Principles Of Asepsis And Antisepsis - Definition And History Flashcards
What are the principles
They are practiced in order to decrease the incidence of surgical wound infections
Post op wound infections are associated with considerable morbidity and mortality and also result in increased costs of healthcare
Asepsis: employment of techniques (using gloves, air filters, uv rays etc,) to achieve a microbial free environment(complete absence of bacteria, fungi, viruses)
Antisepsis: use of chemicals (antiseptics)/ physical methods to make skin/ mucus membranes devoid of pathogenic microorganisms
The modern concept of asepsis evolved in the 19th century
Dr semmelweis showed that washing hands prior to delivery reduced postpartum fever
He observed students going from the dissecting room to the obstetric room, which increased mortality
Pasteur said that fermentation is caused by MIO
Lister applied pasteur’s technique and developed the antiseptic idea that everything should be cleaned with carbolic acid and surgeons would spray it on their hands as well
Lawson Tait moved the concept of antisepsis further to asepsis, introducing principles that still apply today
Ernst Von Bergman introduced the autoclave, a device that sterilizes surgical instruments
Fuerbringer introduced the surgical washing of hands “scrubbing in”