Placation of 1905 Revolution Flashcards
What was set out in the October Manifesto?
- The population were granted “the essential foundations of civil freedom”
- Decreed that a Duma would be set up with ‘universal’ suffrage
- Stated that the Duma would be able to block laws but not make them
When did the most serious mutinies of the army occur?
During the Russo-Japanese war and therefore, when it ended in mid-1905, the most serious mutinies subsided
How many of the 211 mutinies between October and December 1905 were violent?
On how many occasions were the army used to supress countryside disturbances?
When and where did the army destroy the Bolsheviks during the Moscow uprising?
15th December 1905 in the Presnia District
Which troops remained loyal to the Tsar throughout 1905?
100,000 Cossacks and the Guard Regiment
What proportion of the whole army was affected in some way in 1905 by unrest?
When was a huge loan from French bankers secured to stabilise the economy and pay troops?
April 1906
Who was the uncompromising reactionary/ Minister of the Interior during the revolution?
P.N. Durnovo
What did P.N. Durnovo call for in the countryside?
Mass executions of dissidents
What did Durnovo say to the regional Kiev governor?
“I urgently request… that you order the use of armed force without the slightest leniency and that insurgents be annihilated”
What was the name of the group responsible for crushing Worker’s resistance?
The Black Hundreds
What was the name of the right-wing nationalist party tied to the Black Hundreds? How many members did they have by 1906?
The Union of Russian People
300,000 members by 1906
What were the April 1906 Fundamental laws?
Measures which reinforced the Tsar’s absolute power:
- He was Commander in Chief of the armed forces
- He could prorogue the Duma
- He could issue decrees via Article 87 and rule independently when the Duma wasn’t in session
- He had the capacity to change the electoral system and appoint ministers to the Imperial Council
How many Jews were murdered by the Black Hundreds in Odessa?
What were the measures taken by the Tsar after December for anyone defying authority?
They would be punished violently
Between October 1905 and April 1906 how many people were executed and deported as a result of the army being used for punitive crackdown?
45,000 deported
15,000 executed
When were field court martials introduced to the countryside to enable faster trials and executions?
Summer 1906
What was the nickname given to hangings/deportations? What does this suggest about their impact? How many were hung between 1906-1911?
Stolypin’s neckties/carriages
Suggests that they were feared
The influence of what church remained even during periods of unrest?
Orthodox Church
What were the pillars of autocracy that remained loyal to Nicholas?
Aristocracy, church, police, administration and bureaucracy
What was the name of the party which Nicholas endorsed? How many members did they have in 1906?
The Union of the Russian People - 300,000
What was the name of the party of liberals who were satisfied by the October manifesto?
What did the Union of Unions come to realise about the majority of people who were revolting after being granted the October Manifesto?
They actually disliked the unruly, often violent mob of the lower classes and socialists
What did the liberal Peter Struve say about the response of Nicholas to deal with the revolution?
“Thank God for the Tsar, who has saved us from the people”
What measures did the Tsar introduce to appease the peasantry and when?
Reduced redemption payments for the peasantry in January 1906 before having them completely abolished the following year
What concessions were made to the army on the 6th December 1905?
Their conscription length was reduced and their wages and rations were increased
Why did the Union of Unions struggle to spread their cause to the countryside?
Since the middle class liberals couldn’t empathise with those living in the countryside so stopped their actions there in spring 1906
What were the two liberal political groups split by the October Manifesto?
Kadets and Octobrists
What were the differing agendas of societal sectors?
Peasants - land reform
Workers - improved wages and conditions
Liberals - political reform
Why were the radicals, such as the Bolsheviks, separated from the liberals?
They were not interested in parliamentary democracy
How does Figes describe the lack of unity within the movements of 1905?
The movements “had all followed their separate rhythms and failed to combine politically”
Where were Lenin and Stalin during the revolution?
Lenin was in London and Stalin was in Siberia
How did Trotsky alienate the rebels despite being active in St Petersburg?
His demands and desires were too radical - he wanted a total political and social change of the system
How did winter reduce unrest in the countryside?
Peasants were less concerned about disorder and more concerned about survival and the conservation of supplies during the winter months
How did the size of the empire help the Tsar to remain in power?
The empire was extremely large and therefore at a geographical level, opposition was never united and it was difficult for them to communicate and organise
What were legalised for the first time in 1905 to placate opposition?
trade unions
How many radical newspapers and trade unions did Stolypin close down 1906-1912?
1000 radical newspapers
600 trade unions
How was the Great Strike in Finland in October 1905 placated?
Through the promise of a Diat elected by universal suffrage (following the October Manifesto)
What was the name of the Polish body set up to work with the Duma following the October Manifesto? (shows how concession helped satisfy them)
The Polish Circle