sterilization and its methods, department of central sterilization and its maintenance Flashcards
what is sterilization?
Sterilization: process by which all living organisms are eliminated, including bacterial spores, in order to achieve asepsis.
Different from:
• Disinfection: process of elimination of pathogenic MIO, but spores may still remain.
• Decontamination: process of removal of contaminating pathogenic MIO from articles by a process of sterilization or disinfection.
Physical means:
- 1) Burning, Boiling, Boiling with overpressure.
- 2) Steam under pressure – autoclave.
- 3) Hot air, X-ray - gamma rays 25k Gy, UV light.
- 4) Filtration.
- 5) USG – now more for mechanical cleaning.
- 6) Plasma.
Chemical means:
- 1) “Cold” sterilization.
- 2) Difference from disinfection: all germs are destroyed.
- 3) Ethylenoxide.
- 4) Peracetic acid.
- 5) Formaldehyde.
general demands
- All microbes must be destroyed.
- Don´t destroy objects.
- Objects have to be packed – sacs have pores big enough for penetrating steam / ethylene-oxide, Peracetic acid, but not big enough for MIO´s.
- toxic remnants must not remain on objects.
- Cost effective.
-Making controls → taking samples.
-Department of central sterilization:
▪ Equipment is expensive & specialized trained staff is needed.
▪ Cleaning (follow specialized protocol).
▪ Sterilization.
two types of sterilization
dry heat - oxidation
wet heat - coagulation of proteins
which chemical is carcinogenic?
Lemaire came up with:
carbolic acid destroys MIO’s
Lister said:
open fractures are prone to sepsis
which came first?
then sepsis
Filtration of air is:
not effective against viruses
bio indicators and bacteriological testing
are viable microorganisms that are resistant to a specific sterilization. They help monitor whether the necessary conditions were met to kill a specified number of microorganisms for a given sterilization process
Ultrasonic cleaner
uses ultrasound to agitate a fluid.
- surface of cells is destroyed
- mechanical cleaning of instruments
plasma is
o Cold sterilization.
o Very low pressure.
o Plasma is developed by mean of electrical field.
o 3-5 min.
mixed with CO₂ (10% E, 90% CO₂)
- toxic, carcinogenic, explosive.
- also objects in sacs are sterilized.
Steams of Peracetic acid:
- only surface. - submersion / in atmosphere. - glass, rubber, plastics, metals.
steams of formaldehyde
used as fixation for microscopes
- safe but objects are destroyed too
- bacteriological/inoculation loop used in microbiology
spores are resistant
boiling with over pressure
- papin’s pot in which the autoclave is modeled after
- cleans metal and rubber
Steam under pressure (autoclave):
kills bacteria, viruses, fungi at 134 deg. for 3 minutes or 121 deg for 15 min
- no effect on viruses
- 25 000 Gy
- expensive
- sterilizing syringes
uv rays
sterilizes air in operating theatre
- used for endoscopic instruments
- reused several times during endoscopic sessions
Etyleneoxide gas
heat sensitive material, plastic, endoscope, electrical equipment