leader Miliutin
In 1917, how much land was still farmed using the strip system?
Where did Stolypin’s reforms have the least impact? Why was this a problem?
In central regions of Russia where the problems of social disturbance were the most
How much land did the Peasant bank purchase from the nobility to redistribute to the peasants in the first year?
183 million acres
What pressures did those applying for land consolidation receive from the commune?
They were often get off from communal services such as transport, tools, school and shops.
What was Stolypin’s political objective for land reform? What was the process called?
“A wager on the strong and sober” - Stolypin hoped to create a layer of successful farmers who had made themselves well off from private, consolidated land. These would then support the government by virtue of their economic well-being.
What was set up to help peasants buy their own land?
The Peasant Land Bank
What happened to the taxes for a significant minority of peasants in the decade before 1914? What does this suggest?
They increased – suggesting their earnings and landholdings also increased
By 1916, what proportion of sown areas were still part of landowners’ estates?
only 10%
How did Stolypin make the peasants feel as if they had more of a voice in their local politics? Which reforms was he however unable to pass to improve their status?
They were given more power in Zemstvo elections
BUT - United Nobility and State Council forced him to give up reforms to give peasants equal representation in the zemstvos and abolish peasant-class courts.
What was the main desire of peasants which Stolypin failed to address?
The redistribution of noble estates
What was economic growth between 1908 and 1914?
How many more factories were built? How much did workers increase by? How many more banks were there? (1908 to 1914)
Factories - 2,300
Workers - 400,000
Banks - 1,247
How much did inflation increase 1908-1914? How much did wages rise by?
Inflation increased by 40% whereas wages only rose 7%
What event sparked more protests amongst workers?
The Lena Goldfields Massacre
When did the General Strike in St Petersburg take place?
What did the growing focus on armaments production mean for agriculture?
It meant that there was less investment in agricultural tools and machinery
How much did spending on the Zemstva increase? (1907 to 1913) What proportion of this was spent on education?
From 2 million to 40 million roubles
3/4 spent on education
When was the law for universal primary education introduced?
What did Stolypin do in an attempt to attract more people to the teaching profession? How many teachers were there in 1896 compared to 1914?
He increased teachers’ salaries
1896 = 114,000
1914 = 280,000
How much did literacy rates increase between 1897 and 1917?
They doubled
In 1915, what proportion of Zemstvos operated free primary education for everyone?
Only 3%
What percentage of children attended primary school in 1914 Russia?
How many desyatin of land did the royal family own in 1905? How much had it reduced to by 1914?
145m in 1905
Only decreased to 143m by 1914
How much did Russia’s savings account grow by between 1905 and 1913 as a result of the improving economy?
From 4.988m to 8.992m roubles
How many strikers were there in 1905? How many had that fallen to in 1910?
2.863m in 1905
47,000 in 1910
Which two reforms did the reactionaries in the Church defeat?
- Expansion of the state system of primary schools
- Easing of discrimination against Jews and other religious minorities
How did the proportion of the state budget dedicated to education change between 1893 and 1914?
Increased from 4.1% (1893) to 8% (1914)
How many primary schools were built yearly until 1913 following the Universal Primary Education Bill?
Around 10,000